Maybe she believed that Gao Xiang was just longing for a miracle, but when the real miracle was placed in front of her, she really became a little overwhelmed.

To be honest, although Du Yinuo really likes the feeling of being with Gao Xiang and others, he is also happy to treat everyone as friends, but after all, they just met by chance, and Du Yinuo does not know how to repay such a great favor.

Although Gao Xiang said it very lightly, it's just mutual help between friends, but if Du Yinuo thinks so, then she is not Du Yinuo.

Lu Wanxi and Gao Xiang have been together for so many years, and naturally, they can see Gao Xiang's embarrassing situation, so they can only step forward to help Gao Xiang up Li Suyan, and said, "Aunt Li, no matter what, we are all juniors, really I can't bear your kind of courtesy, Uncle Du has just replied, I think your family must have a lot to say, just as Gao Xiang is tired, we will go back to the guest room to rest first, and we will talk about other things tomorrow, okay?"

Then Lu Wanxi added: "Auntie Li, we're here to play this time, and we're going to stay here for a few days. We can talk about such things anytime."

Chapter 1143

Li Suyan heard the words and blamed herself: "It's all my fault, you're right, Gao Xiang must be exhausted, I'll take you to the guest room to have a good rest."

Then, in a panic, he had to take Gao Xiang and others to the guest room, for fear that it would affect Gao Xiang's rest.

Where is the current Li So-yeon still a little bit indifferent before.

However, Du Fangjun had already exhausted all his strength because of the ten sets of movements that Gao Xiang had requested. He used his strong willpower to do it, and then went straight to sleep. He didn't even have time to say any words of gratitude. It was enough to see the ten sets. How difficult is the action for... Du Fangjun now.

Li Suyan and Du Yinuo were very grateful and sent the four of Gao Xiang to the door of the guest room arranged for everyone on the second floor. Li Suyan came and asked: "You go to the room to rest for a while, I will let the nanny bring you some fruits. , to relieve your fatigue."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi quickly shook her head and refused: "Auntie Li, really don't need to trouble you, your being so polite makes us feel very uncomfortable, and we can't stay any longer."

Gao Xiang also said at this time: "Yes, Auntie Li, you are our elder, you are embarrassing for us juniors like this."

Seeing that both of them said so, Li Suyan had no choice but to say, "Okay, then you all have a good rest first. If you need anything, just go downstairs and instruct the nanny."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Okay, you can go to rest too."

Li Suyan finally took two more polite words before leaving with Du Yinuo.

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue had never made a statement before, but when Li Suyan and Du Yinuo left, Jiang Yuqing said, "Since Gao Xiang cured Uncle Du's illness, the relationship between Yinuo and our friends has changed. : It's different."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "This is something that can't be helped. You can't just stand by and watch something like this happen."

Lu Wanxi also shook it gently.

He said: "Let's go, let's not stand here and talk, let's go to me and Gao Xiang first, let's chat, I don't feel too sleepy.

Jiang Yuxue was no longer so nonsensical at this time, and said, "Then"

Then the four of them walked into the room that the Du family had arranged for Gao and Lu Wanxi.

The content of the chat is nothing more than...what happened.

Jiang Yuxue looked at Gao Xiang and sighed: "Gao Xiang seems to have always been at the forefront of the world. First, the leukemia drugs, and now the treatment for Uncle Du are all incurable diseases in medicine. I sometimes wonder if Gao Xiang has crossed the border. came here."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang joked: "Why don't you say that I am the hero in the novel, just like the kind of... the direct disciple of a handed down physician who lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests, stepping into society to stir up bloodshed."

Jiang Yuxue said with a smile: "That's right, this one is more reliable, let's be honest, who is your...the handed down physician."

Gao Xiang said with a smile, "There is no legendary doctor, but there is a beautiful wife......there is one."

Jiang Yuxue rolled her eyes madly when she heard the words and said, "Look, here I come again, I'm going crazy, can I stop throwing dog food as soon as I speak?"

Lu Wanxi rolled her eyes at Jiang Yuxue and said, "You didn't ask for it by yourself. What are you doing to provoke this unruly guy."

Then Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang's hands. At this time, Gao Xiang's hands were much better, but they were still shaking slightly, and then she worried: "Are you alright, why are you still shaking?"

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's just... a little overworked, I'll be fine in a while, these are all small things."

Jiang Yuxue regained her own nature, and seeing the two of you being sympathetic, she hugged Jiang Yuqing and sighed, "The world is hot and cold, and the world is getting worse."

Jiang Yuqing avoided Jiang Yuqing's bear and complained: "You, you can't stop for a while."

When there are only these four people left, the atmosphere is obviously much better. It's not that Du Yinuo can't integrate into this group. It was good before, but now with Gao Xiang's benefactor, it will definitely become: Different.

The four of them chatted for a while... before Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue said goodbye and returned to their rooms.

Gao Xiang's reply was almost the same at this time. It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. It was impossible for Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi not to be tired. After Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue left, they both took a shower and fell asleep. , As for what happens tomorrow, it's not too late to think about it tomorrow.

Chapter 1144

After a night of silence, Gao Xiang still got up from the bed early in the morning and washed his face. Seeing that Lu Wanxi was still sleeping soundly, Gao Xiang walked slowly to the window and opened a gap to Look outside.

After yesterday's observation, Gao Xiang knew that there was a small garden in the backyard, and was thinking about whether to go to the garden for activities.

But what Gao Xiang didn't expect was that Du Yinuo's family woke up even more than himself. Du Yinuo and Li Suyan were in the garden in the backyard full of excitement, helping Du Fangjun to walk slowly on a bluestone road.

Du Fangjun's footsteps are very vain, if there is no support from Li Suyan and Du Yinuo, it is estimated that standing up will be a problem, but now with the help of Li Suyan and Du Yinuo, you can still try to walk around on your own, and you can achieve such results It has already made Li Suyan and Du Yinuo excited.

When Gao Xiang saw such a warm scene, a smile appeared on his face. Although Du Yinuo often smiled before, it always made people unable to feel the real happiness in his heart. Now Du Yinuo's smile is the real one. Happy, without the shackles in my heart, the real person looks a lot easier.

After thinking about it, Gao Xiang still did not disturb the warmth of the family.

Gao Xiang was standing quietly by the window. After a while, there was a slight movement behind him. Gao Xiang looked back and saw that Lu Wanxi, who was lying on the bed, turned his body slightly, and his face was facing each other. Gao Xiang, a pair of eyes slowly opened, and looked at Gao Xiang in a daze.

Gao Xiang saw the love in his heart began to overflow, smiled and said, "I woke up."

Lu Wanxi first shook her head, then nodded again, and finally shook her head again and said in a daze, "I'm still a little sleepy."

Gao Xiang left the window, walked up and slowly squatted on the edge of the bed, rubbing Lu Wanxi's messy hair and said gently, "If you're sleepy, just sleep a little longer, it's still early."

Lu Wanxi shook her head and said, "I feel like I might not be able to sleep."

The most beautiful love is to see you at the first moment when you open your eyes in the morning.

Gao Xiang heard Lu Wanxi's dazed words and smiled: "If you can't sleep, get up. Du Yinuo and his family are walking in the backyard. When you get up, let's go and have a look. It will save you having to finish dinner. Let people call us."

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