It was definitely impossible for Gao Xiang to meditate while driving, so Gao Xiang directly parked the car in a parking area on the side of the road, and after thinking for a while, he asked Du Yinuo: "What did the case say at that time, say Whether it is permanent necrosis caused by the rupture of key nerves due to the compression of the broken bone, or temporary loss of nerve activity caused by simple compression.”

Du Yinuo also knew that his answer was very important, and he recalled it for a long time before opening his mouth and said: "At that time, there was no such situation as you mentioned in the case, that is, the simple nerve necrosis is as simple as the case list of major hospitals. It's written like this."

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he fell into contemplation. According to the description in the Medicine Classics, for this kind of impact injury, under normal circumstances, the nerve will be compressed to cause a temporary loss of nerve activity. In this case, as long as the nerve activity is restored, it can be completely Stand up again, and if the nerve is directly cut off due to the fracture of the bone due to the collision, the injury will be much more serious, and there is no possibility of cure.

Chapter 1137

And what makes Gao Xiang most curious is..., if it is just because of the collision, the bones are broken to the extent of directly severing the nerves, the impact force can completely displace people's internal organs. People who are hit by this kind of impact are basically difficult to save back.

But if it is just a simple temporary loss of neural activity, why do major hospitals conclude that there is no cure? This is completely unreasonable.

However, Gao Xiang didn't take into account that the existence of the system and the medicine classics is not in line with common sense.

I really couldn't understand, and then Gao Xiang took out his mobile phone and started to inquire about this aspect. The conclusion he got surprised Gao Xiang. The conclusion he got from the search on the mobile phone was... Nowadays, there is only one conclusion about nerve necrosis in medical conditions. It's just... totally useless, not the two cases as described in the Classic of Medicine.

It wasn't until this time that Gao Xiang came to his senses. The Medicine Classic was completely... beyond the existence of current medical treatment. Some problems encountered in medical treatment now seem to be curable in front of the Medicine Classic. This kind of discovery makes Gao Xiang happy. Extremely.

In the past, Gao Xiang only thought that the Classic of Medicine was just the entire inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine left by the ancestors, but now it seems that the Classic of Medicine is not that simple.

Gao Xiang sorted out his thoughts and said slowly, "If my judgment is correct, I think Uncle Du's illness can still be cured."

The three of Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang in shock, while Du Yinuo was directly shocked by Gao Xiang's words.

I don't blame Du Yinuo, God knows what Du Yinuo and his mother have paid for their father's illness in the past two years, but Gao Xiang gave such an answer when he was desperately ready to accept his fate.

Du Yinuo came back to his senses, stood up directly from the sofa in the living room, quickly ran to Gao Xiang who was sitting in the driver's seat, grabbed Gao Xiang's arm excitedly and said, "What did you just say, are you sure?"

If you say Du from someone else's mouth, you will feel that this person is making fun of himself, but Gao Xiang is different. Gao Xiang has created a miracle in the medical world. The person who brought the leukemia pills, the news that Du Yinuo was in the leukemia pills just broke out. She supported Gao Xiang at the time, and she also fantasized that such a miracle would happen to her one day, but she never thought that such a miracle would really happen, and it came so quickly and so suddenly that she couldn't even react. .

Gao Xiang looked at the excited Du Yinuo and said slowly: "I'm [-]% sure that I don't have it, but I'm [-]% sure, but I still have to see Uncle Du for myself. The situation can only be determined, don't you get so excited first?"

Du Yinuo was ecstatic and said: "Eighty percent, I can't help but get excited about such a high probability. I'll call my mother now, is there anything I need to prepare?"

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "No, I carry some things with me, it's enough, you don't need to call Auntie first, I'll take a look at Uncle's situation first, so that Auntie can be happy."

Du Yinuo nodded quickly when he heard the words: "That's right, then let's go to my house quickly. If my father's illness can be cured, you will be the great benefactor of our family."

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "I'm not your benefactor, we are friends. I don't like the name benefactor."

Then he smiled bitterly: "You release it first... I, your hand is strong enough, it really hurts."

When Du Yinuo heard Gao Xiang's words, he noticed that he had been holding Gao Xiang's arm, his face turned red and he let go... "I'm sorry, I'm so excited."

