Today, Gao Xiang............I'm not ordering wine, Du Yinuo is not too troublesome, and he's tired, it's better to rest after dinner, go to bed early, and the first In the early morning of the next day, Gao Xiang had to drive, and he still had to put safety first.

After placing all the meals on the table, Gao Xiang returned the dining car to the waiter who was waiting outside the door and said with a smile, "Excuse me."

The waiter shook his head and said, "No trouble, if you need anything else, you can dial the internal number directly."

Gao Xiang nodded when he heard the words, and the waiter pushed the dining cart away.

Gao Xiang gently closed the door, locked it habitually, and then went back to the sofa to do it again.

The eight dishes on the coffee table in front of them looked pretty good, four meat and four vegetarian dishes, plus Gao Xiang and the others didn't have a serious meal at noon. At this time, facing these dishes, Gao Xiang's stomach started to protest.

It was nearly ten minutes after Lu Wanxi and Du Yinuo came out. Seeing the dishes on the table, Lu Wanxi said in surprise, "Today's dinner is rich enough."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded and smiled: "Indeed, just sit down and wait for a while, Yu Qing and Yu Xue should have finished packing up soon."

Lu Wanxi's clothes here.... It doesn't matter, she came out as comfortable as she was, and ran out in loose pajamas.

Because of Gao Xiang's existence, Du Yinuo naturally couldn't drink Lu Wanxi, but just changed into the sportswear that came with him.

Lu Wanxi took Du Yinuo and sat beside Gao Xiang. The sofa was quite large, so it was no problem to accommodate three people.

On both sides of the coffee table are two small sofas for one person, which are naturally reserved for the two lesbians who have not finished cleaning up.

Gao Xiang felt that the position of the small sofa was a little inconvenient when eating, so he adjusted it specially.

After a short time, Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yushi came out of the room. Seeing that everyone else was already sitting on the sofa waiting, Jiang Yuqing smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I made you wait for a long time."

Lu Wanxi shook her head and said with a smile: "It's not for the sake of saying that, alright, sit down."

Jiang Yuxue jokingly said: "I won't show up, just... I feel that my face is a little big, hehe."

Jiang Yuqing glared at Jiang Nai and shook her head when she heard the words, Jiang Yuqing naturally didn't see the outside world, but went out politely and then said it.

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue were sitting on the sofa that Gao Xiang had fiddled with in advance, and when Gao Xiang saw everyone gathered, he smiled and said, "Let's start, I've been running all day, I'm starving to death."

Du Yinuo is a bit... still a little hard to let go, but with the contact, I gradually feel that Gao Xiang's four people are very easy to get along with, and slowly let go, and gradually integrate into the team.

How can a few young people be able to live together without saying a word?

Lu Wanxi slowly swallowed the food in her mouth and said, "Because of Yinuo's participation, I think we need to make some adjustments to our travel plan. Originally, according to our previous plan, Shenyang went to Xuexiang Park in Heijiang Province. There is another city in between, but I have a rough look at it, but there is not much to stay, so I plan to leave tomorrow for Linhai City, Heijiang Province, what do you think?"

Du Yinuo said at this time: "No need, you can just follow your original plan, I'm not in a hurry."

Jiang Yuqing said: "It's okay, the plan was originally used for adjustment, I agree with Wanxi's statement, let's go directly to Linhai City."

Jiang Yuxue also agreed: "I agree too."

Gao Xiang shrugged and joked: "I'm only in charge of driving, you can decide the itinerary."

After some discussion, everyone's plans changed.

After dinner, I asked the waiter to clean up the living room. It was past 5 o'clock in the evening. Five people and five people, I watched TV on the sofa for a while, and the four 44 girls went back to the bedroom to sleep one after another.

Lu Wanxi helped Gao Xiang get a quilt, put it on the sofa, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to wrong you tonight, you won't be angry."

Gao Xiang was sitting on the sofa, intending to tease Lu Wanxi, and said expressionlessly, "What do you think?"

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi looked back at the direction of the bedroom, and seeing that there was nothing unusual there, Brick sat on Gao Xiang's lap, with his arms around Gao Xiang's neck, and said, "I know you won't be angry. , why are you willing to be mad at me, right?"

Seeing this, Gao Xiang put Lu Wanxi in his arms and said, "Are you that confident?"

Lu Wanxi smiled slightly and said, "I am not confident, I am confident in you.

:, ask for a reward.

Chapter 1125

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Since you said so, I can't let you down."

When Lu Wanxi heard the words, she gently kissed Gao Xiang's mouth with a light touch of water, and said with a silly smile, "I knew you were the best."

Gao Xiang rubbed Lu Wanxi's long hair with a smile and said, "Okay, let's go to bed now, we have to get up early tomorrow, and we can talk less at night, you know?"

Lu Wanxi nodded coquettishly and said, "Got it."

The two were gentle for a while, and Lu Wanxi broke away from Gao Xiang's embrace, made a face at Gao Xiang, and went back to the bedroom.

Gao Xiang looked at Lu Wanxi's figure and murmured, "How could I be angry with you like this?"

After Lu Wanxi left, Gao Xiang packed up and lay down on the sofa.

...The next morning, Gao Xiang woke up, took a sip of water from the cup that had been placed on the coffee table last night, and sat on the sofa to wake up and take a nap.

Looking at the time, it was less than seven o'clock, Gao Xiang picked up the remote control that was put aside and opened the electric curtains, the early morning sunlight suddenly shone in and covered the living room floor with a layer of gold.

Looking at the bright sunshine, Gao Xiang stretched his waist and said, "It's another sunny day."

Gao Xiang was still sitting on the sofa watching TV as usual in the morning, waiting for a few girls to get up.

Just after seven o'clock, Gao Xiang's cell phone suddenly rang, and Gao Xiang was a little puzzled who would call him so early.

Picking up the phone on the coffee table and seeing that the caller ID was Zhao Zihan, Gao Xiang suddenly realized that he might have forgotten something important.

Gao Xiang pressed the switch button and put the phone to his ear. After a while of silence, he said, "Boss, I didn't disturb your rest."

Gao Xiang was happy when he heard this tone, and joked: "You finally clearly understand the relationship between us.

Tell me, what's wrong with my little subordinate?"

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