Gao Xiang took the car keys and said with a smile: "If there is no other time, I will leave first."

Wei Xun nodded and asked, "Don't you need to check?"

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "I think I can serve your hotel, what do you think?"

Wei Xun smiled and said, "Mr. Gao is really a cheerful person. If you have any other needs, you can call me directly."

After speaking, he handed Gao Xiang a business card. Gao Xiang took the business card and said, "I will."

Then he looked at the front desk who had been standing next to him and smiled: "Help me deliver four nutritious breakfasts to the room, and thank you for the coffee."

After saying that, he turned and left.

After Gao Xiang left, Li Xiaoyun came back to his senses and said to Wei Xun, "Manager Wei, it's over so soon."

Wei Xun nodded and said, "It seems so, I'm still a little confused, I can't keep up with this young man's rhythm."

Then he waved his hand to Li Xiaoyun and said, "Okay, you can make arrangements and bring him breakfast. If there is anything else, let me know at any time."

Li Xiaoyun nodded and returned to his own job. By the way, he made a phone call with the kitchen to get the breakfast ordered by Gao Xiang.

When Gao Xiang took the elevator back to the room, Lu Wanxi and the three were already sitting in the living room waiting. Gao Xiang's trip only lasted ten minutes, so it was no wonder Wei Xun was stunned, seeing Lu Wanxi and the three 3 Gao Xiang smiled and said, "You got up so soon."

When Lu Wanxi heard the door open, she turned her head to look over, and said, "Actually, I woke up a long time ago. When I was going to take a shower, someone took the room card, and when I came out, I saw a card on the table. Note, you're really fast."

Gao Xiang was stunned when he heard the words: "Is it such a coincidence?"

Lu Wanxi rolled her eyes at Gao Xiang and said, "Otherwise, what do you think?"

Then he asked Gao Xiang, "Why did you come back so soon, the car is rented?"

Gao Xiang nodded and said: "It's done, isn't this worrying about you too much, I'll hurry up and come back when I'm done with it."

Jiang Yuxue interjected at this time: "Hey, you didn't see that there are two big living people here, please pay attention to what you say, they will all be numb and dead."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and ignored Jiang Yuxue's words. Gao Xiang completely grasped Jiang Yuxue's careful thought, that is, the more you refute her, the higher her interest will be.

Casual Gao Xiang just didn't hear it, put the room card back into the card slot on the side of the door and smiled: "You guys go wash up, breakfast will be served later."

Seeing that Gao Xiang ignored her and rolled her eyes at Gao Xiang, Jiang Yuxue dragged Jiang Yuqing to the bedroom, Jiang Yuqing only had time to say hello to Gao Xiang.

Lu Wanxi shook her head helplessly and said, "You."

Gao Xiang spread his hands innocently and said, "I didn't do anything."

Lu Wanxi stopped talking when she heard the words, and went back to the bedroom to wash up.

Chapter 1095

Lu Wanxi didn't even need to ask what kind of car Gao Xiang rented.

Lu Wanxi was sitting in the living room before and couldn't help but look at the one on the coffee table...the rental car advertisement book, with her knowledge of Gao Xiang, she was completely sure which car Gao Xiang rented.

After Lu Wanxi returned to the room, a smile appeared on Gao Xiang's face, he threw the note he left on the coffee table into the trash can, and then put the advertisement book in its original place.

Just as Gao Xiang had finished packing, he sat down on the sofa when there was a knock at the door.

Gao Xiang could only helplessly stand up again, walked over and opened the door directly, without guessing that breakfast was delivered.

The nutritious breakfast is quite rich, a slice of bread, a poached egg, two slices of ham, a glass of milk, and a piece of cantaloupe.

Meat and vegetarian mix, nutritionally balanced.

Gao Xiang put the delivered breakfast on the coffee table and turned on the TV to watch the morning news.

After the three of Lu Wanxi came out, they sat together and began to satisfy their stomachs.

However, Jiang Yuxue was quite tired from eating breakfast, she stared at Gao Xiang from time to time, and occasionally made some noise.

Jiang Yuping looked at Jiang Yuxue and finally couldn't help laughing and said, "Yuxue, you can't do this, the more you are like this, the happier Gao Xiang must be in his heart, he is determined to see your jokes."

Jiang Yuxue snorted when she heard the words, and then she became honest.

Lu Wanxi held back her smile and touched Gao Xiang's arm.

Gao Xiang gestured and winked at Lu Wanxi, as if to say that silence is the best weapon, I will definitely be greeted with indiscriminate bombardment, if you don't believe me, look at it.

Then he said to Jiang Yuxue, "Yuxue, are you alright?"

Jiang Yuxue immediately put down the food in her hand when she heard the words, and said with an indignant tone: "It's okay, how could it be okay? How did you see that it was okay? You didn't say anything, didn't you just ignore me?"

Gao Xiang looked at Lu Wanxi helplessly at this time, and shrugged as if to say, "You see, what did I say open."

Looking at Gao Xiang's expression, Lu Wanxi almost spit out the delicious food.

Jiang Yuqing said helplessly: "Yuxue, hurry up and eat, we have to go out later."

Jiang Yuxue snorted: "Who made him mad at me in the morning?"

Gao Xiang still understands Jiang Yuxue's character, sometimes it's just... this childish, far less stable than Jiang Yuqing, but this is precisely Jiang Yuxue's lovely side...

Gao Xiang finally opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Eat dinner, today's itinerary is full of arrangements, the big deal is that I will invite you to eat something delicious at noon."

Jiang Yuxue glanced at Gao Xiang and said, "It's almost the same."

Jiang Yuxue will only show such a side in front of friends and relatives, and usually she is very good at disguising outside.

Just like now, when everyone left the hotel after dinner, Jiang Yuxue had already returned to her superficial coldness and followed Gao Xiang's three people's side, she didn't look like a girl who would lose her temper.

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