Jiang Yuxue immediately leaned over after hearing the words, glanced at it and smiled and said, "Sister, can we eat together?"

Jiang Yuqing covered her mouth and chuckled softly when she heard the words: "Then let's eat together."

Gao Xiang pulled the last person in the province in front of him and said, "Spicy chicken rice, it suits my taste very well."

The physical exhaustion of climbing a mountain is not...a little bit, and it is already past lunch time, and the four of them were hungry since 4, so they sat directly on the ground and began to destroy the food in front of them.

Although it is definitely not as good as those in the hotel...the freshly cooked food is delicious, but in such an environment, it gives these foods a different taste.

The food for 4 people is spicy, which is a more important part now.

Jiang Yuxue drank half of the water in his hand into himself, and then asked Gao Xiang, "Gao Xiang, do you still have water?"

Gao Xiang swallowed the food in his mouth, took out another bottle from the backpack beside him, and threw it gently to Jiang Yuxue: "Here it is."

Jiang Yuxue quickly reached out to catch it, said thank you, and started to destroy his roast duck rice and Jiang Yuqing's fat beef hot pot.

After eating and drinking, basking in the sun, the four of them felt tired. Jiang Yuxue looked at the lake in front of her and said, "I'm sleepy, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang replied: "It's normal, if you guys feel tired, just rest for a while, I'm here to help you watch."

Lu Wanxi turned her head to look at Gao Xiang and joked, "Like the night before, I fell asleep too."

Gao Xiang denied: "The two situations are originally different. It was in a hotel. Where is it? My heart is not that big."

Jiang Yuqing covered her mouth and smiled: "Okay, if you can't sleep, just rest here for a while, and close your eyes when you're tired. The four of us can't all fall asleep."

The four of them chatted without a word, looking at the surrounding scenery, Jiang Yuxue closed her eyes early, and the breeze was like a pair of gentle hands, gently caressing her white face.

At the beginning, he inserted two sentences from time to time, but after a while, he stopped responding, obviously falling asleep.

Gao Xiang naturally noticed it, but Lu Wanxi and Jiang Yuqing both closed their eyes in a daze, and they probably fell asleep after a long wait.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang simply leaned against the tree trunk behind him and looked at the surrounding scenery, took out the camera from the backpack beside him, and took pictures.

Whether it's scene selection or angle, Gao Xiang is also considered a professional.

The faces of the three girls were like elves, and Gao Xiang naturally wouldn't let them go. He secretly took several photos, with a smile on his face and muttered: "When they're done, I think they should see the photos. Very "surprise"


After taking the photos, Gao Xiang, who was bored, took out the data cable and copied some landscape pictures and Lu Wanxi's photos directly to his mobile phone. After thinking about it, he sent them to Han Muling and Liu Shunhua from the Internet.

However, it should be noted that the photos Gao Xiang sent to Liu Shunhua were all landscape pictures, and there was not a single photo of Lu Wanxi. Lu Wanxi would not mind the relationship between Han Muling and Lu Wanxi, but if they sent them to Liu Shunhua If so, Gao Xiang wasn't sure if Lu Wanxi would be angry because of this, after all, the two women hadn't met for a showdown yet.

Not long after the photos were classified and sent to the two people, Gao Xiang's phone vibrated.

Chapter 1109

Gao Xiang looked down and saw that it was a message from Han Muling: "So beautiful, where is this?"

Gao Xiang replied with a smile on his face: "Shenyang, Qipanshan Scenic Spot."

Han Muling replied, "Gao Xiang, I love you to death. I've been struggling with what kind of work to draw in the competition for the past two days. I didn't expect you to send me the work."

Gao Xiang replied, "I know you love me, so keep a low profile."

Han Muling made a disgusting expression and said, "Fuck you."

Gao Xiang made a laugh and then replied: "Are you going to use landscape pictures for this competition, do you want me to take two more pictures for you?"

Han Muling denied: "No, it's our Sleeping Beauty Wanxi, hehe, I'll call Wanxi to let her know at night, you don't have to worry about it, but the scenery is so beautiful, you can't be there, It's a shame to see it."

Gao Xiang comforted: "It doesn't matter, just fly over after you finish the game. I will accompany you to watch the beautiful scenery of the motherland."

Han Muling replied, "Okay, our match will be scheduled in five days. I'll call you directly after the match."

Gao Xiang quickly typed on the phone with his fingers: "Okay, I'll pick you up when the time comes."

Han Muling made a smile and said, "That's it for now, I have to plan the photo you sent me, and then I have to report this entry to the teacher. Don't talk anymore, bye bye."

Gao Xiang also replied: "Goodbye, take care of yourself, don't be too tired."

Han Muling replied that he knew, and then he stopped moving.

At this time, Liu Shunhua still did not reply, and Gao Xiang stopped fiddling with his mobile phone, stood up and moved the joints that were a little sore and numb.

Then Gao Xiang walked to the lake, looking at the looming fish in the lake, wondering what he was thinking.

Suddenly hearing movement in the direction of Lu Wanxi's three people behind him, Gao Xiang quickly turned his head to look, and found that Lu Wanxi slowly opened his eyes and got up from the ground with some difficulty.

Gao Xiang hurriedly stepped forward, helped Lu Wanxi and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Wanxi slowly moved her legs: "Ass and legs are numb."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang said with a smile: "It's not numb, the ground is so hard, I'll help you move around, it'll be fine in a while."

After he finished speaking, he helped Lu Wanxi to walk forward.

Before taking two steps, Lu Wanxi hurriedly said: Slow down, you are so fast, how can I keep up..."

Gao Xiang slowed down when he heard the words, the two of them were like an old man and an old lady, walking extremely slowly, Lu Wanxi's numb leg just couldn't bend.

Just as the two of them were walking slowly, Jiang Yuxue probably heard the movements of the two, and slowly opened her eyes, seeing Gao Xiang and the two of them, she wondered, "What are you two doing?"

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi had turned their backs to Jiang Yuxue, but when they heard Jiang Yuxue speak, they slowly turned around and Lu Wanxi answered, "Your legs are numb, are you alright?"

Jiang Yuxue was stunned when she heard the words, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her legs.

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