Du Yinuo smiled and said: "I'm fine, my exercise is much smaller than yours. When I met you at noon, I just arrived at Qipan Mountain, and I still took the cable car up, because the entrance: There is no cable car directly to the primeval forest park.”

Gao Xiang didn't pay attention to what everyone was saying, his eyes were always on: looking at the scenery outside the window, under the moonlight, although only some outlines could be seen in the scenery below, there was a different feeling, especially not far away. A river, reflecting the stars and moonlight in the sky, is quite intoxicating.

Seeing that Gao Xiang had been staring out the window, Lu Wanxi said, "Gao Xiang, what are you looking at in the black Blondung outside?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang still looked out the window and said, "You'll know when you calm down and take a look."

...Although the speed of the cable car was not fast, when it finally reached the end, Gao Xiang, who got off the cable car, was still a little unfulfilled.

The cable car is not too far from the parking lot at the gate, but just after getting off the cable car, there are no familiar buildings around, and Gao Xiang is also a little confused, so he asked the staff in charge of the cable car to determine the direction.

Gao Xiang started at the head, and four 44 girls followed behind him. In order to take care of the girls' physical strength, Gao Xiang deliberately slowed down.

There are only a few cars in the parking lot at this time: stop, the Bentley elegant still looks so dazzling in the dark parking lot.

:, ask for a reward.

Chapter 1123

When Gao Xiang and everyone brought Du Yinuo to the car, Du Yinuo's eyes flashed with a strange look.

Lu Wanxi explained: "We rented this car from the hotel. The RV is not very convenient, so I put it in the hotel's parking lot. Let's go. I'll show you when I go back. I believe you absolutely love the environment inside."

Du Yinuo nodded slightly and said, "My heart is itching for what you said."

When Du Yinuo first saw Gao Xiang's Four People 4, he knew that Gao Xiang's Four People 4's identity was definitely not ordinary, and that temperament alone was not something that ordinary people could imitate.

As the daughter of Du Fangjun, who has tens of millions of fans, her usual activity circle is naturally unusual. Even now, Du Fangjun has been unable to participate in wild survival shows, but after years of accumulation, it is easy to do other work.

Afterwards, everyone got into the car one by one. Lu Wanxi was still the co-pilot, and this position would not be robbed. Du Yinuo and the Jiang sisters also sat in the back seat.

The back seat of this car is absolutely spacious, and the three girls are all thin, so sitting in the back seat does not seem crowded at all.

Gao Xiang slowly started the car and walked towards the hotel where everyone was.

Gao Xiang looked ahead, and most of his attention was on the road. There was a small section of mountain road on this road. Although Gao Xiang's skills were very good, he couldn't get away from such a road section.

It was not until he got off the mountain road and drove to the wide road in the city that Gao Xiang asked Lu Wanxi, "Should we just go back to the hotel or find a restaurant and go back after dinner."

Before Lu Wanxi could answer, Du Yinuo spoke first: "You guys are all tired after playing for a day. Go back to the hotel and eat something. After dinner, take a good rest."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi smiled slightly and said to Gao Xiang: "Then go back to the hotel, I'm tired enough today, and I definitely don't want to move after dinner. It's more convenient in the hotel."

Gao Xiang nodded to understand.

By the time the group returned to the hotel, it was already past 8:4 pm. After all, Gao Xiang and the four of them had been running around for nearly 12 hours.

Put the car in the underground parking lot, and the first thing Lu Wanxi and others did after getting off the car was not to go back to the room to rest, but to take Du Yinuo to enjoy the four-person 4-person RV. This was not just showing off, but It is a sharing among friends.

Of course, it's not simply to appreciate the RV. The clothes of the four people and 4 are all placed in the RV. After running for a day, it is time to change the clothes on the body.

After getting out of the car, Lu Wanxi said to Gao Xiang, "Don't go there. I'll take your clothes with me later. You go upstairs first to help us order dinner, and we'll go up later. "

At this time, Gao Xiang was packing up the backup and came back with a lot of things. He nodded when he heard Lu Wanxi's words: "Alright, but I will trouble you to put this pile of things on the RV, can you move it?"

Lu Wanxi curled her lips and said, "You look down on us too much when you say that."

Perhaps to prove that she was not bragging, Lu Wanxi directly hugged the two mountaineering bags together. Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue also stepped forward to help when they saw it. The trunk of the car was just that big. , Du Yinuo couldn't squeeze in even if he had a letter to help.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang shook his head, put the keys of the RV into Lu Wanxi's pocket and said, "Then leave it to you, call me anytime if you have anything."

The security of the hotel is still trustworthy, so Gao Xiang really doesn't have to worry too much.

Lu Wanxi turned around holding two huge mountaineering bags and said, "Don't worry, just go up and settle down with your meal."

When Du Yinuo saw this, he stepped forward and took a mountaineering bag in Lu Wanxi's hand.

Afterwards, the five men and five soldiers divided into two groups, Gao Xiang went upstairs, and Lu Wanxi's four 5 girls went to the parking place of the RV.

After Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi separated, they took the elevator all the way and returned to the hotel room.

To be honest, after this day, even with Gao Xiang's physique, he felt exhausted. He put his coat on the hanger at the door, put it on and dragged it, and Gao Xiang sat down directly on the sofa.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Xiang picked up the hotel's intercom phone on the side and dialed the number at the front desk.

After setting dinner, Gao Xiang turned on the TV, which has become a habit of Gao Xiang, although there may not be any good programs on the TV.

Ten minutes later, Lu Wanxi and the others returned to the room with their clothes.

Lu Wanxi handed Gao Xiang's clothes to Gao Xiang and said, "Go take a shower and change your clothes first. Let's wait outside for a while."

Gao Xiang wanted to take a shower as soon as he came back, but he only had one room card, and he had to open the door for Lu Wanxi and a few people later, so he didn't go. Hearing Lu Wanxi's words at this time, he naturally agreed with both hands. .

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue chose to accompany Lu Wanxi and Du Yinuo in the living room, planning to clean up together later.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang gestured and returned to the bedroom with his clothes in his arms.

When Gao Xiang came out of the shower, seeing that dinner hadn't arrived yet, he said, "Go and clean up, just leave it to me here."

Seeing that Gao Xiang had already cleaned up, the four 44-year-old girls only chose one bedroom in twos and returned to the room to clean up.

: Ask for a reward.

Chapter 1124

When dinner was served, Lu Wanxi and the four of them had not come out of the bedroom, Gao Xiang could only ask the waiter to wait outside, took over the dining car, and placed the food in the dining car on the coffee table in the living room.

The hotel's dinner seems to be always rich, five people's dinner, silent eight dishes, plus main course, dessert and fruit.

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