Seeing this, Gao Xiang was relieved, the two sisters Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yuqing also stayed in the cockpit together, while Gao Xiang lay directly on the sofa in the living room to rest.

Lu Wanxi went back to the bedroom. Originally, Lu Wanxi planned to let Gao Xiang accompany her back to the bedroom to rest, but Gao Xiang refused.

First, it was more convenient for Gao Xiang to rest in the living room to do anything. Second, the living room was always used by Lu Wanxi and the Jiang sisters. Although Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue didn't mind, it was somewhat inconvenient.

Gao Xiang was indeed a little tired, and he fell asleep not long after lying down.

The car approached Linhai City steadily under the driving of Du Yinuo.

When Gao Xiang woke up, he looked at the cockpit in a daze, the sky was already dark outside, and when he saw that it was almost seven o'clock, Gao Xiang slept for more than two hours.

Gao Xiang stood up slowly, and Lu Wanxi, who had returned to the cockpit long ago, heard the movement behind her and turned her head to see Gao Xiang and said, "You're awake, go wash your face and get your spirits up, maybe there's more It takes half an hour to get off the high speed, and when you get off the high speed, take Yinuo down."

Gao Xiang nodded and replied, "Okay."

After washing his face, Gao Xiang suddenly felt his head awake a lot. Back in the living room, Gao Xiang did not go to join in the fun in the cockpit, but leaned on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing that Gao Xiang didn't speak, Lu Wanxi asked, "What's wrong with you, you haven't recovered yet?"

Gao Xiang shook his head and replied, "No."

Then he asked Lu Wanxi, "Have you seen the sales of leukemia pills?"

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Thank you for still thinking about this, I thought you didn't care at all."

Then he introduced to Gao Xiang what he had learned on the Internet: "As soon as the pills go on sale.

Without the slightest accident, many people rushed to buy it. In just three hours, 3 boxes of medicines were robbed. The only ones left in stock were some pharmacies in slightly remote areas. According to my estimate, at noon tomorrow. Before, all the medicines will be sold out."

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he nodded and said, "As long as there is nothing wrong with what was expected, it's fine."

After chatting for a while...the car slowly left the highway, Du Yinuo found a roadside where he could park, and handed the car back to Gao Xiang.

Gao Xiang went to Du Yinuo's home according to the navigation designed by Du Yinuo.

Gao Xiang asked while driving, "Where shall we rest tonight?"

The four sons of Lu Wanxi had already discussed the place to rest, and it was at Du Yinuo's house, but Gao Xiang was sleeping and didn't hear it.

Lu Wanxi explained to Gao Xiang, "Yinuo has already called their house. Uncle and aunt insisted on inviting us over as guests. The guest room has already been prepared for viewing. We will stay at Yinuo's house tonight."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded and looked at Du Yinuo and said, "Will it be too troublesome?"

Du Yinuo shook his head and smiled: "it's okay, the nanny at home has already packed up, just wait for us to pass."

Gao Xiang nodded and replied, "Okay then."

After thinking about it again, he asked, "Can you take the liberty to ask how your uncle is doing now?"

Du Yinuo naturally knew that Gao Xiang was a doctor and a Chinese medicine practitioner. It was normal for him to want to know about his father. Although Du Yinuo had given up any hope after these two long years, he still introduced: " My father injured his waist when he rescued me, but after he came back from the rescue, his legs lost the ability to move due to the necrosis of the nerves in the waist, and now he has been sitting in a wheelchair."

"For two years, my mother has been: looking for a famous doctor for my father, but the result is the same, my father can only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, and gradually we have lost confidence."

"However, my father is very optimistic and has always comforted my mother and me, saying that he has been to too many places in his life, which is enough, and he is very satisfied to be by my side and my mother for the rest of his life. "

Gao Xiang listened to Du Yinuo's story quietly. He originally planned to have a brief understanding of the condition and see if the magical skill of the Medicine Classic would have any effect, but Du Yinuo was moved by his true feelings.

Gao Xiang sighed softly. A man who likes adventure and pursuit of excitement suddenly learned that he can only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Such a blow is too great.

