Lu Fengtian shook his head in relief and said, "Yes, such a national weapon should not be buried forever."

Gao Xiang sympathized with Lu Fengtian's thoughts and said: "It is true, such a treasure, it should see the sun again and enjoy its own glory."

At this time, Lu Wanxi also smiled and said: "This time, we will add a treasure hunt to our journey, which seems to be very good."

Fan Wenyue shook her head and said with a smile: "You, you know how to play, this is not a trivial matter, the meaning of the jade seal of the country is huge, do you understand?"

Lu Wanxi closed her mouth when she heard the words, and nodded aggrievedly.

Seeing this, Fan Wenyue stroked Lu Wanxi's hair, expressing her love.

Gao Xiang also figured out the real meaning of Lu Fengtian calling the two over this time.

Lu Fengtian smiled slightly and said to Fan Wenyue: "Go and bring the fragments of the imitation jade seal and the things that fell out of it."

Fan Wenyue nodded, stood up, and walked outside the living room. Both Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi knew that such relatively precious antiques, Lu Fengtian kept them in a special collection room.

It didn't take long, when Fan Wenyue returned, she had a wooden box in her hand, stepped forward and placed it directly in front of Gao Xiang.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang directly opened the box. Sure enough, the entire seal was broken into several pieces. There was a piece of well-preserved white silk on top of the pieces. Xiang picked it up and looked at this piece. The white circle is very small, just a square with a side length of less than five centimeters.

There is still a deep layer on the silk, the side of the silk... I don't know what material I use, and there are a few words that I can't see clearly. The content of the writing is indeed an address. After so many years of changes, it seems Not sure where exactly this address is.

Lu Fengtian opened his mouth and said at this time: "I checked some classics for this address, and I can confirm that it is... Now there is a place called Hulu Village in Huawen County, Anxi City. Can you still find some clues? Let’s do our best, it’s good to be able to find it, but if you can’t find it, there’s nothing you can do.”

Hearing the words, Gao Xiang silently wrote down the information that Lu Fengtian said, and said slowly, "We'll find out when we go and have a look. If it's just a small village, maybe we can find some information."

After the business was finished, a few people chatted for a while..., watching the time, the two old people's favorite opera show was about to start, Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi stopped bothering and said their goodbyes.

Driving on the way back, Lu Wanxi was more and more yearning for the next journey, and said to Gao Xiang: "It seems that we need to add another Anxi to the itinerary of our journey, I don't know if we can find out about it. The news of the genuine national jade seal."

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Have you always been very optimistic about your luck? It will depend on whether your luck can play a role. After all, the manufacture of the imitation jade seal was in the Yuan Dynasty. After so many years, this surname is Whether Cui's descendants are still there now, maybe, whether his lineage even exists... descendants are hard to say."

"This is fun, if you know the outcome of everything, how boring life would be, the national treasure, such as the Imperial Jade Seal, is really important, but what I like is the process of treasure hunting, I feel like an explorer, how wonderful ."

Lu Wanxi smiled.

Lu Wanxi was always in: Gao Xiang's ear was talking about all kinds of yearnings about the journey, which made Gao Xiang a little impatient at this time.

Gao Xiang smiled at Lu Wanxi and said, "When are you going to take Yuqing and the others to see the car? Before leaving, let them see it in advance."

Lu Wanxi smiled when she heard the words: "I plan to ask them to come and see with us tomorrow morning, we can arrange it together at that time, anyway... they have nothing to do, and if I arrange it myself, I will be too busy. , Second, there are bound to be places that are not noticed and overlooked.”

Gao Xiang nodded and joked: "Alright, I can be a qualified mover. The three of you are the leaders, and I am the soldier."

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang with a smile and said, "I found that you are really becoming more and more self-aware."

Chapter 1053

The two returned home and continued to devote themselves to the planning of the trip, and because of the jade seal of the country, Anxi was included as one of the destinations of the trip.

It was not until the sun slanted west and Lu Yuan and Xia Lan returned home that Lu Wanxi and Gao Xiang stretched a lot at the same time, and planned the approximate route of the trip.

It happened that Xia Lan saw that there was movement in the room here and knocked on the door: "Wanxi, Gao Xiang, are you at home?"

Lu Wanxi responded quickly, "Mom, we're at home, what's wrong?"

Xia Lan had already pushed in the door at this time. Seeing that both of them were sitting in front of the computer, she asked, "What are you two studying?"

Lu Wanxi replied, "Plan our travel route for the next two days."

Xia Lan nodded and said, "Okay then, you guys continue, I'll let the kitchen prepare dinner."

Lu Wanxi smiled and waved her hand: "We're almost done, do you want to be a staff officer and give us your opinion."

Xia Lan seemed to be curious about the itinerary arranged by the two, and said, "Okay, wait a moment."

After that, he went out to the kitchen to make dinner.

But soon I came back after dinner, sat beside the bed and said, "Come, let me see your plan."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi handed Xia Lan the notebook in which she wrote and drew.

Xia Lan watched, and Lu Wanxi explained next to him: "Look here, when I get here, I plan to park the car directly on the prairie. I heard that there are very few people here, so I will buy enough ingredients to make it happen. Our chef Gao Xiang gave us grilled meat, and here, we are going to enjoy the scenery of the snow-capped mountains."

"By the way, and Anxi, we are going on a treasure hunt here."

Afterwards, it would take a day to talk about what happened at Lu Fengtian's house in the afternoon.

This narration lasted for nearly half an hour, and Lu Yuan also came over halfway. Seeing Lu Wanxi talking so happily, he sat on the sofa next to Gao Xiang and listened.

Xia Lan looked at Lu Wanxi's eloquent speech and sighed, "I'll go out in at least a month after this trip, aren't you tired?"

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Why are you tired? There is everything in the room. It's very easy if you want to rest, and we don't have to drive."

Xia Lan glanced at the one sitting on the sofa, and said helplessly: "After this January, I can drive Gao Xiang to vomit."

Lu Wanxi heard the words and said solemnly: "That's right."

Then he said indifferently: "It's alright, the three of us have our own books, and when there are fewer people, we can drive."

Lu Yuan opened his mouth and said at this time: "Just pay attention to safety, but the time is... It doesn't matter, if you get tired, just find a city and rest in the hotel for two days before continuing to set off. That's it."

Then he opened his mouth and said, "I'm quite interested in the news of this imperial jade seal."

Lu Wanxi asked tentatively, "How about you and my mother go with us."

Lu Yuan shook his head and said, "We don't follow you around, you can't let go of you even with the two of us here."

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