Gao Xiang pursed his lips and motioned the three of Lu Wanxi to look in front of them. The three of Lu Wanxi understood and looked in the direction Gao Xiang showed, but they were also stunned.

Lu Wanxi said happily: "Really, I didn't expect to see her here."

Then he waved his hands and shouted, "Hello"

When the girl heard someone shouting, she looked in the direction of Gao Xiang's 4 with some doubts. She was stunned when she saw the 4 of [-], and immediately said happily: "Ah, I really met you."

Then, seeing the snake wrapped around Gao Xiang's arm, he was taken aback and pointed at Gao Xiang, "What are you doing?"

The three of Lu Wanxi walked in the direction of the girl first, and Gao Xiang was half a step behind. After all, he didn't seem to have much influence now, and he didn't want to scare the girl.

Lu Wanxi and the three of them stepped forward, saw the girl looking at Gao Xiang in confusion, they recounted the previous events, Jiang Yuxue asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid of the snakes and worms in the forest? "

The girl had already understood the matter after hearing the stories of several people, and at this time she heard Jiang Yuxue's words and said, "Of course I was afraid, but I was prepared.

There are a lot of snake repellent powder and insect repellent powder in the souvenir shop over there, and I also brought a dagger for the sappers to shovel."

The girl's meal: Lu Wanxi and the three of them were stunned, they couldn't imagine that this cute looking girl would carry such a dangerous tool with her.

Of course, it's normal to come in here by yourself and do some preparations, but Lu Wanxi was still a little puzzled, and asked, "There are also snake-repellent powder and insect-repellent powder in the souvenir shop."

The girl nodded affirmatively and said: "Yeah, apply these...... powders on the body, these...... snakes and worms, etc. Don't dare to get close."

Lu Wanxi heard the words and turned to look at Gao Xiang.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang nodded and said, "It is true, but I thought it might not be needed, so I didn't buy it."

Lu Wanxi was speechless when she heard the words, but she didn't bother about this issue either.

Jiang Yuxue asked at this time: "Last time you left in a hurry, you forgot to ask your name, it's inconvenient if you don't know."

The girl smiled and said, "What's the inconvenience of this, my name is Du Yinuo, how about you?"

Jiang Yuxue then introduced Gao Xiang and the three of them to Du Yinuo in turn, and finally introduced himself.

Du Yinuo nodded and looked at Gao Xiang with some hesitation: "That... Gao Xiang, right, are you going to stand here with that snake in your hands and listen to our chat?"

When Lu Wanxi and the Jiang sisters 3 heard the words, they all laughed out loud.

Hearing this, Gao Xiang spread his hands and said, "The main reason is that I haven't found a suitable place to release it."

Du Yinuo thought about it and pointed in the opposite direction from Gao Xiang and the others: "There is a small road over there that I don't know who made it out, you can get close to the river, or you can go there and get rid of this snake first. Bar."

Gao Xiang nodded, and then asked, "What about you?"

Du Yinuo replied: "I have snake repellent powder, I bought a lot, just give them to them, let's go, the more I look at it, the more panic I get, don't you know, when I just saw you I thought you were a bad guy who came to the forest for poaching."

Lu Wanxi also said at this time, "Go, it's alright."

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Okay, then, wait for me here for a while..."

After he finished speaking, he went in the direction Du Yinuo just pointed.

Chapter 1119

With Gao Xiang's prudence and caution, he naturally wouldn't trust a person so easily, but he just triggered the system's Observation Skill. After the feedback from the skill, Gao Xiang could be sure that the girl had no problems, so he left with confidence.

But Gao Xiang wouldn't really be so completely at ease. For him, only when Lu Wanxi was by his side could he really not have to worry.

Therefore, Gao Xiang's pace is very fast, and he strives to go quickly and return quickly.

After Gao Xiang left, Du Yinuo took off his backpack and took out two boxes of powdered objects and handed them to Lu Wanxi and the three of them: "Here, one is snake repellent powder, the other is Insect repellent powder, just sprinkle a little less on your body, but...the smell is a bit pungent."

Lu Wanxi smiled at the two small boxes that Du Yinuo handed over: "It's okay."

Then Lu Wanxi and the three of them sprinkled some powder on their bodies under the guidance of Du Yinuo. When they first took them out, the smell was indeed a bit pungent, but after a while, the smell faded away. , until occasionally I can smell that slight smell.

Lu Wanxi raised her head suspiciously and said, "Is this all right?"

Du Yinuo nodded and smiled and said: "Yes, I used to be like this when I came here. Fortunately, it's better for you to come here. At this time, there are almost no poisonous mosquitoes and insects in the forest, otherwise it must be The stung are covered in bags."

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Thank you, I found that you know a lot about this place. Did you check it all on the Internet?"

Du Yinuo shook his head when he heard the words and was about to speak when Gao Xiang's voice came from not far away: "It's done, what are you talking about?"

Lu Wanxi heard the words and replied, "It's nothing, it's just... I feel that Yinuo knows a lot about the forest. I'm curious where she got it, so I want to ask."

Gao Xiang turned his head to look at Du Yinuo, Du Yinuo actually had a good impression of Gao Xiang, it was true that Gao Xiang's behavior just now was a little too bluffing.

Du Yinuo smiled and said: "Actually it's nothing, my father is an explorer, and he often took me around when I was older, such as glaciers, tropical places, etc. For this reason, my mother also followed me. He had a lot of fights, but my dad never changed it."

"I was curious about everything at that time. Although I would be exhausted every time I went out, and there was no time without injury, but every time my dad went out, I would follow him, and I liked the tension... Thrilling."

"So I have been running for so many years since I was a child, and I have also learned a little about some of the skills of survival in the wild."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxue sighed: "You are so amazing, we were afraid of a snake just now."

Du Yinuo shook his head and smiled and said, "Actually, I'm also afraid, but it turned out that because my father was with me, I felt very secure, and now I'm afraid when I see a snake, otherwise I wouldn't be so anxious to let Gao Xiang just now. Get rid of that snake."

Gao Xiang already had some guesses in his heart at this time, and he tentatively asked: "Your father can't be Du Fangjun, the man who claims to stand at the top of the food chain"

Du Yinuo was stunned when he heard Gao Xiang's words, his expression was obviously a little unnatural, and finally nodded and said: "Yes, my father is... Du Fangjun, but the so-called man standing at the top of the food chain is nothing but a phantom. It's just a title, it's useless at all."

Gao Xiang naturally knows why Du Yinuo has such an attitude. Du Fangjun has always been Gao Xiang's idol before. That was two years ago. At that time, Du Fangjun was still the protagonist of a wilderness survival TV show. All are in millions.

However, due to a broken leg in an accident two years ago, Du Fangjun has been out of sight since then.

At that time, the reason why Du Fangjun was so popular was mainly because when he occasionally recorded a program, he would always bring a very cute little girl by his side. That little girl would follow Du Fangjun to explore all kinds of mysterious and dangerous unmanned people. Area.

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