Chapter 1093

Lu Wanxi nodded and replied, "That's true, then let's go and have a look. It happens that we will stay here for two days, two a day if we can, and an extra day if we can't."

The four of them walked slowly along the bluestone road by the river, talking and laughing.

It probably took a distance of nearly two kilometers to go out before returning.

When I got back to the hotel, it was already midnight. Although I still didn't have much sleepiness, I could only force myself to go back to my room to rest for tomorrow's travel plans.

The next day, Gao Xiang was still the first to wake up. It seemed that he had developed a habit. He glanced at the time. At [-]:[-] in the morning, it was not too late. living room.

When he came back last night, he noticed the car rental advertisement on the TV cabinet in the living room, but it was too late and he didn't take a closer look. But since the hotel has car rental service, the travel problem in the past two days can be solved very well.

When he came to the living room, Gao Xiang took the advertisement book in his hand, and then sat on the sofa and read it.

The introduction on the first page is very simple and the general content is...: The hotel provides car rental services, which can solve the travel problems of foreign guests very well. Vehicles of various price points will meet your various needs.

Afterwards, Gao Xiang began to look back, and the cars at the front were all very ordinary vehicles, such as Daben, four 44-lap cars of various brands and models.

However, Gao Xiang's aesthetics and attitude towards life determine his choice. On the last page of the entire advertising book, a Bentley worth 128 million is elegant, with a perfectly compatible body in brown and black, an atmospheric appearance, and a refined interior. , exudes its charm.

Without any hesitation, Gao Xiang directly called the front desk of the hotel.

The call was quickly connected, and only a sweet female voice came from the microphone: "Hello, may I ask if you need anything?"

Gao Xiang asked, "I want to inquire about our hotel's car rental service."

The front desk responded in a standardized manner: "Hello sir, our hotel's car rental service is for all guests. You can tell me the model of the car that you are optimistic about, and you can check whether the car is free."

Gao Xiang said without the slightest hesitation: "The Bentley that is one page wide in the rental car, if it's free, it's... it."

After Gao Xiang finished speaking, but there was no sound from the front desk for a long time, Gao Xiang tentatively asked, "Hello, are you still there?"

Gao Xiang's voice quickly became the voice of the front desk, and said with a little excitement: "I'm sorry, sir, this car is still there: but because of the value of this car, our manager needs to come forward, you can easily tell you the room number?"

Gao Xiang replied: "1 room."

The front desk said politely: "Okay sir, if it is convenient for you, our manager will contact you directly with the contract later."

Gao Xiang thought for a while and nodded: "Forget it, I'll go to the rest area in the lobby, it's not very convenient for me here."

Mainly, Lu Wanxi and the three of them were sleeping. If they didn't know there were outsiders in the living room and came out in their pajamas, it would be really bad.

Hearing the words, the front desk respectfully said: "Okay sir, then please make a trip in person, and I will contact the manager."

Gao Xiang answered and hung up the phone, looked at himself in the mirror, went to the bathroom to wash his face, changed his clothes, left a note on the table in the living room for the three of Lu Wanxi, and then went to the bathroom. He took a portfolio in his suitcase, then took the key card and left the room, and took the elevator to the lobby on the first floor.

When Gao Xiang came to the first floor, as soon as the elevator door opened, he saw two hotel staff, a man and a woman, standing at the stairs. Looking at the badge, he knew that the woman was Li Xiaoyun. A man is the manager of the hotel and his name is Wei Xun.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang already had guesses in his heart.

Sure enough, as soon as the girl saw Gao Xiang, she asked uncertainly, "Hello, is this Mr. Gao from Room 180?"

The hotel has Gao Xiang's real-name certification, and naturally it will not recognize the wrong person. The reason for this question is mainly to show respect for customers.

Gao Xiang walked out of the elevator and smiled: "I am."

The manager named Wei Xun quickly stepped forward and said, "Hello Mr. Gao, I am the manager of our hotel. We will chat about the details of the car rental."

Then he took Gao Xiang to the rest area next to the hotel lobby.

Although this area is not big, it is well-equipped, with exquisite glass round tables and leather sofas, and there is a cafe not far away.

Wei Xun asked Gao Xiang to be seated first, and then said to the receptionist named Li Xiaoyun, "Little Li, go and get Mr. Gao a cup of coffee."

Li Xiaoyun heard the words and went to the cafe next to him.

Chapter 1094

Wei Xun then sat across from Gao Xiang and said with a smile, "Mr. Gao, let me introduce you to the rental price of our elegant Bentley."

Gao Xiang nodded slowly and said, "Okay."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "Mr. Gao must also know the price of this car, so the rent is relatively expensive. The rent for one day is 999 soft sister coins, and the deposit is [-]. Does Mr. Gao have any other questions?"

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "No, I'm in a hurry to use the car, and the time is tight, so let's just sign the contract."

Wei Xun said with a smile: "Since Mr. Gao is in a hurry, I won't be rambling, but you need to show your ID card, driver's license, and a copy of the unit's business license."

Hearing that, Gao Xiang directly handed over the portfolio, ID card and driver's license he was carrying to Wei Xun.

In the file bag is... a copy of Sifang Investment Company's business license and ID card, which Lu Wanxi asked Gao Xiang to bring along just in case.

Upon seeing this, Wei Xun checked that there was no problem, and asked, "How long do you need to rent for?"

Gao Xiang thought about it and said, "Two days, if there is a need later, I will renew the lease."

At this moment, Li Xiaoyun came over with two cups of coffee, and placed them in front of Gao Xiang and Wei Xun respectively, and then quietly stood aside without speaking.

Then Wei Xun said, "Okay."

Then he handed the contract to Gao Xiang and said, "Just write the rental time on the contract."

Gao Xiang took over the contract, looked at some important content, filled in some content that needed to be filled in by himself, and then signed his name.

The rent and deposit were then paid together, and the contract was handed over to Wei Xun.

Wei Xun took the contract handed over by Gao Xiang and looked at it, then took out a car key from his pocket and handed it to Gao Xiang: "This is the car key, the car is in the underground parking lot No. 88, the elevator exit is on the right The second turn is..."

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