These two people are naturally Du Yinuo's parents Du Fangjun and Li Suyan.

Du Fangjun and Li Suyan naturally noticed Gao Xiang and others, Gao Xiang is handsome and handsome, and has an extraordinary temperament, and Lu Wanxi's three girls are also of national beauty and fragrant appearance, which made Du Fangjun and Li Suyan a little surprised, and secretly figured out the origins of several people.

Du Yinuo saw his father and mother saying hello: "Mom and Dad, they are the friends I met in Shenyang."

Then I introduced the four of Gao Xiang to Du Fangjun and Li Suyan.

Gao Xiang greeted Du Fangjun and Li Suyan one by one.

Li Suyan stood up and smiled and said, "Welcome to our house. You are all tired after a day's ride in the car. Let's sit down and rest for a while. I'll let the kitchen cook the food, and it will be ready soon."

Du Fangjun smiled and said, "Yes, just sit down and rest for a while."

After a few words of courtesy, the three of Lu Wanxi sat on the sofa in the living room according to their words, and Gao Xiang said, "Uncle, I heard Yinuo talk about your condition on the way, and it happened that I also learned some things. Doctor, can I help you see?"

Du Yinuo heard the words and quickly reconciled: "Yes, Dad, Gao Xiang is... the one we saw on the Internet before... Gao Xiang, Gao Xiang, who made a quick-acting drug for leukemia, he said that your disease is possible. ."

Chapter 1140

Afterwards, Gao Xiang changed the needle position again, this time without Gao Xiang speaking at all, Du Fangjun said excitedly: "It hurts, it feels a little painful."

After that, Gao Xiang changed several positions, and Du Fangjun gave different answers. Some were itchy, some were numb, some were painful, and some were not felt at all.

A few minutes later, Gao Xiang finally stopped the movement in his hand and took the silver needle back.

Li Suyan's mood at this time can be described as extremely excited. The reason why she was able to remain calm before was because she was already desperate, but now she finally sees hope that Du Fangjun has stood up again. It is impossible not to be excited.

Just to make Du Fangjun's legs feel, this is something Li Suyan never dared to think about before.

Li Suyan trembled and asked, "How's it going?"

She is very afraid now, in the current form, Gao Xiang is probably the only one who can cure Du Fangjun, she is afraid that the answer given by Gao Xiang is still negative.

Du Yinuo was also very nervous, and even Lu Wanxi and the three of them were infected by such emotions.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang did not sell the lawsuit, and said with a serious face: "According to my observation, Uncle Du's condition is indeed a temporary loss of neural activity, which can be cured."

Li Suyan could not disbelieve Gao Xiang now, and said excitedly: "Really, then what do you need to prepare, I will prepare now."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "I don't need anything, but the treatment process will take more than an hour. After eating, I will help Uncle Du with the treatment."

Li Suyan patted her forehead when she heard the words and said, "Yes, let's eat first, I'll go see if the nanny is ready."

As soon as Li Suyan went out, she heard the voice of a conversation with the nanny, roughly... The food is almost ready, and you can eat at any time.

Afterwards, Li Suyan invited everyone to have dinner. The dinner was well prepared. Du Fangjun and Li Suyan didn't have dinner because they were waiting for everyone.

Du Fangjun and Li Suyan lost their previous calm because of their previous love, and they were already desperate, they really didn't expect such a miracle to happen.

Du Fangjun and Li Suyan are not in the mood to eat at all now, Bu Yinuo and Gao Xiang and the others have not eaten since noon until now, so they still have to take a nap.

When a few people were eating about the same, Du Fangjun and Li Suyan basically didn't eat much.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang opened his mouth and said, "Let's go, go and help my uncle heal, restore some nerve activity as much as possible, as long as you can return to simple walking on the ground, then you should be able to recover as long as you do some simple recovery exercises and drug treatment. already."

Although Li Suyan and Du Fangjun were both in a hurry, it was indeed inappropriate for Gao Xiang to ask someone to see a doctor as soon as he was full.

Li Suyan suppressed the urgency in her heart and said, "Don't worry too much, you just finished eating, so you should rest for a while."

Du Fangjun also said: "Yes, since we already know that my disease can be cured, we are not in a hurry."

Gao Xiang naturally knew that Li Suyan and Du Fangjun said this out of politeness, and who would not be in a hurry when faced with such a situation.

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "It's alright, it won't be too tiring to see this disease. It's better to take a rest sooner if you get cured. It's really late now."

Gao Xiang's words are.... In fact, it's already past 9 o'clock in the evening, and it will be too late if we delay. Might be able to sleep peacefully.

Hearing Gao Xiang's words, Li Suyan nodded gratefully and said, "Thank you so much, I will trouble you if that's the case."

Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled: "No trouble, let's go, let's go to the bedroom."

Since he started helping Du Fangjun to diagnose, Du Yinuo has not spoken much, and even when he is eating, with his parents here, it is not good to intervene, and he can only pray silently that Gao Xiang can cure his father.

Li Suyan also noticed her daughter's emotions, stepped forward and grabbed Du Yinuo's hand tightly and said, "This is your credit, Gao Xiang can definitely cure your father, and then you can be with your father. went on a tour."

Du Yinuo nodded and prayed secretly in his heart.

Back in the bedroom, Gao Xiang still let Du Fangjun lie on the bed, Gao Xiang said: "This process may be a little painful, I need to stimulate your waist nerves as much as possible, you have to bear it."

Du Fangjun lay on the bed and said with a smile: "Pain is common to me, just do whatever you want."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded slowly, then took out the set of silver needles and started the disinfection process.

Lee So-yeon watched with a few girls, and everyone's face was full of nervousness.

Chapter 1141

At the beginning of the treatment, Gao Xiang first took out the silver needles one by one, and reattached them on the acupoints that Du Fangjun felt when he observed the situation.

When the silver needles were inserted one by one, Du Fangjun frowned.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang continued to explore the acupuncture points and explained: "Uncle Du, your legs have been hesitant for too long and haven't exercised, so I must first let you recover enough perception ability, this process will be very painful, Multiple feelings come back together, you have to try your best to hold back."

Du Fangjun nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, let's continue."

Seeing this, Gao Xiang nodded and continued to take out the silver needles and stabbed them into the corresponding acupuncture points. It was not until the last silver needle was used up that Gao Xiang said, "Okay, Uncle Du, how do you feel now?"

Du Fangjun frowned and said, "In the beginning...all kinds of uncomfortable feelings, but just after you used up the last silver needle, you suddenly felt a relief in your legs."

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