Gao Xiang waited for Du Yinuo to reply and continued to ask: "Then can you tell us about the specific circumstances of your father's injury at the time?"

When Lu Wanxi heard Gao Xiang's question, she glanced at Gao Xiang slowly, this was obviously a question that exposed people's scars. It must have a deep meaning when asked from Gao Xiang's mouth, and Lu Wanxi naturally wouldn't say anything to stop it.

The same is true for Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue, because they know Gao Xiang better.

Du Yinuo sighed and said: "Actually, this matter has always been a knot in my heart, and I never want to mention it to anyone, but I don't know why, I heard this question from your mouth, but I didn't even know it. I don't want to talk about it at all, maybe you guys are just the chance for me to untie my knot."

Then there was no waiting: Gao Xiang and several people spoke, and Du Yinuo slowly presented the specific situation at that time to everyone's eyes through explanation.

Chapter 1136

Du Yinuo was very calm at this time, and said slowly: "But my father and I are also in a virgin forest, but that forest has not undergone any development, I still remember that it was just after summer, although The temperature has dropped a little bit, but there are naturally a lot of mosquitoes, especially poisonous mosquitoes. Once bitten on the first floor, a lump will immediately swell up on the skin, which is extremely itchy."

"I personally experienced it at the time. Although my body was covered with deworming medicine, I was accidentally bitten. I still remember that feeling."

"I remember very clearly. At that time, my father and I were going through a bush. There were too many wild animals in the forest. Most of them were big and strong beasts, so my father was very careful."

"Just as we were moving forward cautiously, we found a... wild boar. The wild boar was very large and seemed to be foraging for food."

Speaking of which, Lu Wanxi and the three girls from the Jiang family held their breaths. In their eyes, there was no other word to describe the word wild boar except... fierce.

On the other hand, Gao Xiang still has a calm look on his face. Gao Xiang's focus is on how Du Yinuo's father was injured. The existence of wild boars is meaningless to Gao Xiang.

Du Yinuo continued: "My father and I hid behind a big tree when we saw this, but the wild boar didn't go away and was wandering around there. Go around other places."

"The situation at that time could have been passed safely, but I was too nervous, so I accidentally stumbled during the detour. I screamed subconsciously, and the wild boar has a high awareness of prevention. It was scary, immediately noticed us, and then rushed at me and my father, I was completely stupid and really didn't know what to do."

"My father made a decisive decision, picked me up and ran, but how could we have run past the wild boar, the wild boar chased from behind, hit my father's waist directly, and was directly knocked out, and then my head was blown away. The minister hit the ground directly, and I don't know what happened after that."

"When I woke up... I had already recovered. My body was not in any condition, but I was overly frightened and hit my head, so I fainted. My father was hit directly in the waist by a wild boar. It leads to necrosis of the nerves in the waist, although it is not life-threatening, but for the rest of my life I can only spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, and I have no strength below the waist."

Until this point, Du Yinuo still has a calm face. This girl has cried so many times in the night alone and wet the sheets. Such a story has always been kept in my heart. Now two years have passed. There is nothing abnormal, but Lu Wanxi and others can feel Du Yinuo's guilt and self-blame. If Du Fangjun will spend his whole life in a wheelchair, then Du Yinuo will definitely feel guilty for the rest of his life.

The three of Lu Wanxi and the Jiang sisters fell into silence. Only Gao Xiang continued to ask while driving: "If you were hit by a wild boar directly on the waist, does that mean that your father's waist has no obvious trauma?"

Du Yinuo nodded when he heard the words, although he didn't know why Gao Xiang asked such a question, he still opened his mouth and said: "It's true, there is no obvious trauma to my father's waist, the specific situation should be that the bones in the waist were broken due to a heavy blow. , and then compressed the nerves in the lumbar region. Although the bones were recovered after the operation, the nerves were necrotic and could no longer control the movements of the legs."

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he fell into deep thought, and several girls were shocked when they saw this. Gao Xiang pondered and explained that there seemed to be some things worth thinking about in this matter. Whether it will be a question about Du Yinuo's father's condition that several girls share the same heart.

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