Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "Small problem, as a gentleman, this is what I should do."

Lu Wanxi rolled her eyes at Gao Xiang and said, "Hurry up and drive, don't be poor here, I see that you are becoming more and more narcissistic."

Gao Xiang started the car and said, "I call it self-knowledge."

Chapter 1097

Gao Xiang drove the car all the way in a hurry, Lu Wanxi and the three of them looked really tired, they all leaned on the seats and closed their eyes, no one said a word.

It was forty minutes after arriving at the destination, the shop was hidden in a hutong, and Gao Xiang managed to find a parking space.

Parking the car, feeling that the car had stopped, Lu Wanxi opened her eyes first and said suspiciously, "It's here"

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Well, here we are."

At this time, Jiang Yuqing also opened his eyes, and the three of them looked at Jiang Yuxue. Jiang Yuxue had already entered a beautiful dream, and a slight snoring told Gao Xiang, the three of them that this was indeed the truth.

Gao Xiang spread his hands helplessly and said, "Call her up."

Jiang Yuqing gently pushed Jiang Yuxue's arm and said, "Yuxue, we are here."

Jiang Yuxue didn't sleep well, Jiang Yuqing gently pushed, Jiang Yuxue slowly woke up, rubbed her eyes in a daze, and opened her eyes to see Gao Xiang's three people's eyes all focused on himself .

Before Jiang Yuxue could react, she said with some doubts, "Why are you all looking at me, is there something on my face?"

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said, "We have arrived at the place to eat."

Jiang Yuxue was stunned when she heard the words, and then said: "Oh, then get out of the car."

The other three people 3 all had smiles on their faces, and then the 4 people [-] got off the bus together and went to the hot pot restaurant not far away.

The facade doesn't look big, nor is it particularly luxurious, perhaps because of its geographical location, it always gives people a feeling of not being popular.

However, after entering the store, everyone understood the charm of this store. The decoration style of the store is dark, but it can create a very comfortable dining environment. There are many people sitting in the hall at this time, and the hot pot is spread out. The scent has permeated the entire restaurant.

At this time, I noticed that the waiter of Gao Xiang's 4 people had come over and asked respectfully: "Hello, is it just the four of you?"

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Yes, I want to ask, do we have private rooms here?"

Looking at the appearance and temperament of Lu Wanxi's three people, the waiter can naturally understand why Gao Xiang asked such a question.

The waiter nodded and said, "Yes.

Afterwards, they brought Gao Xiang and the four to a bag next to the hall. It was said to be a box, but it was actually a larger partition at most.

However, the sound insulation effect is really good, and the layout inside is also exquisite enough.

Waiting for the four of Gao Xiang to sit down: , wait: mouth, Gao Xiang said directly: "Bring me your menu."

It is said to be a menu, but it is actually... a 16-open list like an advertisement, and you can check it directly on it.

The waiter handed the list to Gao Xiang and said, "You can order the bottom of the pot first, and I'll have the kitchen bring it to you first."

Gao Xiang looked at the menu and said, "Yuanyang hot pot with Sichuan flavor spicy hot pot bottom and clear soup pot bottom."

The combination of spicy and non-spicy is basically the choice of most people.

The waiter replied: "Okay, what dishes do you need?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang looked at Lu Wanxi and the three of them with a smile: "What do you want to eat?"

Lu Wanxi said directly: "Fat sheep, fat beef, enoki mushrooms, shrimp slippery, meatball platter, lettuce.

Can't remember anything else."

In fact, Gao Xiang didn't even need Lu Wanxi to speak, he could say that all of these things were just as good to check, Lu Wanxi's must-have dishes for hot pot.

Then Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue added a few more dishes, and Gao Xiang handed the menu in his hand to the waiter and said, "Let's just do it for now, if it's not enough, order again.

By the way, prepare a pot of hot water and a pot of juice for us, thank you."

The waiter smiled and said, "Okay, please wait a moment."

After saying that, he turned and left the room.

Jiang Yuxue touched her stomach and said, "I smell the outside, my stomach is already protesting, and now I really need food."

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "I'm really hungry, but waiting is a necessary process. Many good foods become more perfect because of waiting."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "You can comfort yourself quite a bit."

Lu Wanxi glared at Gao Xiang and said, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute. I found that you are always tearing down my platform recently."

Gao Xiang shrugged and said, "There is absolutely no conscience in the world."

Jiang Yuxue looked at the two people who were bickering and said, "I know you guys are doing it for my own good, but in this situation, the dog food you sprinkle won't do anything, I'm still very hungry, and there's a faint smell in my stomach. It feels worse."

Jiang Yuqing couldn't help but covered her mouth and laughed when she heard the words.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi are also full of black lines, Gao Xiang retorted: "Actually, if you don't speak, you may save more energy, so that your body's energy consumption is not so fast, this is what you should do when you are hungry. things."

When Jiang Yuxue saw Gao Xiang refuting himself, he was not to be outdone and said, "You are really a man of invincible steel. He doesn't know how to let a girl down, and he calls himself a gentleman every day."

Chapter 1098

Naturally, Gao Xiang didn't have to refute Jiang Yuxue, but he had nothing to do. In order to kill time, the two were like a pair of cross talk actors.

Gao Xiang didn't speak this time, not because he didn't know what to say, but because there was a knock on the door of the private room.

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