Now it reflects the freedom of Gao Xiang as a hands-off shopkeeper.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi had breakfast and returned to their room. Gao Xiang sat on the sofa beside him and asked Lu Wanxi who was turning on the computer, "When are we going to pick up the car? "

Lu Wanxi entered the computer's power-on password and replied, "Don't worry, it may not be open if you go to the store now. Just wait, I'll take a look at the current stock market trend."

After speaking, I directly opened the trading page of the stock and looked at it.

Sitting on the sofa, Gao Xiang could clearly see the computer screen, and looking at the complex patterns on the screen, he smiled and said, "Those people hired at high prices in the company are not vegetarians, so there shouldn't be too many problems. "

Lu Wanxi nodded and replied: Indeed, looking at the current form, the Sifang Investment Company's form is thriving, but...don't worry too much."

As Lu Wanxi said, she closed the page, opened the page, and directly enlarged the map of Huaxia to the entire screen, while holding the phone to search for something.

Gao Xiang wondered: "What are you doing?"

Lu Wanxi rolled her eyes at Gao Xiang and said, "How can I be like you, I don't need to care about anything, I have to plan out the general process of our trip, I can't drive out at that time, even where is the destination? Don't know."

Gao Xiang spread his hands and said, "If you want me to tell you, let's go around our country's territory, and if we find something interesting, just go and see it, it's fine."

Lu Wanxi turned her head to look at Gao Xiang and said, "What you think is pretty beautiful, but it's not enough without a plan. If there is a good scenic spot, we don't know what to do if we miss it, and we have a plan in mind. ."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said: Well, anyway... I'm only in charge of driving, and by the way, I'll be a bodyguard, and I'll leave the rest to you."

Lu Wanxi heard Gao Xiang's self-joking and laughed: "You're.... You're quite accurate in your own positioning."

The two chatted each and every sentence, while Lu Wanxi compared the map and the information on the mobile phone, sketching and drawing on the notebook on the table, very busy.

Gao Xiang glanced at him from time to time, then made a reasonable analysis of Lu Wan, and occasionally made some comments.

Although Gao Xiang said it lightly, but after all, she is a girl, and the consideration is definitely not comprehensive. For example, factors such as road conditions and weather are sometimes unexpected.

The two were busy with planning for more than a small trip, and said to Gao Xiang: Let's go, I'll pick up the car first, and wait for the next day: I'll continue the discussion after lunch."

Gao Xiang asked back, "How can I get there? If I go by car, I'll have to have one person and one car when I come back."

Lu Wanxi thought about it and thought: Then call a special car, the car I just picked up, I have to experience it when I come back, but if I drive it by myself, the car is so big, it will be troublesome if I can't grasp the distance."

Although Lu Wanxi has a driver's license, she is picked up and delivered by car every day, and she rarely drives, and she is indeed not very skilled, not to mention RVs.

After making up his mind, Gao Xiang called a special car directly on his mobile phone, then the two sat down in the room and waited for the special car to come to the door.

In just a few minutes, Gao Xiang's cell phone was called by an unfamiliar number.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang said to Lu Wanxi, "Let's go, the car has arrived."

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Let's go."

Then Gao Xiang answered the phone and walked towards the door with Lu Wanxi, and said to the phone, "Hello, wait a moment, we'll come out right away."

When the two of them reached the door, a black Mercedes-Benz stopped by the side of the road. After confirming the license plate number, Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi got into the back seat of the car.

The driver in the driver's seat asked: "Is it a customer with a tail number of 520?"

Gao Xiang nodded and confirmed: "Yes, it's me."

After confirming that the wrong person was not pulled, the driver started the car directly and went to the destination located on Gao Xiang's order.

The driver asked while driving: "Do you live in that yard?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang said curiously, "Yes, what's wrong?"

The driver smiled and said: "It's okay, I just ask, I miss you... We still rarely meet people who live in courtyards. Basically, don't they have special drivers to pick them up?"

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "The driver is on vacation today."

Gao Xiang really didn't know what the... driver was trying to express.

The driver continued: "Don't your chauffeurs still have vacations? Shouldn't they be on call?"

Gao Xiang replied, "Who else has a problem?"

: Ask for a reward.

Chapter 1045

Hearing Gao Xiang's words, the driver replied, "That's true. I just wanted to ask if the benefits of such a specialized driver are generally good."

Gao Xiang can now hear the purpose of this person, and said the truth: "The benefits are really good, but in general, the driver does not mean that he is only responsible for driving, and many also hold the position of private secretary, but the kind you said... There are also drivers who are responsible for driving, but they are not for their own bosses, but for customers who come to the company and are responsible for picking up and dropping off customers. You can browse the recruitment website for details."

The driver nodded and said, "Thank you."

Even after thanking him, he didn't speak.

This person is really looking for a good welfare, specializing in driving for the boss, and there are not many things at ordinary times, but it is obvious that things are not that simple.

Under normal circumstances, the person who is responsible for driving a car for a certain boss, although the position is a driver, but usually has to take care of many other things, which is indeed similar to the private secretary that seems to be said.

It took about an hour to arrive at the Huaxia branch at the destination of the trip.

When he was about to get off the car, the driver turned his head and handed Gao Xiang a business card with a smile: "Boss, this is my business card. You can call me anytime you need a car in the future."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang took the business card over, thanked him, and got out of the car with Lu Wanxi.

The store is not much different from the ordinary 4 o'clock in appearance. It looks simple and elegant but stylish.

The perimeter of the entire building is made up of glass, which looks quite resplendent under the sunlight.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi walked into the building together and saw a trash can beside them, Gao Xiang threw the business card in his hand into it.

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