After all, many times in order to maintain their appearance, many people will take...

Wang Guiyang waved his hand and said, "Mr. Gao has been thinking too much. After all, we still aim at high-quality service."

When the two were talking, Lu Wanxi and the three of them ordered dishes according to the menu. When Lu Wanxi saw that the conversation between the two was at a high level, she opened her mouth and said, "Give us a vegetable salad first, and clear your mouth. , then sizzling squid, sizzling chicken wings, Kobe beef...”

There are many, many dishes, a total of more than a dozen dishes, after all, in a place like this, the weight of each dish will not be too much, and the consumption is the service.

Wang Guiyang listened to the dishes ordered by Lu Wanxi, took out a tablet computer from the pocket beside the workbench, and began to operate on the screen.

After ordering all the dishes, Wang Guiyang asked, "What do you want to drink?"

Gao Xiang thought for a while and said, "A glass of beer is fine, preferably a little colder, but not too cold."

Lu Wanxi looked at Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue, and they both said in unison, "Just like you."

Lu Wanxi nodded when she heard the words, blinked at Gao Xiang and said, "I will give you a liter of draft beer if I can't finish drinking it."

Gao Xiang shook his head helplessly and said to Wang Guiyang, "Then a liter of draft beer is fine."

The reason why Gao Xiang chose beer was because he felt that eating Teppanyaki beer would be more refreshing. As for Lu Wanxi, it was because Gao Xiang ordered beer.

Wang Guiyang smiled and nodded: "Okay, please wait."

Chapter 1092

The waiting time was not long, and some simple ingredients and beer were brought up.

The draft beer is placed in a plastic barrel, and there is a piston under the plastic barrel for everyone to take the wine.

Wang Guiyang began to process the ingredients in his hands, while Gao Xiang took four glasses of wine and distributed them to everyone.

I have to say that there must be a reason for Wang Guiyang's so-called chef here. In the process of handling the ingredients, he has a smooth technique, superb knife skills, and smooth operation.

First, the squid, after the squid is processed, the real teppanyaki production begins.

Gao Xiang's Four People 4 is staring at his movements, both beautiful and elegant.

When the sizzling squid was placed in front of the crowd, the four of them were already conquered by the fragrance it exuded.

At the request of Gao Xiang and others, Wang Guiyang divided the prepared squid into small pieces, placed them on a plate, and placed them on the table in front of the four of them.

Four people 4 people used a fork to pick up a piece of meat and put it into the mouth, the squid's strength and unique fragrance, coupled with the unique sauce, let the four people 4's taste buds be satisfied.

Gao Xiang swallowed the squid and put a mouthful of beer in his mouth. The unique malt aroma of beer and the taste of sizzling squid wanted to combine, so that this delicious taste would be upgraded to a new level.

Four people 4 sat in front of the long table chatting and laughing, waiting for the completion of the meal, and then put it in the mouth, eating a refreshing salad when bored, it can be said to be extremely enjoyable.

I ate a meal for nearly two hours. Although it was a long time, I really didn't eat too much, mainly because I was full with beer.

After tasting all the food, Gao Xiang asked Wang Guiyang, who was cleaning up the workbench, "Master Wang, where will the bill be settled later?"

The reason why Gao Xiang asked this question was because he swept around and did not find the existence of the front desk.

Hearing this, Wang Guiyang pointed to the tablet computer and put it on the side of the work table: "There are your dining records on it, just click the checkout, then scan the code to pay, or use a bank card.


Are you in a hurry?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "It's not too anxious, but the sooner the better."

Wang Guiyang smiled when he heard the words and wiped it off. He operated it on the tablet, and then handed it to Gao Xiang: "Just pay directly. It should be the work of the waiter, but if you are in a hurry, I will do it for you."

Gao Xiang took the tablet and was polite: I'm sorry to bother you."

Then he looked at the computer screen and glanced at it roughly. A meal cost 700 soft sister coins, but it was considered a luxury.

After paying for the order, Gao Xiang said to Wang Guiyang, "Let's say goodbye first, there's nothing else to do."

Wang Guiyang nodded and smiled, "Walk slowly."

Gao Xiang's 4 people got up and left after hearing the words. Before they left the restaurant door, Jiang Yuxue asked, "It's already past 11 o'clock. What should we do if we go straight back to the room? To be honest, I don't feel sleepy at all."

Gao Xiang turned to look at Lu Wanxi and Jiang Yuqing.

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Me too, but it's already this time, and we have nowhere to go."

Jiang Yuqing asked tentatively, "Why don't we just go for a walk. It would be good to take a walk by the river. To be honest, my stomach is a little bloated now."

Jiang Yuqing's proposal was unanimously affirmed by everyone, and then everyone took the elevator to the lobby on the first floor.

At this time, the hall on the first floor was still brightly lit, but apart from...the front desk, there were no other staff.

Gao Xiang's 4 people directly attacked the hotel, Huihe was just across the road from the hotel, the 4 people [-] directly crossed the road and came to a wide sidewalk beside Huihe that seemed to be specially prepared for sightseeing.

There are also many benches on this wide bluestone road.

At this time, no one could be seen on this road, and it was indeed a bit late for the four of them to come out.

The wind at night was a little cold, and it blew on the faces of the four of them. After drinking, their heads were still a little cloudy, and they suddenly sobered up.

Jiang Yuxue asked while walking, "What's our action plan for tomorrow?"

Lu Wanxi shook her head and replied, "Then what's the action plan? I just checked the more famous hotels in Shenyang on the Internet, and then screened them. There are four 44s worth visiting."

"Shenyang Palace Museum, Beiling Park, Zhang's Mansion and Qipanshan Scenic Area, I don't think I'm a little undecided about whether to go to Qipanshan Scenic Area, but we just got out of the mountains."

Jiang Yuqing replied: "There must be a difference. Most of the mountainous areas we passed are covered with stones, and there are too few green vegetation. I think the scenic spots will definitely be improved. Since you are here, let's see It doesn't matter."

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