Just the appearance of the exterior made Gao Xiang and others extremely satisfied.

In addition to...the car, there are two huge iron shelves on both sides of the garage, on which are placed all kinds of spare parts, spare tires, and all kinds of repair tools, all new, There's even a spare engine and bumper.

It seems that apart from the overall frame of the car, everything else is readily available. Gao Xiang even felt that no matter what the car turned out to be, as long as he returned to this garage and asked professional repairmen to repair it, it would be completely unnecessary. You don't need to go out and buy any parts to give this car a new look.

Huang Sui introduced: "This is our exclusive privilege, but the parts here need to be purchased."

Gao Xiang replied: "It can be solved, otherwise the price of this car will increase by at least 80%."

Then he asked Huang Sui: Can we go in and see the interior of the car?"

Huang Sui nodded and said, "If you can, this is the key."

After he finished speaking, he handed the car key to Gao Xiang.

The key is...not much different from an ordinary car key. When the unlock button is pressed, the car makes a heavy metal friction sound, as if a robot is about to wake up.

Huang Sui explained: "This sound is specially designed by our company."

Gao Xiang nodded, then led Lu Wanxi to the car, the whole car seemed to only have a door next to the cockpit.

Gao Xiang stepped forward, slowly opened the door, and the layout of the cockpit came into view. The entire cockpit was completely different from the cockpit of an ordinary RV.

Although the distance between the driver's seat and the co-pilot's seat is not far, it is definitely not progressive, and there is an aisle in the middle, which can completely allow two thinner people to walk side by side.

The gear is automatic, not far from the right front of the driver's seat, and the navigator is more than a little bigger, like a laptop screen.

What made Gao Xiang even more satisfied was that there were still two seats behind the passenger seat and Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yuqing would be able to sit in the back and enjoy the journey.

In fact, Gao Xiang has already decided to buy this RV when he sees it here, but he must also read the rest of it.

The height of the interior space makes it no problem for two people to walk upright and there is a small door at the rear of the cockpit leading to the rear compartment.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi opened the door and walked in. The inside of the car was pitch black. Gao Xiang groped back and forth on the wall by feeling. At noon, he touched a switch, and the whole car suddenly lit up. It turned out to be a living room-like space. There are sofas and coffee tables, and there is a 40-inch LCD TV in the middle of the carriage.

There is also a center console on the wall next to it, which displays various data in the car, including temperature and humidity. Gao Xiang clicked it casually, and a management interface appeared directly.

Floor heating temperature, air conditioning temperature and other setting options are available.

Lu Wanxi was pleasantly surprised: "It's still underfloor heating, isn't it the same as indoors?"

After seeing the living room, the two continued to walk inside.

The whole car was exactly the same as the one introduced on the Internet, including the bar, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc. Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi were quite satisfied with this car.

It's been 10 minutes since the two got out of the car, and Huang Sui has been waiting for the two.

After getting off the car, Gao Xiang asked directly: "Can the open-top lounge of the car be demonstrated?"

Huang Sui replied: "Of course, but there is not enough space in the garage... You need to drive the car to the outside square, you can just drive out."

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he responded, and took Lu Wanxi back to the car. The car was started with one key, and the driving aspect was not much different from an ordinary car.

Let Lu Wanxi sit on the co-pilot, as if to start the car directly, the oil dial shows that there is still about one third of the oil in the car.

Gao Xiang slowly drove the car to the outside square. When the car started, there was only a slight noise inside the car, which did not affect the normal rest.

Slowly parked the car on the square, turned off the car, Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi returned to the living room in the car, and directly set the convertible to open on the center console.

Immediately after that, I remembered the slight sound of gears biting, and the side of the body facing the sofa rose slowly until it was almost parallel to the roof, and two sections and 2 steps slowly protruded from the bottom of the body.

At this time, the whole square can be seen from the car.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi slowly walked down the steps directly from the car.

Huang Sui also walked slowly over at this time, and asked Gao Xiang, "Sir, what do you think?"

Gao Xiang smiled and said: "Take the same, by the way, will you help solve the problem of the license plate?"

Chapter 1048

Huang Sui heard the words and joked: Don't worry, after tonight, you can use the car at any time, we will help you with all the procedures, but you have to prepare your own driver's license, we can't help you with the driver's license."

After finishing speaking, he continued: "You guys can watch here for a while... you can also go to the car to rest for a while, and I'll go get the contract for you."

Gao Xiang replied: "Okay.

Hearing this, Huang Sui walked directly to the corridor where everyone came out, while Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi returned to the car, sitting on the sofa and looking at the square outside.

Lu Wanxi imagined: "If there is a grassland or a snow-capped mountain in front of you at this time, then it will be perfect."

Gao Xiang joked: "If it is an avalanche, it will be miserable."

Lu Wanxi slapped Gao Xiang on the shoulder and said angrily, "You can't say something nice."

After a short time, Huang Sui returned with the contract and pen. The three of them signed the contract directly in the living room of the RV. Then Gao Xiang transferred the 3 million soft sister coins in front of Huang Sui. On the company account designated by Huang Sui.

Then he signed a one-year garage lease. Since it was the first lease, the rent was waived for two months, and Gao Xiang paid another [-] soft sister coins.

Huang Sui was indeed a little excited at this time, all the money had his commission.

Huang Sui also handed the garage key to Gao Xiang with a smile: "This garage is yours now. You can use the parts in it as you like. You can directly quote it to the front desk at that time. Each part has a label."

Gao Xiang replied: "Okay, if I want to drive out, what procedures do I need to go through?"

Huang Sui patted his forehead when he heard the words and said, "Look at my brain"

Then he took out an access card from his pocket and handed it to Gao Xiang. He said, "You can see the door just around the corner at the northernmost corner. Then you can go out with this access card and wait for the number of the car. When the card arrives, we will enroll the access control system, which will be much more convenient."

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