At this time, Lu Wanxi slowly stepped forward and grabbed Du Yinuo's hand and said, "Let's sit down first, let Gao Xiang drive well, don't worry, since Gao Xiang said so, it means... there is a big problem. grasp."

Du Yinuo nodded and walked slowly with Lu Wanxi to the sofa in the living room, looking back at Gao Xiang before leaving the cockpit.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang smiled at Du Yinuo and nodded affirmatively.

Du Yinuo's mood has always been very unstable along the way. The closer he gets to home, the more nervous he gets. He believes in Gao Xiang, but he is very worried. He is afraid of encountering what Gao Xiang said. That's the remaining [-]%.

Gao Xiang drove by the navigation and slowly approached the location of the villa area displayed on the navigation.

Huamei high-end villa area, one of the most high-end communities in Linhai City, Du Fangjun has saved a lot of money in the past few years, and Du Yinuo's mother Li Suyan is an executive of a company. It took a lot of money, but after all, the conditions are set here, and it is far from the time when you can't stick to it.

Chapter 1138

After more than half an hour, I finally arrived at the gate of the community, but was stopped by the security guard, waiting for Du Yinuo to show the head of the household to prove that everyone came to be released.

Du Yinuo explained: "Most of the people living in this community are some officials from Linhai City, so the security of the community is relatively good. My mother also bought a house here because of this."

The car slowly drove into the community, and quickly found the underground garage under the guidance of Du Yinuo. Fortunately, the garage has a relatively large space and there are many spare parking spaces.

The villas here are naturally equipped with garages, but Gao Xiang's RV is too big, which is really inconvenient, so he simply put it directly in the underground garage.

Gao Xiang immediately grabbed a package of silver needles and alcohol for traditional Chinese medicine from a cabinet in the living room and got off the bus with Lu Wanxi and others.

Due to the automatic temperature adjustment function in the RV, everyone did not feel the change in the outside temperature.

Seeing this, Du Yinuo worried and said, "I was excited to patronize on the road. I forgot to tell you in advance. Are you all right? It's really cold here. Are you wearing thick clothes?"

Du Yinuo may have adapted to the temperature here. Although it is the same thickness as the clothes everyone wears, it looks a lot easier.

Lu Wanxi shook her head and said, "I took it, but I'm too lazy to return it, and it's not too cold. It's just... I'm a little uncomfortable just getting out of the car, let's go, let's go to your house first."

Du Yinuo nodded when he heard the words and said, "Well, it happens that my house is not far away, and it will be here soon."

Then Gao Xiang's four people 4 followed Du Yinuo to the Du Yinuo's villa, and the group of five people 5 walked for a few minutes before arriving at the gate of the villa.

The sky was completely dark for a long time, Du Yinuo swiped the door card directly on the sensor lock of the door, and the door opened automatically.

Du Yinuo's mood when he walked into the house at this time was naturally completely different from usual. If it wasn't for Gao Xiang and the others, he would have run into the room and sold Du Fangjun and Li Suyan what he got.

The courtyard of the villa was brightly lit. Gao Xiang waited. In front of them was a bluestone road leading directly to the villa. There were many cold-resistant plants on both sides. After all, the winter here is much colder than that of the capital. .

Du Yinuo stabilized his emotions and said, "Let's go, my mother should have arranged for the nanny to prepare the meal. I haven't eaten since the afternoon, so I must be starving."

Although Du Yinuo desperately wanted Xiang to see his father first, but after such a long period of calm, he knew that this was not in line with the most basic way of hospitality.

Naturally, Gao Xiang could sense Du Yinuo's urgency, and smiled: "It's okay, let's check the uncle's condition first, if it can be cured, we can start the treatment after eating, just to confirm that the condition is delayed. Not too long."

Du Yinuo glanced at Gao Xiang gratefully.

Just as everyone was talking, they had reached the door of the villa again. Du Yinuo slowly pushed open the door and led Gao Xiang's four to go inside.

The first thing I saw was a rather warm living room. There was not much luxury. There were only two middle-aged people in the living room, a man and a woman. The woman was wearing a long skirt and her hair was simply tied behind her head. , You can see some Du Yinuo's shadow from his face.

The man was sitting in a wheelchair. From this man, Gao Xiang saw the shadow of the man who used to be...the man at the top of the food chain, but now he is much older than before, with a lot more on the top of his head. white hair.

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