Although these things are not fatal, they may cause other bad situations, which will be very troublesome.

So the question is, why don't the staff deal with these things together, the reason is naturally that if all the things that may cause bad situations here are really eliminated, then the primeval forest park will completely lose the meaning of the word "primitive".

The four people 4 keep going forward like this, once they encounter something wrong, Lu Wanxi and the three people 3 will take pictures and check them online.

This is something that has a lot of knowledge, and it can fully understand nature. Lu Wanxi and the three of them are completely enjoying it.

This result also led to the fact that after half an hour, the four of them didn't travel much distance at all.

Naturally, Gao Xiang will not disturb the nature of the three of them, and sometimes he will help to introduce. As a god who possesses medicinal scriptures, most of the plants and fungi that can cause various harm to the body, if Gao Xiang does not If you know it, then you will really be ashamed of the skill of medicine classics.

Four people 4 continued to walk forward slowly, suddenly Jiang Yuxue found a fresh yellow flower not far away, it was really beautiful.

Jiang Yuxue pointed at the flower and said happily, "Hey, isn't that honeysuckle? I know this one, and I saw it before when I went out to play."

Gao Xiang and the three of them all looked at the sound when they heard the words, but Lu Wanxi and Jiang Yuqing didn't feel anything. I just felt that this flower was really beautiful, and the bright yellow one was quite "cute". "

Gao Xiang frowned and said, "It can't be honeysuckle, honeysuckle is not suitable for growing in such a place."

Jiang Yuxue was stunned for a moment and said uncertainly, "Why not? It's exactly the same as the honeysuckle flower I've seen before."

Gao Xiang ignored Jiang Yuxue's doubts, but stepped forward and carefully observed this tender yellow flower.

Only at this time did Gao Xiang confirm: "It is indeed not a honeysuckle, but a plant that is very similar to honeysuckle, called Broken Heart Flower. Can you think of anything when you hear its name?"

Jiang Yuxue nodded solemnly and said, "Well, I've heard this name in martial arts novels."

When Gao Xiang heard the words, his head was full of black lines.

Jiang Yuqing said at this time, "Could it be that this flower is highly poisonous?"

Gao Xiang glanced at Jiang Yuxue, who was occasionally nervous, and nodded: "Yes, it is highly poisonous, so it is named after the heartbroken.

Jiang Yuxue was surprised when she heard the words: "Ah, it's so powerful, so if you get so close, nothing will happen, right?"

Gao Xiang shook his head helplessly and said, "No, the poison of this kind of flower is not spread by pollen, it can only be poisoned by accidental ingestion, but because it is very similar to honeysuckle, some people will not know it, so they pick the flower. Going back to soak in water to drink, it will lead to poisoning and death."

"However, with the current medical conditions, as long as the treatment is timely, it can be completely cured."

Then Gao Xiang jokingly said: "Yuxue, do you want to try, you don't have to be afraid at all, no matter what, I'm also a doctor."

Jiang Yuxue gave Gao Xiang a blank look when she heard the words and said, "If you want to try it yourself, I don't have time to find anything to blame."

: ask for a reward.

Chapter 1116

The matter about the heartbroken flower was just a small episode. After Gao Xiang's introduction, Lu Wanxi and the three of them all understood the power of the heartbroken flower.

Gao Xiang's four-player game continues, and the four-player 4 continues to move towards the river.

Finally, after an hour, I arrived at the... riverside that Gao Xiang said.

Not far away, the sight of the four of them widened, a big river spanned in front of everyone, and the sun shone on the river and reflected golden rays of light.

The river is not turbulent, but it is not as soft as imagined. On both sides of the river, all kinds of flowers and plants are blooming, leisurely and delicate, which forms a sharp contrast with the dark tones in the forest.

The three of Lu Wanxi saw the scene in front of them from a distance, and their faces showed joy.

Lu Wanxi grabbed Gao Xiang's arm and said excitedly, "It's so beautiful, it's almost like a fairyland."

Gao Xiang felt Lu Wanxi's joy and smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go ahead and take a look, but be careful, the damp places by the river are also places where many insects and snakes like to roam."

The three of Lu Wanxi didn't seem to take Gao Xiang's second half of the sentence to heart at all. The three of them unconsciously quickened their pace and walked forward. Lu Wanxi was pulling Gao Xiang's arm, and Gao Xiang could only hang. At the back, followed the three people 3 to the river.

As they got closer, the four of them saw the butterflies of various colors flying back and forth among the flowers, and the buzzing bees.

The three of Lu Wanxi were completely fascinated by such natural scenery, and the camera in their hands was handed over to Lu Wanxi again. In order not to disturb these...small animals, Lu Wan Xi deliberately turned off the shutter sound, and the three of them exchanged photos of various angles and styles.

Gao Xiang was standing aside, breathing deeply the fresh air here, listening to the sound of running water next to him, his expression indifferent, but his attention was always on the three girls as he passed by, he didn't want to let the three Injuried.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, but Gao Xiang's four people were not in a hurry, and leisurely played by the river.

Jiang Yuxue pointed to Xiang not far ahead, and said happily: "The flowers over there are beautiful, let's go over there and have a look."

Then Lu Wanxi and Jiang Yuqing responded to the call and rushed away with Jiang Yuxue.

Gao Xiang, on the other hand, was always at the same distance from the three three women, paying attention to the movements around him.

Suddenly, Gao Xiang heard a slight noise coming from the grass next to him. Gao Xiang's special forces skills are not in vain, and his reaction power is absolutely amazing.

When I heard the sound again, I had already moved, my eyes quickly looked in that direction, I saw a gray shadow, and my eyes quickly rushed out, and I reached out and grabbed the unknown joint of the gray shadow. Take it out.

When the three-character child heard the sound and turned to look at Gao Xiang, he found that Gao Xiang's hand had a gray and furry rabbit, and the two furry ears of the rabbit were held by Gao Xiang.

The rabbit was also blinded and didn't struggle at all, just staring at Gao Xiang with big eyes.

Gao Xiang was also confused, he really didn't expect such a small thing hidden in the grass.

Jiang Yuxue exclaimed, "Wow, so cute."

Then quickly ran over to Gao Xiang and said, "Show me and show me."

Jiang Yuxue's voice seemed to turn on some kind of switch, Gao Xiang came back to his senses, and the rabbit began to struggle, but this rabbit obviously couldn't break free from Gao Xiang's claws.

At this time, Jiang Yuxue had already walked to Gao Xiang's side. Seeing that the hare was struggling, the hand that was just about to touch the rabbit suddenly hesitated. Looking at Gao Xiang, he asked, "It doesn't want people."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang replied, "It may bite. A hare is much more violent than a domestic rabbit, but you'll be fine if you hold its ears."

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