Lu Wanxi replied: "Mom, this bar is not the key, okay, for us, it's just... a place to listen to music, how can you drink on the road.

At most...have a beer or a drink or something, other functions and the space of the RV are the focus."

Chapter 1043

Xia Lan smiled and said, "I'm not sure about you, but I'm assured of Gao Xiang, it doesn't matter if you drink or not with him driving."

Lu Wanxi heard the words and said coquettishly, "Mom, don't you know what your daughter is like?"

Lu Yuan laughed aside and said, "Okay, you can't tell if your mother is teasing you, since you guys want to go, go ahead, is the car set?"

Lu Wanxi showed off: "That's necessary, the last car in the country has been reserved by us, and I will pick up the car tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lu Yuan smiled and said: Good luck, why do you only use it once, when you come back, you will take care of the stall at home, and then I will call your mother two friends to go out and play.

It's really boring to be at home all day."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi put on an unsure expression and said, "Hey, you are taking advantage of your daughter, otherwise there would be such a good RV to drive."

Hearing this, Xia Lan slapped Lu Wanxi on the back lightly and said, "You, why are you talking to your father?"

Lu Wanxi pouted and said, "Just kidding."

Four people 4 rested in the living room for a while..., Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi said goodbye and went back to the room.

Back in the room, after taking a shower, and lying on the bed, Gao Xiang didn't feel sleepy.

Gently patted Lu Wanxi, who was lying on the side, and said softly, "Wanxi, are you asleep?"

Lu Wanxi turned her back to Gao Xiang's body and said, "Not yet, what's wrong?"

Gao Xiang said helplessly, "I fell asleep."

Lu Wanxi chuckled lightly and said, "It's strange to be able to fall asleep. I slept from afternoon to night."

Gao Xiang asked Lu Wanxi softly, "Are you sleepy?"

"It's okay, I'm a little sleepy."

Lu Wanxi replied softly.

Gao Xiang naturally couldn't disturb Lu Wanxi's rest because he couldn't sleep, rubbed Lu Wanxi's head and said, "Then go to sleep, I'll probably fall asleep when I lie down."

Lu Wanxi's nodding movement was uploaded from Gao Xiang's palm, she gently hugged Lu Wanxi into her arms, and Gao Xiang immediately closed his eyes.

Not long after, Lu Wanxi's slight snoring sounded.

Gao Xiang still didn't feel the slightest tiredness, he gently moved Lu Wanxi's head resting on his arm onto the pillow, Gao Xiang crept up from the bed, but he didn't know what to do.

Then he slowly lay on the bed and picked up the mobile phone from the bedside table, his fingers wandered around on the desktop of the mobile phone, and finally locked the target on an icon.

Finally opened the chicken game.

Open the game, the friends bar is all offline, you can only match teammates immediately.

Since Lu Wanxi was already asleep, Gao Xiang didn't open his voice, he just played a few times, but he didn't eat chicken.

Perhaps because the lights were turned off, the light on the phone screen was too dazzling, and Gao Xiang felt that his eyes were a little sore.

In desperation, he put the phone aside again, slowly closed his eyes, and began to try to fall asleep again.

This time, I finally got a little tired, and it didn't take long before Gao Xiang finally fell asleep.

After a night of silence, before dawn the next day, Gao Xiang woke up, glanced at the time, and before six o'clock: 6:, he lay on the bed for a while...

Close for a while...eyes, open for a while...eyes, and finally the sky begins to light up.

At this time, there were already busy figures of the nanny and chef in the yard, Gao Xiang carefully sat up from the bed, slipped on the bed, and tiptoed into the bathroom.

After simply taking a shower, put on a sports suit and opened the door and walked out.

The early morning air always makes people feel more comfortable, he took a deep breath and spit it out slowly, with the nanny's greeting, Gao Xiang walked out of the courtyard directly.

At this time, there were only a few pedestrians on the road in a hurry, maybe they got up early to go to work, or maybe they went back to sleep in a hurry after a night's supper.

But no matter...

The reason was that it had nothing to do with Gao Xiang, he stretched his muscles and bones a little, sat for a while to warm up, and then Gao Xiang ran to a small park not far from here.

This park is not big, the center of the park is some simple fitness equipment, and there is a long road paved with bluestone slabs that can barely be used as a running track.

When he ran to the park, there were already beads of sweat on Gao Xiang's forehead. Gao Xiang shook his head and muttered, "I haven't exercised for a few days, so my body is virtuous."

He insisted on running around the park for three laps, then Gao Xiang changed his mind and walked around the park for half a lap. Then he found a quieter place and beat the fighting skills of the special forces in his mind until his whole body was covered. He was sweating profusely before he gave up.

Feeling the trembling of the whole body's muscles, Gao Xiang exhaled a turbid breath and groaned: "Comfortable."

At this time, the sky was already bright, and when Gao Xiang returned to the courtyard in his almost soaked clothes, Lu Wanxi was already up, looking at Gao Xiang's wet body, and said, "You're going to exercise, go and change your clothes. , take a hot bath, don't catch a cold."

Gao Xiang smiled and nodded: "I see, then I'll go first."

Then he went back to the room, took off his clothes and put them in the washing machine in the corner of the bathroom, connected the water and added the laundry detergent to turn on the washing machine, and then started to take a bath with water.

Chapter 1044

When Gao Xiang came out of the bath, his breakfast was ready. The breakfast was very simple, one glass of milk, one sandwich, and some light-flavored side dishes.

After breakfast, Xia Lan and Lu Yuan packed up and left. The company has a morning meeting, so it's better to go earlier.

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