Seeing this, Lu Wanxi wondered, "what's the matter?"

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "No, it's just that I'm not interested in people who always think about getting something for nothing."

Lu Wanxi chuckled lightly and said, "It's almost the same now, the whole thing is just a hand-off to the shopkeeper."

Gao Xiang reluctantly said: "You want to steal the concept, why don't the two of you walk into the hall, but the hall is a little surprised to the two of them. The hall looks empty, only one RV is on the booth, and the other places are completely empty.

There are also a few staff in the hall. Although it is said that the place for selling RVs is usually not busy, it is rare to be so leisurely. . . .

Soon a staff member found Gao Xiang and the two hurried forward and said, "Sir, ma'am, how are you, do you need any help?"

Gao Xiang said with a smile: "We just booked an RV last night, so come over today and take the car away if you can."

The staff's eyes lit up when they heard the words, and immediately said respectfully: "Hello, please wait a moment. Our manager has always been in charge of booking and selling, but they are all meeting in the conference room now. I will inform you immediately."

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Okay, don't worry."

The staff member falsely said: Then please go to our conference room for a while, and then our manager will personally take you to our garage to see the car."

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi nodded at the same time, and then a staff member walked to the lounge with them.

After arriving in the lounge, Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi sat on the sofa, the staff poured a glass of water for each of them and left in a hurry, presumably to greet their manager.

After waiting for the staff to leave, Lu Wanxi said with some doubts, "It's rare for a meeting to be held at this time...."

Gao Xiang replied: "I don't know very well. It is estimated that there are few customers who usually come. If you have a meeting to talk about something, you don't need to deliberately choose the time."

What the two of them did not expect was that half of the credit for this meeting was held by the two of them. The main content of this meeting was... about the reservation of the two cars last night.

It didn't take long, a man in a suit with a medium build and a standard big back walked in quickly from the outside, saw Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi and asked, "You two are the bookers of..."

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "No, it's us."

The man quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, my name is Huang Sui, and I'm the manager here."

Gao Xiang stood up and held Huang Sui's hand together and said, "Hello, Manager Huang."

The two hands parted at the touch of a button, and when they reached the point, Huang Sui asked the two of them, "Are you two going to watch the car now?"

: Ask for a reward, ask for a subscription.

Chapter 1046

Gao Xiang replied: "Yes, if conditions permit, the sooner the better."

Huang Sui heard the words and said with a smile: "The two of you, please come with me."

Seeing this, Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi walked out beside Huang Sui and walked directly to the back of the hall.

Huang Sui opened the mouth while leading the way: "The arrival of the two really made us a little bit in a hurry."

Gao Xiang was a little puzzled when he heard the words: "Oh how to say it?"

Huang Sui explained with a smile: "Since you have booked, you will know that it is the latest and most luxurious RV developed by our company. Although this RV is luxurious enough, there are not many people who choose this car. I feel that many functions of the car are not used, so in half a year, this RV has been sold three times."

"Our company generally has many benefits for customers who buy this RV, but the only two left last night were pre-ordered at the same time, but the company currently only has one spare set, and the other set needs to be applied for. It's on the way now, and it's not expected to arrive until tomorrow, so we decided to hold an impromptu meeting to see how the giveaway should be distributed."

Gao Xiang came to understand, in a word... there are not enough gifts, he is afraid of falling out with customers.

Gao Xiang smiled and asked, "What are the gifts?"

Huang Sui introduced: "The tableware used in the kitchen, a set of quilts with an ancient rhyme in the south of the Yangtze River, and some cups and other things that may be used in travel, the total value is about [-] yuan."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Since you've already spoken, we're not in a hurry anyway, we'll just put the gifts away, as long as the car can satisfy us."

Huang Sui heard the words with a smile: "Heart, you are satisfied with the car, if you are not in a hurry, you can park the car here for a day. I will let the staff help you arrange the quality of the car at that time, and you can get in the car when the time comes. Check in directly, how about”

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Okay, let's go to the car."

Although Gao Xiang really doesn't care about, but since the local tyrants say they don't want them, Gao Xiang can't do them, and it's very troublesome to buy them by himself. Waiting for others to make adjustments.

Under the leadership of Huang Sui, Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi walked directly through a corridor behind the hall and arrived at a square. This square was completely paved with concrete, and there were huge garages on both sides of the square.

Huang Sui introduced: "This is our garage, and this square is where we test the car. In addition, our garage also has a rental service. Because the RV covers a large area, there are no suitable parking spaces in many places, so we only With the existence of rental services.”

Gao Xiang said with a smile: "The service is not bad, what process do you need if you want to handle it."

Huang Sui smiled slightly and said: If you want to do it, you only need to sign a rental contract, and the rental fee is 500 yuan and [-] yuan a month. At that time, the ownership of the garage will be yours, and we will also be responsible for the safety of the car. If something is damaged or damaged, as long as it is not the owner's fault, we will provide compensation, which is why the rental fee is so high."

"In addition to bringing the keys to drive, unless they can show proof of their relationship with the car owner, we will refuse them to enter the garage and have the right to detain the garage keys."

After hearing this, Gao Xiang turned his head and asked Lu Wanxi, "How do you feel?"

Lu Wanxi replied: "That's not wrong. I originally planned to pick up the car and rent a larger warehouse. Since there are such conditions here, and the safety factor is so high, it will save us trouble."

Seeing that Lu Wanxi also had this idea, Gao Xiang said directly: "Let's look at the car first. If the car is satisfactory, we will also sign a rental contract."

Huang Sui immediately smiled and said: "Okay, those two will come with me."

The storage garage was obviously much larger than the other garages. In a corner of the building next to the hall, Huang Sui brought the two of them to this place and directly opened the door of the garage with the key in his hand.

According to Gao Xiang's visual estimation, this huge garage must be five meters high and more than four meters wide. The garages are naturally electric rolling shutter doors. As Huang Sui pressed the key, the huge rolling shutter door slowly rose, revealing the garage. scene inside.

Seeing the scene in the garage, the luxury inside is far beyond Gao Xiang's imagination. He thought it was just a garage, but it turned out to be like a top-notch garage.

Chapter 1047

In the garage, there is a silver-gray behemoth, a huge windshield, and attractive streamlined headlights, which is as captivating as a wild beast and the goal of Lu Wanxi's trip.

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