As soon as he returned to the bedroom, Gao Xiang locked the door and pulled the curtains.

Chapter 1085

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang suspiciously and said, "What are you doing?"

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Prepare to be beaten. It's not good for others to see such a tragic scene."

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang with glowing eyes, sat down on the bed and said, "It looks like it's a big deal, let's talk about it."

Gao Xiang stepped forward quickly, took Lu Wanxi into his arms and said, "You have to promise me first and keep calm."

Lu Wanxi didn't break free, she smiled and said, "I'm very calm, and I already have guesses, I'm just waiting for an answer, talk about it, and see if it's the same thing I think."

Gao Xiang was stunned when he heard the words, he hugged Lu Wanxi in his arms, organized the language, and said everything about Liu Shunhua one by one.

There was no expression on Lu Wanxi's face from beginning to end.

Gao Xiang recounted the whole thing and said to Lu Wanxi, "I know this is my fault, to be honest, I just wanted to help her celebrate the birthday party, as for what happened after that was completely unexpected. , but doing it...doing it, I can't pretend that nothing happened."

Lu Wanxi suddenly looked at Gao Xiang with a smile and asked, "It's over."

Gao Xiang nodded guiltily.

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang with her beautiful big eyes and said, "How could Sister Hua like you? I have every reason to suspect that you got them drunk and took advantage of others' danger."

Gao Xiang shouted, "I'm wronged."

Lu Wanxi gave Gao Xiang a blank look when she heard the words and said, "Since things are already like this, what else can I do? I didn't know you were so careless before, and now I'm worried about Yuqing and Yuxue. It's not going to be a sheep in a tiger's mouth."

Gao Xiang quickly waved his hand and said, "Wanxi, you can't joke around, I don't mean anything to Yu Qing and Yu Xue."

Lu Wanxi shook her head and smiled: "Forget it, I won't tease you anymore, it's already like this, I have nothing to say, these things will be dealt with after I go back, and Sister Mu Ling is still staring, you think first Find a way to explain it to Sister Mu Ling."

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he knew that Lu Wanxi had accepted this matter, and he kissed Lu Wanxi's little face and said, "Thank you, Wanxi, I promise I won't do this next time, and this situation will never happen again."

Lu Wanxi glared at Gao Xiang and said, "You retaliate, if you really give me the whole thing again, you can see that I will ignore you."

Gao Xiang hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, absolutely not.

Only now did Lu Wanxi stand up from Gao Xiang's arms and say, "Okay, go to bed earlier, you have to drive for more than seven hours tomorrow."

Gao Xiang responded quickly: "I respect your instructions."

Perhaps out of guilt, Gao Xiang hugged Lu Wanxi all the time when he was sleeping, refusing to let go after saying anything.

Lu Wanxi also let him go, although he would definitely feel uncomfortable because of Liu Shunhua's affairs, but since Gao Xiang had already confessed himself, Lu Wanxi couldn't be ruthless to leave Gao Xiang, so that was the only way.

... Early the next morning, Gao Xiang woke up, looked at Lu Wanxi who was sleeping in his arms, remembered yesterday's conversation, a stone in his heart was completely settled, and he murmured: "You Your tolerance will never be the reason for me to be presumptuous, and this kind of thing will never happen again in the future, I am very fortunate to have met you."

Gently kissing Lu Wanxi's forehead, Gao Xiang gently got up from the bed, washed his face and left the bedroom.

What Gao Xiang didn't know was that when Gao Xiang left, Lu Wanxi had already opened his eyes with a smile in the corners of his eyes, apparently hearing Gao Xiang's muttering just now.

Gao Xiang didn't leave the courtyard this time, and Lu Wanxi and the three of them hadn't gotten up yet, so he wouldn't feel relieved if he left.

Coming to a corner of the yard, Gao Xiang quickly dialed Liu Shunhua's phone, and the phone was connected after a while, Liu Shunhua's puzzled voice, with a little nervousness in his voice: "Why are you calling so early? what"

Gao Xiang smiled and said: "I have confessed, Wanxi has accepted this matter, but she must be somewhat uncomfortable. After a while, when we go back, I will arrange for you to meet and talk about it. "

When Liu Shunhua heard the words, a hint of joy rose in his heart, and at the same time, his guilt towards Lu Wanxi deepened, and he slowly opened his mouth and said, "I see, I will personally apologize to Wanxi at that time."

Gao Xiang said softly: "Actually, I am sorry for you all, I will handle this matter well, and I will not let any of you be wronged, and you don't have to put too much pressure on you, just trust me. ."

Liu Shunhua replied softly, "I know."

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, and Gao Xiang heard Little Loli's voice on the other end of the phone.

Liu Shunhua hurriedly said to Gao Xiang: "I won't tell you first, I have to hurry up to prepare breakfast, Tiantian will be late for kindergarten later."

Just as Gao Xiang was about to speak, there was another busy tone on the phone, and Gao Xiang muttered to himself, "What's wrong with Sister Hua? It seems that my words with Tiantian won't matter."

At this time, Liu Shunhua was like a child who was caught by others and did bad things. He calmed down. Liu Shunhua patted his head and said, "What's wrong with me? It's not that Tiantian doesn't know about Gao Xiang."

Liu Shunhua hanging up the phone was just... a subconscious move.

Now that they are all dead, there is no need to fight, Liu Shunhua came back to his senses at this time, and then walked to Liu Chutian's room.

: Ask for a reward.

Chapter 1086

When Gao Xiang put away his phone and turned to look at Lu Wanxi's bedroom, he found that Lu Wanxi was looking at him with a smile at the door of the bedroom.

Gao Xiang stepped forward pretending to be calm and said, "Wanxi, why did you wake up so early?"

Lu Wanxi said with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth: "Isn't this curious about who someone was secretly calling in the morning?"

Gao Xiang suddenly looked embarrassed.

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi smiled in her heart, but she replied with a blank expression on her face: "Let's go and ask the hotel to help us prepare breakfast. Don't be stunned. After breakfast, we should pack up and go."

Just after Lu Wanxi finished speaking, the bedroom door of Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue was also opened, Jiang Yuxue's little head got out of it, and seeing the two people in the yard wondered, "What are you doing?"

Lu Wanxi hurriedly smiled and said, "It's okay, it's not too early to see the time, so let Gao Xiang order breakfast. Later, we will leave early after eating and get to Shenyang as early as possible."

Jiang Yuxue nodded and said, "Okay."

Gao Xiang quickly said, "Then I'll go order food first."

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