Chapter 1082

This heavy rain came hurriedly and quickly, the time everyone was talking, the downpour had already begun to wash away the dust of this land.

Lightning flashed across the sky, followed by thunder.

But Gao Xiang's heart was surprisingly calm.

Looking at the pouring rain outside the window, Lu Wanxi sighed, "If we were on the road, what kind of landscape would it be."

Gao Xiang heard the words and said with a smile: "It's definitely not as calm as it is now, I guess it's scary enough."

Facing the huge wind and rain, the willow tree in the courtyard swayed strongly, as if it was carrying the wind and rain, and at the same time, it seemed to express its disobedience to fate.

Gao Xiang was four of four, holding the hot tea in the cup, smelling the tea fragrance and sipping it.

There is nothing more fun in life than this. It is beautiful to drink tea and chat with a few friends at home under the strong wind and rain.

This heavy rain came and went quickly, and it lasted for less than an hour. The rain gradually decreased, but it never stopped. The pouring rain turned into drizzle, but it didn't seem to stop. the meaning of.

Gao Xiang looked at the dim sky outside and said, "It seems that the rain will continue for a while, and it looks like our dinner is still going to be held here."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "You can go out if you want. You go out and buy it for us, we'll be waiting for you."

Gao Xiang hurriedly shook his head and said, "Forget it, that's fine."

Everyone rested for a while.... When the sky was completely dark, they took out the menu on the coffee table. They turned over and over and didn't know what to eat. Finally, they ordered a few simple home-cooked dishes and asked for a bowl of hot soup. It's cold and cold, so drinking a bowl of hot soup is the best way to warm your body.

After dinner, the four bored people turned on the TV and watched, it was still raining lightly outside the window, and they couldn't even go out for a walk.

Listening to the raindrops hitting the ground outside the window, the four of them sat in a group, and the four of them didn't know what was on the TV. They just watched and chatted.

It wasn't until about [-] o'clock in the evening that the rain outside the window finally stopped. Looking at the wet willow tree outside the window, after experiencing a heavy rain, it looked even more delicate and delicate. It was far away in Hangzhou, and perhaps Liu Shunhua was thinking of himself. .

Gao Xiang patted his forehead and secretly said: "Damn it, I haven't called Sister Hua for so many days, I guess I should be very angry with me now."

After tossing and turning, Gao Xiang still felt that he should make a phone call, otherwise he would really be a bit unhuman, so he said to the three of Lu Wanxi: "You guys rest here for a while, I'll go outside and make a phone call."

Lu Wanxi naturally knew that since Gao Xiang went outside to fight, it would be inconvenient, Lu Wanxi didn't ask the reason, just said: "Apply the coat, it's cold outside, don't... catch a cold, tomorrow we will be We also expect you to be our driver."

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Okay."

Then he picked up the jacket that was on the side and put it on his body.

Gao Xiang blinked at Lu Wanxi, and left the living room under Lu Wanxi's confused eyes.

As soon as Gao Xiang opened the door of the living room, a coolness rushed to his face, and Gao Xiang shuddered violently.

After tightening his clothes, Gao Xiang walked out against the cold wind.

Looking around, although there are no stars and moons, both inside and outside the courtyard are illuminated by the dim yellow street lights. Although it is not as bright as day, it is still no problem to see the road clearly.

At this time, the water in the river has risen a lot because of the heavy rain, but there is still a long way to go over the bluestone road.

Gao Xiang didn't stay in the courtyard, but walked out slowly.

The garden outside the yard was quiet, and there was not a single person. It was already this time, and it was estimated that even the waiter should rest.

The garden scenery at night was still so comfortable, Gao Xiang walked to a place with backlight, looked at the quiet scenery in the garden, and dialed Liu Shunhua's phone.

...Hangcheng, Liu Shunhua's residence, at this time Liu Shunhua and Liu Chutian's little loli had just finished taking a bath and were sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Liu Shunhua's task at home is to accompany this little loli to watch cartoons.

Little Loli's eyes were very focused, while Liu Shunhua stayed by the side, swiping the news on her phone.

It is only at home that Liu Shunhua's coldness will subside. It doesn't seem to be much different from other young women at home, at best... a little more beautiful.

Chapter 1083

Seeing that the time was almost up, Liu Shunhua said to Little Loli gently: "Sweet, it's time, it's time to go to bed, this is what we agreed."

Hearing this, Liu Chutian pouted and looked at Liu Shunhua reluctantly: "It's so fast, I haven't seen enough yet."

Liu Shunhua gently stroked Little Loli's hair and said, "You won't forget our previous agreement, right?"

Liu Chutian nodded reluctantly when she heard the words: "Okay, then I'll go to bed. Mom, you also go to bed earlier, good night."

After speaking, she got up from Liu Shunhua's arms, put on the slippers placed under the sofa, and walked to the room Liu Shunhua had prepared for her.

Liu Shunhua smiled and watched Liu Chutian, who was walking away slowly, stand up and quietly followed behind her.

Little Loli opened the door of the room, went back to the room and climbed onto her own bed, waving to Liu Shunhua: "Good night."

Liu Shunhua smiled and said, "Good night."

Then he turned off the headlights in the room, leaving only a dim night light, and gently closed the door and returned to the living room.

Standing in front of the window of the balcony and admiring the night view of Hangzhou, Liu Shunhua fell into longing.

This is a habit she has developed in recent days. She stands here for a while every night, perhaps because she really likes the night view of Hangzhou, or perhaps it is to wait for someone's call.

But today's wait did not disappoint.

The moment the phone rang, Liu Shunhua hurriedly looked at the phone screen, and when he saw the caller ID, a happy smile finally evoked on Liu Shunhua's face, but his eyes became moist.

Pressing the connect button, Liu Shunhua didn't speak, just put the phone to his ear and listened quietly.

At this moment, standing in the forest of Chengde Yuerong Manor for a while, he said, "Sister Hua, I'm sorry... it took so long to call you."

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