Gao Xiang's 4 people came out from the cable car station and saw the surrounding scenes. Jiang Yuxue wondered: "These...... souvenir shops are open here to sell what?"

The signboards of those shops are all written as souvenirs of forest play, and there are no other hints. No wonder Jiang Yuxue would ask such a question.

Gao Xiang guessed: "I think it may be some knives or sculptures, or there may be flint and steel, these... but they may be used in the primeval forest. to something,.”

Lu Wanxi said helplessly: "You think this is a wilderness survival, and you even use knives and flints."

In order to verify, one person decided to take a look at the store to satisfy his curiosity.

It’s a good idea to go in here. You can buy what Gao Xiang said in it. It’s not bad at all. There are flints, jackknives, tents, and even shovels, which may be used in the forest for sale. thing.

It will not be sold for sale, but it is only for collection. Animals and fires are not allowed here. This is not just a joke.

Looking at these things, Lu Wanxi said helplessly: "Selling these things here, isn't this blocking the police and firefighters because I'm afraid they won't be busy?"

Gao Xiang quickly pulled Lu Wanxi's sleeve when he heard the words, but it was too late, the clerk had already heard Lu Wanxi's remarks.

The clerk was a little girl in work clothes who didn't look very old. Seeing the four of them slowly came forward, she smiled and said: "We naturally won't allow this to happen, the safety of the woods The setting is in place, and these things are just souvenirs, if you really find someone doing some illegal things in the forest, he will be greeted by a free small single room."

Lu Wanxi seemed to be interested in this matter and argued: "This forest is so big, can you manage it?"

The clerk still kept a smile and said: "You can rest assured that the main forest is under our surveillance, no one can cross the border, and as you said, if someone really stirs up trouble, even if he doesn't buy what we have here, he will have it in his pocket. The lighter and the knife he brought with him would also be his murder weapon, wouldn't it?"

When Lu Wanxi heard the words, it was exactly as the clerk said. In fact, the reason why Lu Wanxi was so excited was because it would spread on the Internet that the police and firefighters paid for the behavior of some people and lost their lives. My precious life makes me feel very unhappy, and that's why I have such remarks now.

The clerk smiled and pointed to a huge building not far away and introduced: "Where is the monitoring building in our forest, and the entire forest is equipped with emergency fire-fighting devices, and there will be people patrolling it 24 hours a day, striving to achieve Zero mistakes and zero dangers, which is why our store dares to open here."

When Lu Wanxi heard the clerk's introduction, she also felt that she seemed to be avoiding the important and taking it lightly. Instead, she avoided the focus of some unscrupulous people, and it was actually: the problem of finding tools, and immediately said a little embarrassed: "I'm really sorry..., just a little bit. excited."

The clerk quickly said: "It's okay, you can make such remarks to show that you are very kind and have a sense of justice. To be honest, I also particularly resent those people who make mistakes and let others help pay the bill. "

Lu Wanxi's attitude at this time was a complete 180 turn from when she first came in, and smiled: "Because of the misunderstanding I just had about you, let's also buy two souvenirs, these things are kept as souvenirs and can also be used as a warning. I'm fine myself."

The clerk said with a smile: "Welcome to buy, I will give you a discount."

Chapter 1113

Lu Wanxi, a girl naturally didn't know much about these things, and finally handed over the matter to Gao Xiang.

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "I'm quite interested in these things. You guys can talk, I'll go in and have a look."

In the end, the three of Lu Wanxi were paired with the ... young girl's clerk chatting, while Gao Xiang went in to pick something.

Lu Wanxi glanced at the whole store and asked, "Are you the only one in the whole store?"

The clerk smiled and said: "Yes, this shop was originally opened by my parents, and now I have graduated, and there is nothing to do. My parents and they sent me to visit the shop when they went on a trip, and they were reluctant to ask them to find a clerk. ,No idea."

Jiang Yuxue opened his mouth and said, "Ah, this store belongs to your family. I always thought you were the clerk here. I didn't expect to see it wrong. I don't know what you call it."

The girl waved her hand and said, "It's alright, many people say that, but the requirement here is... It's normal to wear professional attire like this, and it's normal to look away. My name is Wang Shiyu, you can just call me Shiyu."

Lu Wanxi and the three of them also introduced themselves when they heard the words.

And Gao Xiang walked into the store and was attracted by these... these little things that are full of beauty and attractive to all men.

A variety of exquisite knives, whetstones for field survival, and multi-functional splicing shovel sets.

An all-metal multifunctional folding shovel has caught Gao Xiang's attention. It has many functions such as field survival, fishing, and self-defense. The main reason is that this fishing function makes Gao Xiang like it.

It just so happened that there were also fishing bait in the store, so Gao Xiang took the shovel set and the fishing bait directly, and then picked out a black dragon-scale folding knife that looked quite beautiful, and then came to the counter where Lu Wanxi and the others were chatting. side.

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang's pile of things, quite helpless, Lu Wanxi just wanted to buy two souvenirs, but she underestimated the allure of these things to a man.

But Lu Wanxi naturally wouldn't say anything because of this, as long as Gao Xiang liked it, Lu Wanxi would never refuse.

Gao Xiang put these things on the counter and said, "Wanxi, I just saw the tent inside, do you think we should buy two tents? Later, if you don't want to stay in the car on the road, you can put the tent directly. It's also good to move out and enjoy the night view."

Lu Wanxi and the Jiang family sisters 3 heard the words, and Lu Wanxi said, "This proposal is not bad."

Wang Shiyu said with a smile: If so, I can recommend a tent for you, this tent is very suitable for you in terms of quality and space."

Wang Shiyu already knew the relationship of the four people 3 through the conversation with Lu Wanxi and the three, and introduced: "This tent is a two-person tent, not only of first-class quality, but also the two tents can be fixed together, and the two tents can be fixed together. The room can also be connected by a passable passage, which is equivalent to two communicating bedrooms.

That way the four of you can still talk together."

"The top of the tent is made of high-tech single-sided transparent material. You can see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside from the outside. If you feel that the light outside affects your sleep, the top of the tent also has an isolation layer, which is directly isolated. Just pull it up."

After Wang Shiyu's introduction, Gao Xiang made the decision to buy two such tents.

You know, being in a tent and in an RV is a completely different feeling.

Lu Wanxi said: "Then get us two tents like this, by the way, we will go to the forest to play around.

Things, you can put them here first."

Hearing Lu Wanxi's words, Wang Shiyu wondered, "Ah, don't you want to spend the night in the forest and try it?"

Lu Wanxi was stunned and puzzled when she heard the words, "I can spend the night in this forest."

Wang Shiyu nodded affirmatively: "Of course I can, if I can't sell the tent here, wouldn't it be a loss for me to die?

you don't know."

Lu Wanxi shook her head and said, "I don't know, if you don't say it, I really never thought about why this tent appeared in the store."

Wang Shiyu smiled and said: "It seems that you didn't plan well before you came here. There must be many places that you haven't browsed. Do you want me to help you plan it."

When Lu Wanxi heard the words, she looked at Gao Xiang and the others and asked, "What should we do?"

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