The interview after that went a lot smoother, and Zhao Zihan's answers have always been very flat and gentle, not as sharp and unreasonable as before.

At this time, everyone's attitude towards Zhao Zihan slowly changed. It seems that Zhao Zihan's sharpness towards Han Huahua is not because of Zhao Zihan himself, but because the problem is too much. Many people have a kind of Zhao Zihan in their hearts. In fact, it's an illusion of being gentle and easy to get along with.

However, the reporters who followed Zhao Zihan didn't ask some of the sharper questions they had prepared because they saw Zhao Zihan's previous rationale.

Some regrets.

The reason why such a situation occurs is naturally caused by Zhao Zihan's attitude towards Han Huahua, and such a result is exactly what Zhao Zihan is happy to see.

At this time, Jiang Yuqing also saw the doubts in it, shook her head and smiled: "I understand, Han Huahua's question that should not have been asked actually helped Sister Zhao, not only avoided many sharp questions, but also seemed to win A lot of good feelings made many people attribute the cynical remarks of Zhao Jie before to that Han Huahua.

No wonder Gao Xiang is so relieved to hand over the entire pharmaceutical factory, it turns out that there is a general."

Du Yinuo, who was beside him, understood a little when he heard Jiang Yuqing's explanation.

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Sister Zhao's thoughtfulness is slightly inferior to me. I have a hunch that my mother may regret arranging Sister Zhao to work with Gao Xiang after seeing Sister Zhao's performance today."

Gao Xiang heard the words in the cockpit and said with a smile: "It's not as serious as you said, Aunt Xia knows more about Sister Zhao than we do. I feel that Aunt Xia is... intentionally, sending me Sister Zhao to be able to do this. A strong woman who holds up the sky, so that I can spare time to accompany you more."

Hearing Gao Xiang's words, Jiang Yuxue suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed: "Oh my god!! It's dog food again. The donkeys in the production team dare not feed it like this. Who can stand eating dog food every day?"

Jiang Yuqing and Du Yinuo laughed out loud when they heard Jiang Yuxue's remarks.

Even Lu Wanxi and Gao Xiang, who were the parties, couldn't help but laugh.

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said: "You, where did you get so many words, you have to be the donkey of the production team, don't pull me and Yinuo into it."

Jiang Yuxue laughed when he heard the words: "It's a metaphor, I saw it in a small video, and I said it accidentally."

A few people joked and laughed for a while... and then refocused on the press conference on the tablet. At this time, the part of understanding the questions was coming to an end. Looking at the reporter teams displayed on the screen, those who did not ask questions were also There are only two or three left.

Chapter 1131

After Zhao Zihan finished speaking, there was another burst of laughter in the venue. Han Huahua and the team she brought with her were quite embarrassed.

Zhao Zihan continued: "As for what you said about benefiting leukemia patients, I don't know what you think, but I think our company can invent such a drug and sell it at such a low price. It is already seeking welfare. The intellectual property of this drug alone is worth... inestimable, plus raw materials, employee wages, pharmaceutical equipment, the cost question you ask, you estimate it will be how much"

At this time, Han Huahua's face had already turned red.

Zhao Zihan paused and said, "I have finished answering your questions, thank you for participating in this question-and-answer session."

After speaking, he appropriately gave a step down: "If your company is very busy with work, you can go back first, after all, work is important."

Although this step does not seem like a step.

When Han Huahua heard that she couldn't stay any longer, she turned around without saying a word, but......a middle-aged man behind her said, "I'm really sorry, I represent us The newspaper apologises to you, and I hope you don't take this matter to heart."

After speaking, he turned and left with the team.

Seeing this, Zhao Zihan didn't speak, and there was no need to speak. After the group had all left, he nodded to the host who was standing beside him.

The host understood and said to the audience: "Just now it was just a small episode. I hope everyone will not take it to heart. Next, our question and answer session will continue, and then the question will be asked by Fanghua News."

... Lu Wanxi and the others watched the whole story about Han Huahua as a joke, and Lu Wanxi couldn't stop laughing.

Jiang Yuxue is naturally the same, her focus has always been on entertainment.

Jiang Yuqing looked a little deeper, mainly because she didn't know Zhao Zihan, and said, "Is it a bit too exaggerated that Sister Zhao is doing what you said, just point out the reporter's mistake, and add these. ...........Isn't the cynicism a bit too much?"

Du Yinuo also had some such feelings in his heart.

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi restrained her face and shook her head: "You don't know Sister Zhao very well, how can you say that Sister Zhao stayed by my mother's side: for so long, such a low-level mistake will not occur, although I also Not sure why I did it, but there must be her reasons."

Jiang Yuqing nodded and said, "This."

Gao Xiang's voice came over at this time: "Keep watching, I guess Sister Zhao is laying the groundwork for the future."

The interview after that went a lot smoother, and Zhao Han's answers have always been very flat and gentle, not as sharp and unreasonable as before.

At this time, everyone's attitude towards Zhao Zihan slowly changed. It seems that Zhao Zihan's sharpness towards Han Huahua is not because of Zhao Zihan himself, but because the problem is too much. Many people have a kind of Zhao Zihan in their hearts. In fact, it's an illusion of being gentle and easy to get along with.

However, the reporters who followed Zhao Zihan didn't ask some of the sharper questions they had prepared because they saw Zhao Zihan's previous rationale.

Some regrets.

The reason why such a situation occurs is naturally caused by Zhao Zihan's attitude towards Han Huahua, and such a result is exactly what Zhao Zihan is happy to see.

At this time, Jiang Yuqing also saw the doubts in it, shook her head and smiled: "I understand, Han Huahua's question that should not have been asked actually helped Sister Zhao, not only avoided many sharp questions, but also seemed to win A lot of good feelings made many people attribute the cynical remarks of Zhao Jie before to that Han Huahua.

No wonder Gao Xiang is so relieved to hand over the entire pharmaceutical factory, it turns out that there is a general."

Du Yinuo, who was beside him, understood a little when he heard Jiang Yuqing's explanation.

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Sister Zhao's thoughtfulness is slightly inferior to me. I have a hunch that my mother may regret arranging Sister Zhao to work with Gao Xiang after seeing Sister Zhao's performance today."

Gao Xiang heard the words in the cockpit and said with a smile: "It's not as serious as you said, Aunt Xia knows more about Sister Zhao than we do. I feel that Aunt Xia is... intentionally, sending me Sister Zhao to be able to do this. A strong woman who holds up the sky, so that I can spare time to accompany you more."

Hearing Gao Xiang's words, Jiang Yuxue suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed: "Oh my god!! It's dog food again. The donkeys in the production team dare not feed it like this. Who can stand eating dog food every day?"

Jiang Yuqing and Du Yinuo laughed out loud when they heard Jiang Yuxue's remarks.

Even Lu Wanxi and Gao Xiang, who were the parties, couldn't help but laugh.

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said: "You, where did you get so many words, you have to be the donkey of the production team, don't pull me and Yinuo into it."

Jiang Yuxue laughed when he heard the words: "It's a metaphor, I saw it in a small video, and I said it accidentally."

A few people joked and laughed for a while... and then refocused on the press conference on the tablet. At this time, the part of understanding the questions was coming to an end. Looking at the reporter teams displayed on the screen, those who did not ask questions were also There are only two or three left.

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