Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded and said, "That's right, the last acupuncture point is to soothe the meridians. I'm going to start using massage to gradually restore the activity of the nerves in your waist. You must hold back, don't use it indiscriminately, and try to relax as much as possible. , try to feel your waist down and your legs."

After Du Fangjun nodded in response, Gao Xiang began to use his extremely slender hands to slowly press hard on Du Fangjun's waist.

As soon as Gao Xiang started, Du Fangjun's whole body suddenly throbbed, and the blue veins on Du Fangjun's forehead suddenly bulged, and Li Suyan, Lu Wanxi and the others were horrified for a while, it was hard to imagine what it would be like The pain that makes this man known as the top of the food chain show such a painful expression.

Du Fangjun obeyed what Gao Xiang had just said at this time, gritted his teeth hard to endure it, and at the same time relaxed the muscles of his waist as much as possible. At this time, Du Fangjun didn't need to feel the waist himself. The pain from his waist was enough for him to endure. .

Gao Xiang's hand strength did not relax in the slightest, and his fingers were extremely dexterous to press hard on several specific acupoints on Du Fangjun's waist, and said, "It's like cardiopulmonary resuscitation, by pressing with a special technique, the veins in the waist become active again. state, to control the leg veins on their own.”

Having said that, Gao Xiang paused for a while.

Then he continued, "Uncle Du, if you feel a sudden cramp in your leg later, let me know right away."

Du Fangjun gritted his teeth and nodded.

Gao Xiang's pressing had never been heard from the beginning. After ten minutes of silence, Du Fangjun, who seemed to have adapted to the pain and relaxed a little, suddenly felt a cramp in his calf, and quickly said, "The left calf has some cramps."

Gao Xiang replied: "Okay."

After that, he continued to press Du Fangjun's waist with his hand, and the other hand bent the... calf that Du Fangjun said, slowly soothing the twitching veins in Du Fangjun's calf.

Seeing Gao Xiang's treatment, Li Suyan didn't dare to spread the air, but after listening to the conversation between the two, Li Suyan was completely convinced of Gao Xiang.

From unconsciousness to a slight feeling of walking.

The cramps up to now all mean that Du Fangjun's situation is developing step by step for the better.

At this moment, Du Fangjun suddenly said, "Right calf cramp."

Gao Xiang responded like last time: "Okay."

Then the hand holding Du Fangjun's left leg was released, and he began to gently rub Du Fangjun's right calf.

The treatment can be done step by step, after the right calf is the left thigh, after the left thigh is the right thigh, then left and right: the sole of the foot.

Gao Xiang seemed not to be exhausted. It had been more than half an hour since he started helping Du Fangjun to press the nerves in his waist. Gao Xiang's hands were still so sensitive. Seeing that Li Suyan, Lu Wanxi and the others did not feel any sourness in their eyes, they put all the nerves away. After all the lines were sorted out, Gao Xiang asked Du Fangjun: "Uncle Du, try to control the movement of your legs now."

Hearing this, Du Fangjun tried to lift his calf, but no matter how hard he tried, he still got nothing, but with Gao Xiang's keen observation, he could still detect that Du Fangjun's calf had indeed trembled slightly just now.

Gao Xiang said effectively, "Don't worry, Uncle Du, you will soon recover like a normal person."

After Gao Xiang finished speaking, without waiting for the people present to speak, he continued to slowly press on Du Fangjun's waist nerve, but compared to the first time with all his strength, the second pressure was much softer.

In the process of Gao Xiang's slow pressing, Gao Xiang continued to speak: "Uncle Du, you continue to try to control the movement of the calf, don't stop."

Du Fangjun responded, and continued to rely on his own efforts to get his calf under his control. Du Fangjun wondered: "I can't feel anything at all, and I don't need any strength."

Chapter 1142

Hearing the words, Gao Xiang explained: "Yes, you can just keep trying."

Du Fangjun nodded and replied, "Okay."

It started to keep trying.

Gao Xiang's hand didn't stop. In fact, Gao Xiang's arms were already a little sore and numb now, but he didn't dare to stop.

Li Suyan, Lu Wanxi and others have already seen the beads of sweat on Gao Xiang's forehead.

Li Suyan didn't know the specific situation but said to Gao Xiang with some guilt: "Gao Xiang, if you are tired, stop and rest."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "It can't be stopped, once it stops, everything has to start from the beginning, and it is very likely that this will cause secondary damage to Uncle Du's injury, and it will be even more difficult to recover, everything has to wait for Du Only uncle can control his calf to make movements."

Seeing this, Li Suyan had no choice but to nod her head and said, "Okay then."

Lu Wanxi also stepped forward and gently wiped the sweat off Gao Xiang's forehead with a tissue, then stepped aside.

Another ten minutes passed, Gao Xiang did not stop for a moment, and Du Fangjun was not like this. Seeing everyone's expectant eyes, he felt his arms that were already shaking. Du Fangjun's perseverance when he was young seems to be in the second place. Returning to normal, I used all my strength to control the calf that should have been controlled.

Maybe it's because the emperor pays off, or maybe it's because God doesn't want such a man to sit in a wheelchair like this, unable to take care of himself.

Just when everyone was sweating, Du Fangjun's calf finally bent slowly without anyone's help.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang finally showed a gratified smile.

Li Suyan and the four 44 girls, who were standing on the side watching, exclaimed in unison.

Du Fangjun finally felt the feeling on his calf and the power transmitted back from his calf.

Gao Xiang still didn't stop, and said slowly: "The foundation is complete, but it still needs to be stabilized. You continue to try and let the other leg recover, and then try to complete ten sets of legs as much as possible."

Du Fangjun had already believed Gao Xiang's words at this time, and he did not hesitate to do what Gao Xiang said.

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, Jun's other leg was finally able to perform a simple leg bending action with Du Fangjun's own efforts.

Once the first action is done, the rest seems to follow naturally

For... a normal person's extremely simple and effortless action, at this time, it seems to take all of Du Fangjun's strength.

And just after Du Fangjun finished the ten sets of bent legs, Gao Xiang finally retracted his trembling hands and said with a smile: "It's done, the most difficult stage is over, and Uncle Du's situation will get better and better after that. , I will be dispensing some medicine for you tomorrow, and then combining the medicine and exercise, it will take about a month, and it should not be a big problem to return to the level of normal people."

Hearing this sentence, Li Suyan's tears finally couldn't hold back anymore, she stepped forward and bowed deeply to Gao Xiang: "Thank you."

At this time, for Li Suyan, it seemed that thousands of words could not express her gratitude to Gao Xiang at this time, so she could only make such an action.

Gao Xiang naturally wanted to step forward to help, but he had no strength in his hands, so he could only helplessly say: "Auntie Li, you are killing me, Yinuo and I are friends, and we should help each other. You really make me a little bit at a loss as to what to do."

Du Yinuo was already weeping with joy at this time, and muttered in his mouth: "It succeeded, it really succeeded."

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