The existence of this little girl made Du Fangjun a leading figure in wilderness survival TV shows.

And that accident was actually because of the protection of this little girl.

Gao Xiang looked at Du Yinuo in front of him, and finally found a little shadow of the girl's past.

It's no wonder that Gao Xiang couldn't recognize it, it's just that Du Yinuo has changed a lot in the past two years.

Lu Wanxi and the three of them naturally didn't know about such a famous person. At this moment, they all felt a little sigh in their hearts, lamenting the gratuitousness of the world, and at the same time lamenting the wonder of fate, that several people could meet in such an environment.

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, Du Yinuo knew how many people knew his father and what had happened. He smiled and shook his head and said, "Actually, it's fine now, my father doesn't have to be so tired. He will come out, play around in this non-life-threatening forest, take pictures and take them back to show him, he will be very happy."

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi didn't know what to say or how to comfort this girl who looked strong but was actually very vulnerable.

Chapter 1120

When Du Yinuo saw that the four of Gao Xiang didn't speak anymore, he smiled slightly and said: "Oh, let's not talk about this, since we are so destined to be together, we will take a few more photos together later, if my dad knows that I know each other. You friends will surely be happy for me too."

Lu Wanxi smiled slightly and said, "Let's go then, just because you are more familiar with this place, so let's have a good walk with us."

Then the team of four and four became five. Du Yinuo smiled and said, "Let's go, there is a waterfall at the end of this river. It's very beautiful. I'll show you guys and share my secret base."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Let's go then, if we hadn't run into you, we'd still be going back for a walk by the river."

Then Du Yinuo took this kind of person to the... waterfall she said.

On the way, Lu Wanxi asked, "Yinuo, are you a local here? Listening to your standard Mandarin, I really can't tell where you are from."

Du Yinuo shook his head and said: "My hometown is in Linhai City, Heijiang Province, that is... I feel that this virgin forest park here has the feeling of an original adventure, so I came here twice."

Lu Wanxi was taken aback and said, "Linhai City, isn't that very close to Xuexiang Forest Park?"

Du Yinuo nodded and said: "Yes, Xuexiang Forest Park is within the scope of our Linhai City, what's the matter, are you going to play there?"

Lu Wanxi nodded and replied, "Yes, we're going to have a look. This time we're going to... Self-driving tour, inspirational to travel around the country, Xuexiang Forest Park is exactly in our plan."

When Du Yinuo heard Lu Wanxi's affirmative reply, his eyes lit up and he said, "Then the feelings are good, I can take you for a good stroll, just now Xuexiang Forest Park has not been closed yet, if you want to go, you have to hurry up. , It is estimated that there will be another half a month or so: time, Xuexiang Forest Park will be closed,"

Lu Wanxi thought about it and asked, "Yinuo, how did you get here? Are you on a plane?"

Du Yinuo nodded and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "There is still a seat in our RV, or you can go back with us. Anyway... there is nothing to do, we can still be companions on the road."

Du Yinuo was a little hesitant to hear the words. After all, Shuang was so familiar with her, she was not worried that a few people would hurt her, but she was a little embarrassed.

Gao Xiang didn't care at all, the position of the sofa was definitely unshakable.

Jiang Yuxue also smiled and said, "Yes, it just so happens that I also want to hear the stories of your previous adventures. I'm very curious, that is... I might be a little tired on the road."

Du Yinuo finally nodded and agreed.

Seeing Du Yinuo, Lu Wanxi nodded and smiled and said, "Great, by the way, where are you staying tonight, or just stay with us, just let Gao Xiang sleep on the sofa, you and I share a room. "

Du Yinuo glanced at Gao Xiang after hearing the words, and said hesitantly, "This is not good."

Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled: "It's okay, the sofa may not have a comfortable bed."

Du Yinuo seemed to be very incapable of rejecting others, so he nodded and said, "Well, I just arrived today, and I came here directly after I arrived, so I didn't book a hotel, and I carried everything with me in my bag. ."

Jiang Yuqing also smiled and said: "This is also a lot more convenient. When we return to the hotel in the evening, it will be lively and lively."

While everyone was talking, Du Yinuo took the lead. The reason why the three of Lu Wanxi sent an invitation to Du Yinuo was because they felt that they were more destined, and Du Yinuo's character was similar to that of Lu Wanxi. Person 3 is also similar.

And Du Yinuo naturally feels this way, and he really wants to make friends with a few people before agreeing to the three-person request.

As we moved forward, the flowers and plants by the river looked more and more lush, and the surrounding scenery had completely conquered a few girls.

Gao Xiang became a photographer and was specially responsible for taking pictures of the four 44 girls. Whether it was scene selection or angle, Du Yinuo was surprised by Gao Xiang's skills. Holding the camera on his mobile phone, he asked Gao Xiang, "Have you studied specialized photography? The technology is good."

Gao Xiang said that it is not very good for those who have never studied leisurely. After all, this technology is only possessed by professionals. It will not seem like anything on the surface of Du Yinuo's ears, and there will definitely be some ideas in his heart.

Gao Xiang could only tell a small lie: "I learned a little before."

Du Yinuo smiled slightly and said, "Don't be humble, I'm not someone who doesn't know the goods."

Five people 5 continued to move forward, and walked out a distance, and the roar of water falling gradually came from their ears.

Du Yinuo smiled slightly and said, "Let's go, it's almost there, the... curve in front, you can see it when you turn around."

Chapter 1121

Hearing Du Yinuo's words, everyone immediately accelerated their pace and walked along the river.

Sure enough, after walking for a long time, I saw that the river not far ahead suddenly turned, the curvature was not too big, but it still scoured the river bank at the corner and indented a large piece.

Five people 5 continued to move forward, turned along the river, and finally saw the... Du Yinuo said the waterfall.

The huge silver giant just fell straight from the mountain, and below the waterfall was a lake that was scoured by the huge current.

Although it is not as big as Xiuhu, but because of the waterfall, the leisure is more magnificent than Xiuhu. Xiuhu is quiet, but the lake here is violent, because of the catharsis of the waterfall, there is a circle of ripples.

The most beautiful thing is that the sky above the waterfall, because of the water flow, forms a rainbow under the sunlight, which is really beautiful.

Coupled with the flowers and plants on the shore of the lake and the surrounding virgin forests, this natural landscape of mountains and rivers makes people fascinated and loved.

The three of Lu Wanxi and the three were quite happy. Although Du Yinuo had a faint smile on his face because he had been here before, he was much more indifferent than the three of Lu Wanxi.

Gao Xiang smiled slightly and said, "Let's go, let's go take pictures, it's getting late, we have to go back after taking pictures."

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