Gao Xiang thought for a while and shook his head: "Forget it, let's talk about it next time, and try not to change tomorrow's schedule. If it takes too long, the summer will probably be over by the time we get home."

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue also nodded their heads in agreement, there are still many places to visit for the beautiful scenery of the motherland, so we can't delay too long in one place.

Chapter 1114

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi said to Wang Shiyu, "You saw it too, we're leaving tomorrow, and we'll come back next time when we have a chance, and we're looking for your help."

Wang Shiyu said with a smile: "Alright, it just so happens that I have to visit the store in the past two days. When you come over next time, I will personally show you around here."

Afterwards, a few people chatted for a while..., Gao Xiang's four people said goodbye, just when Gao Xiang was about to pay, Wang Shiyu said: "If you don't take anything, you have to pay, wait for you to come back and get it. Let's talk about it when we have something."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Actually it's all the same, then we'll pay when we come back."

Wang Shiyu replied: "Well, yes, there is a general map of the forest outside the gate, you remember to take a photo, there are many people who get lost inside for the first time."

Lu Wanxi said gratefully, "I see, thank you, and I'll come back to you when we go to play around."

Gao Xiang's 4 finally left Wang Shiyu's shop, and then the 4 walked towards the gate of this area according to the direction Wang Shiyu said.

On the way, Lu Wanxi smiled and said: "We seem to be lucky, we always meet a warm friend like Shi Yu. We met that girl when we were ziplining, and now we meet Shi Yu again."

Gao Xiang jokingly said: "We also met the previous... cable car conductor, that... is also lucky?"

When Lu Wanxi heard the words, she gave Gao Xiang a blank look and said, "I'm too lazy to care about you, there's no serious words in my mouth."

The four of them walked to the gate but were stopped by the staff at the gate. The staff smiled and said, "Hello, please show your tickets."

Only then did the 4 people notice that there was a small cash register next to it, and the 4 people [-] had been busy talking just now and didn't notice it.

Gao Xiang said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't notice it just now, we'll go buy tickets now."

Then the four of them bought the tickets, and then the staff checked the tickets and let them go.

Four people 4 then entered the real scope of this ancient park.

As soon as I entered this forest, my line of sight immediately settled down, the wood covered the sky and the sun, and the thinnest tree was as thick as two people hugging each other.

The thick dead leaves on the ground may be because of the feeling of the virgin forest, or because of the ecological system here, the staff of the park did not clean it up.

Four people 4 stepped on the leaves, and the squeaking sound was endless. Looking at the ground, four people 4 could still vaguely see some traces of people passing by, but as they went deeper, the traces became less and less.

From time to time, a few bird chirping could be heard in my ears, which not only did not disturb the quiet atmosphere in the forest, but made the place feel more secluded.

The air here is not as good as imagined, on the contrary, there is a hint of decay, but it is precisely because of this faint smell that people can feel the charm of nature even more.

The four of them slowly went deeper, and for some reason no one spoke. In the end, Jiang Yuxue broke the silence and said, "Why don't you speak here when you come in? It makes me so nervous, and I always feel that there will be beasts. Suddenly came out and attacked us."

Jiang Yuxue suddenly opened her mouth, but Lu Wanxi and Jiang Yuqing jumped in fright.

Lu Wanxi patted her chest lightly and said, "You scared me to death, I don't know if you feel this way, to be honest, I do too, although the introduction says it won't happen, but I always feel that such a big virgin forest is real. What kind of beast is hiding in here, if the staff doesn't find it, it will be troublesome."

Gao Xiang comforted: "Okay, don't think about it, this place has been in business for so long, and there is no news that people have been attacked by beasts, which means that it must be safe. Besides, with the current technology, any infrared temperature detector can be used. It can solve the problem of hidden creatures, so there is absolutely no need to worry.”

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "I know that too, but this kind of environment, this kind of atmosphere doesn't allow for cranky thinking?"

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he stopped talking.

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said, "Actually, it's just... a psychological effect. In fact, if you think about it from another angle, you can discover the beauty here. Don't you think such a quiet environment is suitable for thinking?"

Lu Wanxi nodded and replied, "That's true."

The four of them began to talk, and Lu Wanxi and the three of them suddenly felt relieved, stepping on the soft withered leaves, and the four of them continued to walk forward.

The three of Lu Wanxi have been talking all the time, while Gao Xiang is silent, frowning, thinking about something, and taking out his phone to see if he is.

Seeing that Gao Xiang had been silent, Lu Wanxi asked, "What's the matter with you, aren't you angry? I didn't say anything."

Chapter 1115

Gao Xiang was stunned when he heard the words: "Ah"

After reacting, he quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, I'm just determining where the river we saw in the air when we took the cable car. I think the riverside should be more comfortable than this side."

Lu Wanxi heard the words and asked, "Have you thought of that?"

Gao Xiang replied, "I'm determining the direction and distance. Logically speaking, the river shouldn't be too far."

Jiang Yuxue said happily: "Then think about it quickly, let's go over to see it together, I saw on TV that the forests and rivers are generally places with lush flowers and plants, and there is no sunlight here, except... No tree or other plants can be seen."

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "It's mainly the one we just sat on... The cable car has too many bends, so I have to twist."

In less than a minute, Gao Xiang used the compass on his mobile phone to determine the direction: "It should be in the southeast direction. The sense of direction here is too bad, and I can't see where the sun is. If you don't use the compass, you may really get lost."

Jiang Yuxue nodded and said, "It's just..., I don't know how to get some road signs."

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said, "It's still called the virgin forest after walking the road signs. Isn't the most interesting thing in the virgin forest the process of exploration?"

After roughly determining the direction, Gao Xiang took Lu Wanxi and the three of them in which direction.

At this time, the four people's feet have completely lost the traces left by human beings. It seems that only the four of them exist in this forest.

Gao Xiang's four people 4 just followed the direction indicated on the mobile phone and moved slowly forward, and naturally saw many other creatures that had never been seen before.

Of course, organisms that can grow in such dense forests naturally have very little demand for sunlight, and many of them are fungi.

Lu Wanxi and the three of them grew up in Beijing, and naturally they are very curious about these foods.

However, although they were curious, Lu Wanxi and the three of them would not go forward to touch them stupidly. When they came in, the notices on the side of the door were clearly written. Don't touch unfamiliar things in the forest. toxic.

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