Four people came to the parking lot, Gao Xiang followed Wei Xun's instructions and came to the parking lot where Bentley Yazhi was.

The noble and elegant appearance also made the three girls quite satisfied.

Before getting into the car, Gao Xiang checked the general condition of the car, because he was responsible for the safety of himself and Lu Wanxi.

After the inspection, Gao Xiang said: "No problem, get on the bus, our first stop is Shenyang Forbidden City."

The car is spacious and comfortable. After getting in the car, Gao Xiang twisted the steering wheel twice and said with a smile, "Not bad."

Lu Wanxi sat in the co-pilot and said with a smile: "You can really do it, such a good car, when it comes to your mouth... It's not bad evaluation, let other manufacturers know it has to... You can't have theories." ...........”

Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled: "No way, my comments on beautiful things are basically not bad."

Jiang Yuxue interjected: "Actually, it can be explained that the vocabulary is too small."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang turned his head and smiled and said, "Isn't angry enough this morning?"

Jiang Yuxue snorted when she heard the words and stopped talking.

Lu Wanxi had already set up the navigation at this time, and urged: "Let's go, it's almost nine o'clock now, if not... it's time to have lunch wherever we go."

Hearing that, Gao Xiang finally started the car and went to the destination of the trip.

Shenyang Forbidden City is one of the two remaining palace complexes in China, also known as Shengjing Palace, which was used in the early Qing Dynasty.

The Shenyang Imperial Palace has a total area of ​​over 114 square meters, including [-] ancient buildings, which are still well-preserved.

It took only half an hour for Gao Xiang's group of four to reach the neighborhood, parked the car in a nearby parking lot, and needed to walk the rest of the way.

It's not a weekend, so there aren't many people playing, and four people queuing up to enter it without much weight.

The carved balustrades, the golden pavilion, and the splendid ancient buildings gave Gao Xiang the feeling of entering another world in an instant.

: ask for a reward

Chapter 1096

Gao Xiang 4 people shuttled through it, feeling the historical and cultural heritage emanating from the palace, and feeling very emotional.

When Lu Wanxi chose to use this place as a play spot, she naturally put a lot of effort into it.

Lu Wanxi led the way and said, "This is not a very famous ancient palace museum... Blow, the collection here contains a very rich collection of palace artworks, and many college students who study history, especially palace history, have returned. Visit here."

Four people 4 people play and chat at the same time, and they will take pictures when they see things of interest. Of course, many places are not allowed to take pictures.

Afterwards, the four of them enjoyed the "Gudu Qipao - Exhibition of Qing Palace Cheongsam Collected by Shenyang Forbidden City", which was launched by Shi Shanzhai at the Phoenix Downstairs of Shenyang Forbidden City.

The four of them roamed around like they were not tired.

As noon approaches, the temperature is getting higher and higher. Although there is still a period of time before the summer, and the climate in Shenyang is relatively cool, but the four-person 4 is not thin, plus the amount of exercise for the four-person 4, the body Sweat started to leak out gradually.

When the four people 4 finally played almost, it was already 1:[-] pm when they came out from the other gate of the Shenyang Forbidden City.

Jiang Yuxue held a small cup that she carried with her, took two mouthfuls of water and said, "I'm so tired, I don't want to move now, why don't we take a rest in the afternoon, anyway... no in a hurry."

Jiang Yuqing shook her head and smiled when she heard the words: "You' can say, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, but if we drag on like this, we won't be able to leave for two months after this circle. Finish."

Lu Wanxi interjected at this time: "No matter what you do, it's 1:[-] in the afternoon now. Let's go eat something first to replenish our energy. As for the arrangements for the afternoon, we'll talk about the rest after eating."

Jiang Yuxue nodded and replied: "It's okay not to say, but I'm really hungry. Where should we go to eat, I feel that my meal volume at noon today may increase a lot."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Enough is enough, as long as you're not afraid of getting fat."

Then he looked at Gao Xiang and asked, "Do you know where this is and how to get to where we parked?"

Gao Xiang was already looking at the map at this time, and said that Gao Xiang was a little dizzy after walking around for two laps, and he didn't know where he was.

After confirming his location, he opened his mouth to the southeast and said, "The parking lot is over there. Should we eat nearby before driving, or go directly to the parking lot now."

Lu Wanxi thought for a while and spoke.

Let's go to the parking lot, restaurants basically have parking lots, it's too tired, I really don't want to rely on my poor two legs to drive the road"

Jiang Yuxue quickly compounded: "I agree."

Gao Xiang smiled slightly, then led the three of Lu Wanxi to the parking lot.

This distance is not too far in normal terms, it's a ten-minute walk, but now, these ten-minute walks can be said to have caused the three of Lu Wanxi to mourn.

When the... parking lot appeared in front of everyone, Lu Wanxi and the three of them had a feeling that they had met nectar for a long time.

When returning to the Bentley Elegant, Lu Wanxi rubbed her calf and said, "I'm too tired, I don't think I want to go even a step."

Gao Xiang didn't start the car immediately, but looked at Lu Wanxi and said, "Don't complain, let's find a place to eat first, and if it's not enough after dinner, we'll just go back to the hotel to rest."

Lu Wanxi nodded according to her words, took out her phone and looked at it, while looking at Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue who were sitting in the back seat, she asked, "Yuqing Yuxue, do you have anything to eat?"

Jiang Yuxue shook her head and said, "Whatever you want, as long as you can fill your stomach."

Jiang Yuqing also responded, "I can do it."

Lu Wanxi flipped through her phone, for some unknown reason, she wasn't interested in cooking some steaks and so on, and finally found one that she liked, and immediately asked the crowd, "Why don't we go to eat hot pot? What do you think?"

As soon as the word "hot pot" came out, it was unanimously approved by the three of them. Upon seeing this, Lu Wanxi directly entered the address on the navigation - Jin Dashun Hot Pot.

Gao Xiang looked at the location of the hot pot restaurant and said helplessly: "It's not that close, it's estimated to take more than half an hour at the fastest."

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "It's decided, let's go. It just so happens that we can rest for a while... For the sake of our three girls, you can only bear a little more."

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