Jiang Yuxue pouted when she heard the words.

"Bad people"

Afterwards, everyone began to play cards and draw cards, and the previous conversations were all jokes and could not be taken seriously.

After playing two more games, the door of the living room was knocked from outside, Gao Xiang looked at the half-hit situation and said, "Okay, let's leave it for now, why are we also eating in the living room, and we will continue after the meal is over. Play."

The three of Lu Wanxi nodded one after another.

Gao Xiang stood up and walked to the living room first, opened the door, and saw a waiter pushing the dining station outside the door, Gao Xiang looked back, Lu Wanxi nodded and said it was okay.

Gao Xiang avoided the door and said to the waiter, "Send it in, just put it on the coffee table in the living room."

The waiter replied: "Okay, sir."

A total of six 66 dishes, two bottles of red wine and four main dishes were placed on the coffee table in turn. The waiter said to Gao Xiang: "Your order is all set. When you finish your meal, you can call the front desk directly and we will meet you. Arrange for someone to clean up, wine glasses, corkscrews and decanters are all in the wine cabinet in the restaurant.

Is there anything else you need?"

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "No, thank you."

The waiter signaled and left.

After the waiter left, Gao Xiang locked the door, and then said to the three of Lu Wanxi, "Go wash your hands first, and I'll bring the wine glasses and decanter."

After Gao Xiang finished speaking, the three of them walked straight to the restaurant, took out everything they needed from the wine cabinet, and started cleaning them in the sink next to them.

As a suite, everything in the restaurant is naturally complete, but there is no stove, but there is a range hood. It is estimated that things such as stoves need to be explained to the hotel before they can be equipped and used. It seems that it is deliberately done for fear of accidents. .

Naturally, Gao Xiang would not pay attention to these things. He cleaned the wine glasses and the decanter, and dried the water in the decanter as much as possible. Only then did Gao Xiang walk out of the restaurant with a pile of things.

Seeing that Lu Wanxi and the three of them were all packed up and sitting on the sofa waiting, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Whoever smashed them just now, you can't be rude."

The expression on Jiang Yuxue's face twitched when she heard the words, she glared at Gao Xiang and said, "I'm not you, how could I be fooling you."

That's right, Jiang Yuxue was unfortunately the only loser of the two, both of which were smashed by her alone.

:, ask for a reward, ask for all support.

Chapter 1101

Seeing this, Gao Xiang smiled slightly and said, "That's it.

I'm not embarrassing you, or you can sing us a song, just one, and we'll save your two glasses of wine after singing."

Lu Wanxi glared at Gao Xiang when she heard the words, while Jiang Yuqing covered her mouth and pulled Jiang Yuxue back, who was about to stand up to rebut, and whispered a few words in his ear.

I saw Jiang Yuxue's eyes lit up immediately, looked at Gao Xiang and smiled and said: "Singing is fine, but well, it's boring for me to sing by myself, so let's start, don't say one, three songs. no problem."

Jiang Yuxue thought that Gao Xiang would refuse, but Gao Xiang's reaction was far beyond Jiang Yuxue's expectations, only Gao Xiang smiled and said: "Okay, this is what you said, but you can't go back, let's eat first, eat and drink enough. I'm helping you lead singing."

Hearing Gao Xiang's words, Jiang Yuxue looked at her sister Jiang Yuqing without tears.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuqing hurriedly shook her head innocently.

With a smile on his lips, Gao Xiang opened the red wine and poured it into the decanter, then poured a glass one by one and said, "Go on."

Jiang Yuxue glanced at Gao Xiang when she heard the words and said, "It doesn't matter, I mean what I say. As long as you lead the singing, I will sing. I'm a music department anyway, so I can sing if I'm afraid."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang raised his glass with a smile and said, "Come on, let's toast our cooperation later."

Then he looked at Lu Wanxi and Jiang Yuqing and said, "Won't the two audiences congratulate them together?"

Afterwards, the four of them raised their wine glasses and drank all the red wine in the glasses. Jiang Yuxue gave Gao Xiang a defiant look after drinking the wine in the glasses, as if saying that I was afraid that you would fail.

Entertainment and bickering are just small episodes in life. The four of them chatted while drinking red wine in their glasses.

There is a reason why wine is used as a seasoning in life, and with red wine, the atmosphere is getting better and better.

Although Jiang Yuxue looked carefree, it was a bit difficult for her to sing in front of the three of them, mainly in front of Gao Xiang. After all, the environment here is different from the school stage.

However, people who have finished drinking won't care so much. Feeling that they have almost eaten, Gao Xiang immediately came to lead the singer, and the song he sang is one of the most popular now.

Gao Xiang's unique voice and Shi Yu's skills make this song come out of his mouth: impeccable.

After singing a few sentences, Gao Xiang looked at Jiang Yuxue and motioned for him to follow.

Jiang Yuxue saw that Gao Xiang had already started, and he also insisted on it. As a music student, Jiang Yuxue has studied systematically, and his intonation is naturally lacking.

At the beginning, it was directly turned into Jiang Yuxue's private concert, sometimes it's really good to liven up the atmosphere like this.

After the four of them were full, Jiang Yuxue's cheeks became flushed, and she looked at Gao Xiang and said, "The three songs have been sung, I'm not bad for your two glasses of wine."

Gao Xiang nodded and smiled: "Not bad, not bad."

At this time, the two bottles of red wine on the table were already empty, and it seemed that they were in the main room, but fortunately, the wine was weak, and none of the four of them drank too much.

After resting for a while... Gao Xiang glanced at the time and said, "It's past ten o'clock in the evening, do you still want to play mahjong?"

Lu Wanxi and Jiang Yuqing both looked at Jiang Yuxue, waiting for her answer.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuxue wondered, "Why are you all looking at me?"

Lu Wanxi pursed her lips and smiled, "Wait for you to make up your mind."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxue shook her head and said, "If you let me make up my mind, then don't fight, just rest and sleep. I feel like I'm a little sleepy now."

Jiang Yuxue's alcohol intake was reflected at this meeting. She drank the least, but she seemed to be the one who was in the worst condition.

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