Gao Xiang heard the words and said, "In that case, let's rest here for a while, and let the hotel come over to clean up the mess later."

Hearing the words, Lu Wanxi suggested, "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I've already had a drink today."

Gao Xiang comforted: "What does it taste like if you stay here for one night when you wake up tomorrow, don't worry, it will be fine, you can go back to your room later, and when it's done, I'll open the window to ventilate."

Seeing Gao Xiang say this, Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Alright then, just remember to lock the room door."

The four of them stayed in the living room for a while... Jiang Yuqing took Jiang Yuxue back to the room, Gao Xiang also told Lu Wanxi to go back to the bedroom, but he sat on the sofa and called the front desk of the hotel, Let them send someone to pack things up.

After a few minutes, the waiter knocked on the door.

The girls are more cautious, which is understandable. Gao Xiang knows his own situation and can be sure that under his observation, no one can move any hands or feet in the room.

Gao Xiang was sitting on the sofa while the waiter was packing up, and when he finished packing and left, Gao Xiang got up and locked the door, then opened the windows of the living room, and then went back to the bedroom to wash and sleep.

Chapter 1102

In the early morning of the next day, Gao Xiang was still the first person to get up. The wind in the morning was still a little cold. As soon as Gao Xiang walked out of the bedroom, he was shivered by a cool wind.

Quickly closing the bedroom door, Gao Xiang walked into the living room and closed all the windows.

At this time, the air in the living room has taken on a new look, but the temperature is indeed a bit low.

In order to prevent a few girls from catching a cold later, Gao Xiang had to turn on the air conditioner to let the indoor temperature rise.

Then there is... what I do every morning, waiting for the three of Lu Wanxi to wake up.

At nearly [-]:[-], Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yuqing walked out of the bedroom together and saw Gao Xiang who was sitting on the sofa watching TV. Jiang Yuqing said hello, "Gao Xiang, good morning."

Jiang Yuxue also said hello.

Gao Xiang replied, "Good morning, let's rest for a while... Wanxi probably hasn't woken up yet."

Just after Gao Xiang finished speaking, Lu Wanxi also walked out of the bedroom, when Gao Xiang saw this, he said, "Today is a special situation."

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue laughed when they heard this.

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi wondered, "What did you say?"

Gao Xiang quickly said: "It's nothing, since you are all up, I will let the hotel bring breakfast."

Lu Wanxi snorted when she heard the words: "If you don't tell me, someone will tell me."

Then he asked Jiang Yuqing, "What did you say just now?"

Jiang Yuqing told Gao Xiang the conversation with a forced expression.

Lu Wanxi gave Gao Xiang a blank look when she heard the words: "I get up at this time every day, okay, I'm so lazy when you say it out of your mouth?"

Gao Xiang denied, "I don't think so."

Then I called the front desk of the hotel to borrow this topic.

While having breakfast, everyone talked about today's itinerary.

Gao Xiang said: "Today's itinerary is not very reasonable, just the introduction of Qipan Mountain on the Internet is enough for us to play for a day. If you want me to say, if we can't, let's cancel the plan of Beiling Park. Go directly to Qipan Mountain with some food, and you can have a picnic there at noon.

Lu Wanxi was obviously hesitant.

At this time, Jiang Yuqing also said: "I agree with Gao Xiang's statement, firstly, our schedule is really tight, and secondly, Beiling Park is also a landscape of ancient cultural buildings, we have been to Shenyang Shenyang yesterday. Since the Forbidden City is over, we might as well take some time to take a good look at the natural scenery, the purpose of our trip this time is to appreciate the natural scenery.”

After Jiang Yuqing's persuasion, Lu Wanxi said without hesitation, "That's right, let's arrange it this way. It just so happens that we also have some spare time to bring some more things and have a picnic at Qipan Mountain."

Jiang Yuxue also smiled and said, "Picnic, it sounds very good."

Gao Xiang said with a smile: "There are even better ones. There are quite a few attractions in Qipan Mountain. For scenic spots, there are Guandong Film and Television City, Qipanshan Zoo, Rope Park, etc. For entertainment, there are ziplines, Huishan Cableway, etc. We don’t have to go to the zoo for field battles, etc., but we have to experience everything on the zipline.”

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang and said with a chuckle, "That's right, I know that I will make up for the class ahead of time."

Gao Xiang shook his head and said with a smile: "I just couldn't sleep last night and looked it up on the Internet. The Internet said that the main body of the scenic spot is three mountains and one water, and at this time, the greenery on Qipan Mountain can be seen everywhere, with rolling hills and winding valleys, such a scenery. It would be a pity not to appreciate it.”

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "I can't wait for what I said, eat quickly, pack up after dinner and we'll set off."

After finalizing today's travel plan, the 4 of [-] wiped out the breakfast on the table and called the waiter to clean up.

Then the four of them changed into looser clothes, and then came to the underground garage and set off for the Qipan Mountain Scenic Spot.

For convenience, Gao Xiang also bought one or two mountaineering bags, which could hold some food and other things, and then went to the supermarket to buy some food and some things for picnics.

When I got back to the car, I stuffed the things into the two mountaineering bags. The two mountaineering bags were filled to the brim. Gao Xiang was quite speechless when he saw this. Unsurprisingly, it must have been Gao Xiang carrying one and three girls. Take turns back: one.

Gao Xiang had already made up his mind, he didn't say anything, climbed up, and directly used the cable car to get on the car, Gao Xiang's physical strength was naturally no problem, the key was that the four of them went to play, not to suffer.

After preparing all the supplies, the four of them stopped and hurried all the way to the destination.

Chapter 1103

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning when everyone arrived at the Qipan Mountain Scenic Spot, and on the way, everyone saw the green mountains reaching into the sky from a distance.

Today's weather is also quite good, which makes the four people's mood also become: extraordinarily comfortable.

Entrance to the scenic spot: Gao Xiang saw the statue of Tieguai Li and Lu Dongbin playing chess.

Lu Wanxi looked at the two statues with a smile and said, "I heard that Qipanshan got its name because of this, and the International Women's and World Championship Chess Competition was reported here, which instantly made Qipai Mountain famous at home and abroad."

Parking the car in the parking lot, everyone felt the natural atmosphere here and their hearts were surging.

Gao Xiang took out the two huge mountaineering bags from the trunk, looked at Lu Wanxi and the three of them and asked, "Which one of you will come first?"

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