The impatient reporters who had been waiting for a long time were like hungry wolves, their eyes seemed to be flashing green.

Reporters seem to exist just to make things difficult for others.

I saw a male reporter in professional attire with a work permit around his neck shouting not far away: "I have a question to ask."

Not only him, but many other reporters were also emotional.

The host could only open his mouth and say: "Please keep the venue quiet, otherwise we have the right to invite you out of the venue."

Hearing this sentence, the venue finally gradually became quiet.

Upon seeing this, the host took out a list and continued to speak: "I will name your company in the following way. I will point to the company you belong to. If you have any questions, you can ask directly. If you don't have it, please wait patiently."

After he finished speaking, he directly called his name and said, "Whisper Newspaper."

Hearing this name, a woman with heavy makeup and fancy clothes raised her hand and shouted, "This way, this way."

The host said with a blank face, "You can start asking questions at any time."

The woman nodded and greeted the cameraman behind her, and said, "Hello, I'm a reporter from Whisper Newspaper, and my name is Han Huahua. I saw a lot of comments on the Internet that you made special effects to cure leukemia. Medicine is for the benefit of the people, so what I want to ask is, since it is for welfare, what is your cost and how much is your profit..."

Zhao Zihan thought what kind of question the woman who claimed to be Han Huahua would ask, but hearing her question, Zhao Zihan was speechless for a while.

Even the reporters from other companies not far from Han Huahua looked at this man with the eyes of a fool.

This... Han Huahua didn't seem to notice at all, and still looked at Zhao Zihan and everyone on the platform with a proud look.

The sight of Lu Wanxi and the others who were thousands of miles away was also stunned.

Jiang Yuxue said speechlessly, "What kind of idiot reporter is this? How could this society send such a person to such an important occasion."

Although Du Yinuo doesn't know much about business knowledge, he still has basic judgment ability. Even Du Yinuo was shocked by the reporter's question, which is enough to show how bad the reporter's question is.

Although Zhao Zihan in the venue was also taken aback by the thunder, he still kept a smile and said, "This..., um, let's call you a reporter for now."

As soon as Zhao Zihan said these words, everyone in the field burst into laughter, because everyone with discernment could see that this woman named Han Huahua asked such a question and returned to the newspaper office. Saying such words is obviously... mocking, although this person does not make her mock.

Lu Wanxi and the others laughed when they heard Zhao Zihan's conversation while holding the tablet computer. Although Gao Xiang was in the cockpit, he could hear the voice in the live broadcast, and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile and said, "Sister Zhao. It's your intention to add fire to the Whisper Newspaper."

Han Huahua in the venue heard everyone's laughter, although she was a little unclear, but she knew it was the reason for what Zhao Zihan said, her expression suddenly changed: very bad, she looked directly at Zhao Zihan and said angrily: "I don't care about you What do you mean, but you have to apologize to me."

Hearing Han Huahua's words, everyone in the venue was almost fainted by thunder, and then loud laughter that was more messy than before came out, and even the host who had been calm all the time couldn't hold back.

Zhao Zihan looked at this reporter Han Huahua with a smile without saying a word, with a sense of saying no.

Seeing this, Han Huahua was completely annoyed, and just as she was about to speak, a member of the team she brought came forward and pulled her sleeves, and whispered a few words in her ear.

Han Huahua's face immediately became red when she heard the words.

Zhao Zihan knew that at that time, if this... Han Huahua left in shame, this scene would be for nothing.

Zhao Zihan opened his mouth with a smile and said, "As mention that you can ask such a question, I really don't want to say anything. In fact, I can understand that the intern reporter may not understand some things, right? "

Hearing Zhao Zihan's words, there was another burst of laughter in the venue.

Zhao Zihan continued: "You just said that you don't understand what I mean, since you have said so, I will help you answer it properly."

"The cost of a company's new product, and the possible profit from it, is something that even many people inside the company don't know very well, and it's entirely a trade secret.

I don't know how your company trains new reporters, but I admire your company's courage to send an intern reporter to such an important occasion."

Chapter 1131

After Zhao Zihan finished speaking, there was another burst of laughter in the venue. Han Huahua and the team she brought with her were quite embarrassed.

Zhao Zihan continued: "As for what you said about benefiting leukemia patients, I don't know what you think, but I think our company can invent such a drug and sell it at such a low price. It is already seeking welfare. The intellectual property of this drug alone is worth... inestimable, plus raw materials, employee wages, pharmaceutical equipment, the cost question you ask, you estimate it will be how much"

At this time, Han Huahua's face had already turned red.

Zhao Zihan paused and said, "I have finished answering your questions, thank you for participating in this question-and-answer session."

After speaking, he appropriately gave a step down: "If your company is very busy with work, you can go back first, after all, work is important."

Although this step does not seem like a step.

When Han Huahua heard that she couldn't stay any longer, she turned around without saying a word, but......a middle-aged man behind her said, "I'm really sorry, I represent us The newspaper apologises to you, and I hope you don't take this matter to heart."

After speaking, he turned and left with the team.

Seeing this, Zhao Zihan didn't speak, and there was no need to speak. After the group had all left, he nodded to the host who was standing beside him.

The host understood and said to the audience: "Just now it was just a small episode. I hope everyone will not take it to heart. Next, our question and answer session will continue, and then the question will be asked by Fanghua News."

... Lu Wanxi and the others watched the whole story about Han Huahua as a joke, and Lu Wanxi couldn't stop laughing.

Jiang Yuxue is naturally the same, her focus has always been on entertainment.

Jiang Yuqing looked a little deeper, mainly because she didn't know Zhao Zihan, and said, "Is it a bit too exaggerated that Sister Zhao is doing what you said, just point out the reporter's mistake, and add these. ...........Isn't the cynicism a bit too much?"

Du Yinuo also had some such feelings in his heart.

When Lu Wanxi heard the words, she restrained the smile on her face and said, "You don't know Sister Zhao very well, so how can you say that Sister Zhao stayed by my mother's side: for so long, such a low-level mistake will never happen to her.

Of course, I don't know exactly why I did it, but there must be her reasons."

Jiang Yuqing nodded when she heard the words: "So it is."

Gao Xiang's voice spread at this time: "Keep watching, I guess Sister Zhao is laying the groundwork for the future."

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