Liu Shunhua's tears still didn't come out, but the smile on his face was real.

Seeing Liu Shunhua not speaking, Gao Xiang asked tentatively, "Sister Hua, are you listening?"

Liu Shunhua stabilized his feelings.

The voice was still a little trembling: "No, I can't hear it."

Gao Xiang could naturally hear a trembling in Liu Shunhua's voice, his heart was blocked for a while, and he said softly: "It's true that I'm wrong, I promise that this situation will not happen again in the future, but I think of you every day, have you ever thought about it? I"

When Liu Shunhua heard this, he said angrily, "No, what do I want you to do, I'm too busy with work every day, how can I have time to think about it?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said: "That's not possible, since the work is so busy, then my boss will relieve you of the workload, at least you have to set aside the time when you miss me.

That's it, as soon as I get back.

Make arrangements."

Liu Shunhua snorted: "It's okay, you can see what you can do, if you spare the time, I'll miss you?"

Gao Xiang walked back and forth, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "No way, it's just... so confident."

Listening to Gao Xiang's self-joking, Liu Shunhua felt a lot more comfortable, he snorted, and said, "I have never seen someone so narcissistic as you."

Gao Xiang could naturally hear the change in Liu Shunhua's tone, and said seriously: "Sister Hua, I think if I have a chance tonight, I will confess to Wanxi directly, I believe she should understand it, and I don't want you to continue to feel wronged. already."

Liu Shunhua was stunned when he heard the words, and a warm current flowed in his heart, but he still quickly refused: "Gao Xiang, please don't, in fact, I'm really good like this, I really don't want to disturb your life, I just hope you can Just call me more and let me know that you have me in your heart."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang strengthened his thoughts even more, but he knew that due to Liu Shunhua's character, he was definitely not willing to let Gao Xiang confess to Lu Wanxi, Liu Shunhua was such a character, Gao Xiang could only comfort him: "Sister Hua, you should believe me. Yes, I promised you before, it must not be just talking."

At this time, Liu Shunhua, who was standing in front of the window, was very flustered in her heart. She hoped that Lu Wanxi would accept it, but at the same time felt sorry for Lu Wanxi. At the same time, she was also afraid that it would disturb Gao Xiang's life.

Chapter 1084

After hesitating again and again, Liu Shunhua finally said: "Gao Xiang, I know you are doing it for my good, but I'm really scared, Wanxi is so kind, I really don't want to cause any problems between the two of you because of me. "

Gao Xiang said seriously: "You are also very kind, aren't you? Wanxi has to know about this sooner or later. It's better to tell her in advance, trust me, I will handle it."

Liu Shunhua finally responded after hearing the words: "You can decide for yourself, if Wanxi really turns against you because of this, the matter between us will be regarded as never happened, and I will also leave here and leave the world that belongs to you. "

Gao Xiang said firmly: "Trust me, I won't let my woman be wronged, just wait for my good news."

Gao Xiang didn't want to make a phone call to make the atmosphere so serious and change the subject: "How are you doing recently, Tian Tian is at home or not."

Liu Shunhua's mood gradually stabilized after hearing the words, and replied, "It must be much better than you, hum."

Then he asked: "How about you, how are you over there, what are you doing now?"

Gao Xiang told the truth: "I went on a trip with Wanxi and her two friends. Now I'm in Chengde. I came here by car. The car has a lot of space. Would you like to bring Tiantian to play for two days."

Liu Shunhua refused: "Forget it, I still have so much work to do, and Tiantian also has to go to kindergarten, so I won't mix with you, just come back and see us when you have time."

At this time, the weather outside was indeed a bit cold, causing Gao Xiang's voice to tremble involuntarily: "I know, I will go back as soon as possible to accompany you."

Liu Shunhua wondered: "You are calling me outside, is it cold over there?"

Gao Xiang replied: "I don't think so, it's just... just after a heavy rain, the wind is a little cold, but it's quite comfortable to stay outside for a while."

Liu Shunhua shook his head and smiled: "Okay, it's cold outside, you can go back to your room first, I'll be much better if you turn on the phone."

Gao Xiang vetoed: "No, let's chat for a while... let's not get in the way, I can finally hear your voice, and it's reluctant to hang up so quickly."

At this time, Liu Shunhua's face was full of smiles and said: "Okay, don't be poor, go back to your room, I'm going to bed too, I have to get up early tomorrow to send Tiantian to the younger ones"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang replied: "Well then, then you should rest early. I'll call you again. Would you like to kiss me before hanging up."

Liu Shunhua pouted, "No, you're so old, you're still playing like a child."

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "What is it for a child to play a house? If you don't come, I'll come first. Should you return a gift?"

At this time, Liu Shunhua's face was flushed and tangled for a long time before he made a very low voice, and then hung up the phone directly.

When Gao Xiang saw this, a smile appeared on his face listening to the busy tone on the phone. Although Liu Shunhua's voice was small, Gao Xiang could hear it clearly. It was able to make a strong woman in the workplace show the side of such a small woman..., Gao Xiang It's fake without a sense of achievement.

Feeling the coolness in the air, Gao Xiang's mood suddenly became extremely comfortable, and silently made a decision in his heart.

Gao Xiang did not go back immediately, but walked slowly in this garden, seeming to enjoy this feeling.

After strolling for two laps, seeing that it was getting late, Gao Xiang returned to the courtyard.

Entering the living room, the three girls were still sitting on the sofa chatting. Seeing Gao Xiang coming back, Lu Wanxi said, "I thought you were lost and couldn't come back."

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "You think I'm as crazy as you are."

Lu Wanxi snorted, then looked at Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue beside her and said, "Gao Xiang is back, you don't have to accompany me, go back and rest, we have to get up early tomorrow to travel."

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue nodded, Jiang Yuxue yawned and said, "Don't say it, I'm really sleepy, slipped away, went back to sleep, you two should rest early too."

After Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue left and returned to their bedroom, Lu Wanxi stood up and asked Gao Xiang suspiciously, "Are you hiding something from me?"

Gao Xiang shrugged and said, "You have seen it all."

Lu Wanxi rolled her eyes at Gao Xiang and said, "The problem is that you are so obvious, I can't see that you are too stupid, you are trying to confess to me."

Gao Xiang nodded seriously and said, "Go back to your room and talk."

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Let's go then."

The two then walked to the bedroom one after the other.

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