Then he tried to stand up slowly, but the result was predictable, exactly the same as Lu Wanxi.

In desperation, Lu Wanxi came over and asked Gao Xiang to stay aside, while Lu Wanxi and Jiang Yuxue supported each other.

When Jiang Yuqing woke up...they were almost recovered.

Jiang Yuqing............It seems that there is no problem at all, just stand up and walk away.

Lu Wanxi wondered, "Why are our legs numb, are you okay?"

Jiang Yuqing smiled slightly: "Posture problem."

The four of them stayed here for a while...then they were ready to leave, they couldn't spend all their afternoon here, although it was indeed beautiful.

Lu Wanxi and the three of them packed their things, while Gao Xiang ran to a road sign not far away to confirm the direction. Afterwards, Gao Xiang's plan of the four of them did not change, and planned to go to the Primeval Forest Park.

Gao Xiang walked to the road sign, and there was a map just below the huge road. Gao Xiang learned from the map that the location of the primeval forest park and the location of Xiu Lake were completely separated by a mountain, and this mountain happened to be... Three Mountains One The highest mountain in the water - Huishan.

Fortunately, it is marked on the map that there is a cable car on the Xiuhu side to go to the top of Huishan Mountain, and the top of Huishan Mountain can use a zipline to go to the Primitive Forest Park.

Gao Xiang roughly estimated that it would take about half an hour to arrive.

After once again confirming the location where the cable car can be taken on Xiuhu Lake, Gao Xiang walked back to the location where Lu Wanxi and the three of them were.

At this time, the three of Lu Wanxi had already cleaned up, and when Gao Xiang came back, he directly explained the way to go to the Primeval Forest Park.

Jiang Yuxue was the first to answer: "That's not bad, you can also enjoy the surrounding scenery and take the cable car."

Lu Wanxi said with a smile: "Then let's go, it's getting late, and it's time for us to go back to the hotel after walking around the forest park."

Chapter 1110

Afterwards, the three of Lu Wanxi followed behind Gao Xiang, and Gao Xiang led the way to the direction of the cable car.

Walking on such a quiet road is also a kind of enjoyment. In fact, there is no road here, people are stepping on the lawn, and they don’t know how the person in charge here manages it, making it seem that there are not many people here at all. The traces of walking, the grass is still so green and tall.

After walking for about four or five minutes, Gao Xiang's group of four finally saw a large open space not far away. The grass and trees in the open space were no longer there. Some were just a huge building, and they kept flowing back and forth, waiting for Cable car with guests.

At this time, only a few staff members were waiting in the open space, and there were no tourists.

Gao Xiang took Lu Wanxi and the three of them directly to the cashier window of the building. Gao Xiang asked, "Hello, I want to ask how much the cable car cost per person."

The staff member sitting in the window was a woman who looked to be nearly forty years old, with heavy makeup on her face, which gave people a very strange feeling.

The woman raised her head and glanced at Gao Xiang's group, and when her eyes fell on Lu Wanxi's three people, Gao Xiang clearly felt the women's jealousy and dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang shook his head helplessly. Gao Xiang didn't want to cause trouble and continued to ask, "Hello?"

The woman heard this and said impatiently: "I heard, 120 soft sister coins per person, isn't it written on the sign over there?"

When Gao Xiang heard the words, a nameless fire suddenly rose in his heart, and Lu Wanxi felt that Gao Xiang's emotions gently pulled Gao Xiang's sleeves to signal Gao Xiang to ignore it.

Gao Xiang felt Lu Wanxi's movements, so he didn't have a seizure, and paid 480 soft sister coins directly and said, "Four people."

This woman also noticed that her attitude was not good, and she restrained the impatience on her face, but she did not show any sign, just took out four tickets and handed them to Gao Xiang: "Here, go there directly. Just hand the ticket to the staff."

Gao Xiang didn't say thank you after hearing the words, and the three of them left, and away from the window, Gao Xiang looked back again, only to see a small building in the corner of the building.

The ticket is indeed marked with the fare, it should have been hung on the wall, but it fell down for no apparent reason.

Naturally, Gao Xiang will not do anything irrational because of this. There are many people like this in life, but they must be more tiring to live. He compares everything with others every day. This is not balanced or that. Balanced and easy to live is strange.

When he came to the place where he took the cable car, Gao Xiang gave it to the waiting staff. The staff took the ticket and glanced at it, and then looked up at Gao Xiang's four people 4. Although there was a hint of surprise in the corner of his eyes, he did not look too much. 's stay.

He opened a cable car door that just stopped at the platform and said: "Go in, be careful not to move too much on the cable car, it is best not to walk back and forth, we are a sightseeing cable car, you can also see a good view while sitting. , If you feel motion sickness or uncomfortable, you can open the window properly, but don't stick your head out of the window."

Gao Xiang smiled when he heard the staff's words: "Okay, thank you."

Afterwards, the four of them got on the cable car one after another. Gao Xiang is such a person. People respect me one foot and 4, and I respect others ten feet.

Of course, Gao Xiang wouldn't easily get into disputes with people, and things like fights and quarrels wouldn't happen to a god.

As the staff locked the door of the cable car, the cable car began to move slowly.

Gao Xiang sat quietly on the cable car, and Lu Wanxi said, "Gao Xiang, are you still angry?"

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "No, it's not necessary, but at the time I thought it would be too easy for people like this to get stuck in the service industry."

Lu Wanxi heard the words and said with a chuckle: "It's unnecessary, it's enough for her to be like this, don't you think it's more relieved than arguing with her when you see her envious and jealous eyes? "

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Your idea is really good enough. Her anger is her own psychological problem, and it is her work attitude that adds to us."

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said, "If you are always angry with this kind of person, then don't you want to live, there are a lot of people like this, and you will be so angry."

Jiang Yuxue smiled and said: "Actually, I was quite upset just now, but when I hear you say that, I better not be upset."

Jiang Yuqing and Lu Wanxi both laughed when they heard the words.

Gao Xiang was also amused by Jiang Yuxue's remarks, and said, "Your mentality is.... the change is very fast."

Chapter 1111

The cable car rises slowly. The speed of the cable car is much slower than that of the zip line. It is the best to sit on the cable car and enjoy the high-altitude scenery.

The four people 4 looked back at Xiuhu, and the scene that he saw on the zip line appeared in front of the four people 4 at this time, Gao Xiang naturally remembered which of his poems was not good, but it was enough for the occasion.

Jiang Yuxue suddenly said, "That's the view. When I went down the zipline, I wanted to sing a song. It's so beautiful."

Gao Xiang jokingly said, "I still wanted to write a poem at that time."

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