Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi were naturally seated in the car.

At this time, Lu Wanxi was full of smiles, while Gao Xiang was a little sad. It is completely conceivable what kind of "abuse" he suffered before.

The two had been driving for about ten minutes. Lu Wanxi's house was about half an hour's drive from Lu Fengtian's house.

Gao Xiang rubbed the soft flesh on the inner wall of his arm and said, "Can you do it lightly next time, it hurts a lot."

Lu Wanxi pouted and said, "Who asked you to bully me."

Gao Xiang said speechlessly: "God is pitiful, who is bullying whom?"

: Ask for a reward, ask for all support.

Chapter 1051

When they arrived at Lu Fengtian's house, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Gao Xiang parked the car directly in the parking space beside the door. The two got out of the car and walked directly into the courtyard.

There were no figures of Lu Fengtian and Fan Wenyue in the courtyard, and the two walked side by side into the living room.

When the two entered the living room, the sound of the TV did not appear in the imagination, the whole living room was extremely quiet, and Lu Fengtian and Fan Wenyue were reading with a book.

Hearing the movement, Fan Wenyue raised her head slightly to look in the direction of Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi, and smiled slightly: "You guys are here, sit down and rest for a while."

At this time, Lu Fengtian also bookmarked the technique in his hand and closed it. He waved to Lu Wanxi and Gao Xiang with a smile and said, "Come and sit down, don't stand there."

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi walked over according to their words and sat opposite the two old men.

After the two sat down, Lu Fengtian smiled and said, "Thank you for your gifts. Yesterday, Lu Yuan and the others brought something. When they came back, they gave me a good meal: introduction."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "It's good that Grandpa likes it."

Lu Fengtian even joked for the first time: "Of course I like it, but when you get the Nine Dragons Sword from Jiangshan and send it to me, I like it even more."

Fan Wenyue heard Lu Fengtian's words and said, "Don't mention it, the children are also working hard to earn money.

When you buy something, you can send it when you say it is delivered."

Just as Gao Xiang was about to speak, Lu Fengtian waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'm teasing you, but I'm really curious about this... the legendary Nine Dragons Sword, just show it to me then, this kind of thing .

It's better to keep it in the hands of someone who is destined to cherish it."

Hearing that, Gao Xiang responded and said, "Okay, after I get it from Uncle Jiang, I'll bring it to you directly."

Lu Fengtian always said one or not....... 2. Today, there was an unprecedented joke, but Gao Xiang also knew that Lu Fengtian was really just as he said. , I just wanted to see it out of curiosity, so why you insisted on giving it to him, Lu Fengtian would never accept it.

Lu Wanxi asked at this time: "Grandpa, you called this time because of this, right?"

Lu Fengtian waved his hand and said, "You, when did you become so impatient, such trivial matters are not worth my troubles.

But calling you here has something to do with this matter."

After speaking, Lu Fengtian stopped talking, clearly wanting Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi to guess.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang was puzzled: "It's a bit related, since it's a bit related, then it shouldn't be a matter of the Nine Dragons Sword itself, and it shouldn't be a matter of the blue and white dragon and phoenix itself, so the only other thing that can be linked to these two things is that... The imitation of the jade seal of the country.”

After analyzing, Gao Xiang asked Lu Fengtian, "Is it possible that there is something special about this imitation jade seal?"

Hearing this, Lu Fengtian didn't answer Gao Xiang's words, but looked at Lu Wanxi and said, "Look at how fast Gao Xiang's mind is spinning, and look at you, such a big girl, who is not stable at all."

Lu Wanxi stuck out her tongue and said, "It's enough to have Gao Xiang's stability. If I'm as stable, what should Gao Xiang do?"

Gao Xiang was also quite helpless when he heard this. Every time he came here, Lu Wanxi would always become: like a little girl who didn't grow up, she couldn't say what to say.

When Lu Fengtian heard Lu Wanxi's words, he put on a serious expression and said solemnly, "I think you need to clean up again, and you can't speak every day without a door.


Seeing this, Lu Wanxi stuck out her tongue and stopped talking. He naturally knew that Lu Fengtian wasn't really angry, but he was messing around, maybe he was really going to be scolded.

Seeing this, Lu Fengtian looked at Gao Xiang and said, "Gao Xiang, don't mind, he will follow you in the future, you should take care of it, you can't take care of it."

Fan Wenyue was immediately unhappy when she heard this, and waited for Lu Fengtian to say: "I didn't say anything about the children, but you are a grandfather....... wide."

Lu Fengtian smiled and said, "Alright, alright, stop gossiping."

Then he looked at Gao Xiang and continued: "I'm calling you here this time, it's really not a big deal. I heard you, Uncle Lu and the others said that you are going to travel in the past two days."

Gao Xiang replied: "Yes, I have this idea, and I have been preparing for some things that may be used for the past two days."

Lu Fengtian nodded and said, "It's okay to go out for a walk."

Then he suddenly changed the subject and said, "Your... imitation jade seal was accidentally dropped on the ground and broke."

Gao Xiang heard the words for a while... He didn't even turn the corner and said: "Ah"

Then he hurriedly said: "If you fall, you will fall. It's not the real thing. In fact, I bought him back just to look good, and I wanted to make it as a decoration."

Hearing this, Lu Fengtian showed a slight smile and said, "If he does, he will fall, but the point is that it's not just that he broke."

Chapter 1052

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi were stunned when they heard the words, Gao Xiang wondered, "Could it be that there is something wrong with the material of this jade seal?"

Lu Fengtian shook his head and said: "There is no problem with the material, and I will not sell a lawsuit with you. That... After the imitation jade seal is broken, the interior is hollow, and there is a landmark information in it. I think it may be related to the real legend. It has something to do with the National Jade Seal, and I heard that you are going on a trip these two days."

Having said this, Lu Fengtian listened.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang already understood, and he asked knowingly, "Where do you want us to go and see if we can find the real Jade Seal of the Kingdom?"

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