
Chapter 1146

Although Xuexiang Forest Park is geographically within the scope of Linhai City, it is nearly 60 kilometers away from the urban area of ​​Linhai City. It is too troublesome to run back and forth. Under the introduction of Du Yinuo, everyone brought more. After two changes of clothes, he left Du Yinuo's house.

Everyone directly drove out a Cadillac Escalade from Du Yinuo's house, which was a large car.

The space is large enough and comfortable enough, other cars are a bit small, and five people are a bit crowded, so I chose this car.

This car is not too expensive, probably around [-] million.

Originally it seemed that Du Yinuo was going to drive, but Du Yinuo got into the back seat and said, "Who will sit in the co-pilot when I drive, the configuration like I'm sitting in the back seat is perfect, Yuqing and Yu are with me. Xue will be waiting for you and Wanxi to feed us dog food."

Lu Wanxi looked at Du Yinuo and said, "Why are you like Yu Xue?"

Jiang Yuxue retorted: "What does it mean to be like me? It means that the eyes of the masses are sharp."

The driver's seat is still in Gao Xiang's hands. As long as Gao Xiang drives, the co-pilot will definitely be Lu Wanxi.

In this way, everyone set off for the next time, bought some snacks in the nearby supermarket for emergency, and then Gao Xiang set up the navigation and went in the direction of Xuexiang Forest Park.

As a scenic spot, Xuexiang Forest Park has long had a complete tourism system, forming a multi-functional tourist attraction with two lines, five scenic spots and more than [-] scenic spots.

Driving on the road, Du Yinuo introduced to everyone: "At this time, Xuexiang Forest Park is still covered with heavy snow, so if we play, the main thing is to enjoy the scenery, or to go skiing, or to visit the film and television base. Go for a walk, but the Er 2 Lang River hasn't thawed yet, but it should be able to open an ice hole for fishing."

"At that time, we can directly live in the dream home at the foot of Bangchui Mountain in Xuexiang. The dream home is a Kanto-style inn and inn. It seems to be the house left by the film and television crew when they filmed the film and television drama. The exterior still looks like the previous one. Some features, it feels pretty good.”

"And the forest corresponding to Xuexiang Forest Park is also a piece of forest, and there are a lot of wild animals in it, but some animals are hibernating now, and we are sure not all of them."

Along the way, Du Yinuo has been introducing the general situation of Xuexiang Forest Park. He said that Gao Xiang and others are quite yearning. Although the capital also snows, he rarely sees the world wrapped in silver, and the road does not take long. The snow will be completely clean, let alone Hangcheng, so everyone is quite yearning for such a one.

The car gradually drove away, and the traces of the high-rise buildings were gradually thrown behind by everyone. After leaving the oppression of the city, the field of vision suddenly changed: it opened up, and when I looked around, I could still see the roofs of the villages not far away. Covered with snow.

Lu Wanxi smiled and said: "We have come directly from spring to winter. A few days ago, it was a grassland and forest, but now it is... snowy."

Du Yinuo heard the words and replied: "Actually, it is also related to the climate this year. Originally, according to the past, the snow has already begun to melt at this time, which is not enough... This year, due to the influence of the cold current, this year's winter is particularly long.

"Looks like we're lucky."

Jiang Yuqing smiled when she heard Du Yinuo's words.

Hesitantly, what everyone was walking was not a high speed, but a small road passing through towns and villages, so the [-]-kilometer road was extraordinarily long, and it took more than an hour to walk.

When the snow-capped mountain wind in the distance appeared in front of everyone, they all felt that their mood suddenly changed for no reason: extraordinarily comfortable.

The car slowly approached the direction of the mountain, and as it approached, white frost began to fall in the air, as if it was snowing.

Everyone continued to move forward and finally arrived within the range of Xuexiang Forest Park at [-]:[-] :: [-]:[-].

Du Yinuo said, "Let's just drive in. Let's go to the inn first. The area here is too big. Let's take a break and we are planning."

According to Du Yinuo's instructions, Gao Xiang slowly drove the car into the park and walked slowly along the road in the park.

According to Du Yinuo's instructions, everyone finally found the dream home in Du Yinuo's mouth.

Several people saw that the environment here is indeed dreamy enough.

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Chapter 1147

At the foot of the mountain is a house covered with white snow. All the houses here look wooden. The red lanterns with a strong Chinese style hang at the gate, like elves in the snow.

The car slowly drove into the gate, and a middle-aged man in a security uniform greeted him as soon as he entered the gate.

Gao Xiang opened the window of the driver's seat, and suddenly a cold wind hit, Gao Xiang suddenly shivered, and the temperature here seemed to be a little lower than that in Linhai City.

The security guard stepped forward and asked, "Are you going to live in a hotel?"

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Yes, may I ask where is the best place to put the car?"

The security guard pointed to a protruding position not far away and said, "There is an underground parking lot there, you go and put down the car first."

Gao Xiang looked at the location in the distance, hesitating to be covered with snow, if it wasn't for the security guard, Gao Xiang really couldn't see where the entrance to an underground parking lot would be.

Gao Xiang gestured to the security guard, and the car slowly approached the entrance of the parking lot. After walking a distance, Gao Xiang closed the car window again, exhaled and said, "The temperature here during the day is minus 0, and at night. How cold it must be."

From the moment Lu Wanxi entered here, she was attracted by the snowy scenery outside, and now she heard Gao Xiang speak and said, "It's cold, but this place is really beautiful, it feels like the Snow White Kingdom in my dream."

Gao Xiang jokingly said: "This is the Snow White Kingdom, then you are... Snow White."

Lu Wanxi snorted when she heard the words: "Why, are you going to become a dwarf to save me?"

Jiang Yuxue wouldn't be Jiang Yuxue if he didn't make trouble, but Jiang Yuxue interjected, "Hey, you two, don't insult my Andersen fairy tale, okay?"

Gao Xiang said without looking back, "Sister, Snow White is from Grimm's fairy tale, okay, are you kidding us?"

Jiang Yuxue was stunned for a moment, not believing Gao Xiang's words, then she looked at Jiang Yuqing who was sitting beside her, Jiang Yuqing suppressed a smile and nodded.

Jiang Yuxue was suddenly a little embarrassed, and she rolled her eyes and followed Gao Xiang's words: "Is this joke so obvious that you can see it, I didn't expect your cultural foundation to be quite high."

When Du Yinuo heard the conversation between the two, Jiang Yuxue's side forced herself not to laugh out loud.

While everyone was talking, Gao Xiang had already brought the car to the parking lot, found an empty parking space, and put the car down. Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Can you be considered a borrower?"

Jiang Yuxue said angrily when she heard the words: "You are the one."

Du Yinuo still did not.

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