...After the farce just now, several people walked out of the pedestrian safety stairs of the underground garage together. This exit happened to be next to the service hall here.

Gao Xiang and others came directly to the hall, and Du Yinuo, as the host, ran directly to the front desk and asked, "Are there any spare yards in our biggest yards?"

Hearing the words, the front desk said politely: "Yes, there are still two sets available for the time being."

Du Yinuo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then help me open this room."

Then there is... a real-name authentication level, after registering all the information of the five people, the front desk said: "The total is 356 yuan, including the service fee of 228 yuan."

Du Yinuo swiped directly with his mobile phone and said, "Okay, it's already paid."

The front desk glanced at Gao Xiang who was standing behind him, and there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Gao Xiang didn't seem to notice at all.

Du Yinuo paid so actively, of course, out of gratitude to Gao Xiang, and Gao Xiang naturally would not refuse. The so-called machismo is not...used at such times.

Then Du Yinuo took the room card from the front desk and left with Gao Xiang and others.

The group walked out of the hall and began to walk towards the innermost part of the area in this snowy environment.

Du Yinuo said with a smile: "This area has a total of [-] square meters, all of which are single-family residences, and our yard is the innermost."

Gao Xiang and the others followed Du Yinuo. They were on a small road sandwiched between two rows of small courtyards. The road was covered with snow. Perhaps it was to create such an atmosphere on purpose. The snow on the road was not cleaned at all. trace.

As soon as you step on it, you can hear the creaking sound.

A flash of light suddenly appeared in Gao Xiang's mind, and the corner of his mouth slowly evoked an arc.

Gao Xiang took advantage of the fact that several people were focusing on the scenery in front of him, he slowly fell behind by half a step, and while the girls were not paying attention, he grabbed a handful of snow that was not covered by footprints, and then turned his back on his hands. Go and start ravaging this... snow.

Soon a round, with a radius of only about two centimeters, appeared in Gao Xiang's hand, and then... aimed at the target and threw it gently.

With Gao Xiang's quasi-head, there is no such thing as an empty shot.

The little snowball hit Lu Wanxi's head accurately and accurately, the snowball shattered, and a large snowflake was instantly left on Lu Wanxi's head.

Lu Wanxi was suddenly attacked, he looked behind him, Gao Xiang was smiling and beckoning to Lu Wanxi.

Chapter 1148

Lu Wanxi shouted as if she had discovered a new continent: "Sisters, someone is provoking, this is unbearable."

Lu Wanxi's call was still very effective, and soon the four-member Women's Army began to launch a violent attack on Gao Xiang.

Fortunately, there are not many people coming out to play. There are basically not many people living here, and it is estimated that they have already traveled to the major attractions at this time. A very quiet battlefield.

Gao Xiang's skills are not... just kidding, even in the face of four 44 girls' attacks, dodging is effortless, and Gao Xiang's attacks are completely hit-and-miss.

By the end, the girls were about to collapse, and Jiang Yuxue shouted, "You cheated."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang spread his hands and said, "Is it something you can't beat in snowball fights and cheating, okay?"

In the face of Gao Xiang's extreme reaction ability, several girls were quite helpless.

As a result of this situation, Lu Wanxi directly grabbed Gao Xiang, and the other three girls attacked together. Because of Lu Wanxi, Gao Xiang did not dare to use too much force, so as not to hurt Lu Wanxi, he could only greet him. Received a few attacks with the scalp.

It wasn't until Gao Xiang was attacked that his head was covered with snowflakes, and Lu Wanxi released Gao Xiang's arm, looking at Gao Xiang's embarrassed appearance, hehe smiled and said, "This time it's comfortable, how can there be no snow on my body during the snowball fight? "

Gao Xiang was speechless, and after tossing for a while, everyone felt a lot warmer, and some of the four 44 girls were out of breath.

Gao Xiang patted the snow on his body and said silently, "You guys are just cheating, okay?"

Jiang Yuxue stuck out her tongue and said, "Why are you a big man competing with us?"

Once bickering, Gao Xiang must be a vulnerable group, there is no way, women are unreasonable.

Gao Xiang kept his mouth shut, as if fully aware of his mistake.

The five people 5 slowly walked towards the direction of the yard.

A few minutes later, everyone finally saw the yard with the number plate number 6, which was the number reserved by 5 people. Although the gate of the yard was made of wood, the lock was still a room card lock.

Du Yinuo directly opened the far door and walked into the yard together.

The courtyard is facing north and south:,, except for the room where the gate is located, there are rooms in the other three directions of the courtyard, and there are two rooms in the north. The two rooms are the living room and the bedroom, and there is one room in the east and west, both of which are arranged.

The house is all made of wood, but there is a thick insulation layer inside, but it doesn't feel cold.

Du Yinuo joked: "You two have a bedroom, I can sleep in a bedroom by myself, and I don't want to be crowded. I don't want to fight Gao Xiang for Wanxi, if Gao Xiang hates me because of this kind of thing trouble."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled and said, "You are all girls. You can sleep together, and you can chat at night. I sleep in a room by myself, and I am happy to be clean."

Jiang Yuxue always seemed to be staring at Gao Xiang's language sickness. As soon as Gao Xiang said this, Jiang Yuxue immediately responded: "Wanxi, see, Gao Xiang thinks you are annoying, you can bear it"

Gao Xiang gave Jiang Yuxue a helpless look and said speechlessly: "I think you should really study the profession of a lawyer, and make sure you are right when you catch people's language problems."

Lu Wanxi covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Okay, Yinuo will be fine with me in a room. It doesn't matter if Gao Xiang, a big man, sleeps by himself."

In the end, that was settled. Gao Xiang slept in the room to the north of the living room, Lu Wanxi and Du Yinuo were in the east room, and Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue went to the west room.

Putting down their personal belongings, the five people returned to the living room. It was almost noon, and the five people did not go out. Gao Xiang asked Du Yinuo, "Where is the lunch?"

Du Yinuo pointed to the east and said, "There is a food street over there, you can eat anything, we can just go there directly, it's only a ten-minute walk."

The problem of food and lodging has been solved, and the five people 5 rested in the living room for a while..., until eleven:11:5:, the five people [-] walked together and went to the food street that Du Yinuo said. And go.

It is said to be a food street, but it is actually a small group of buildings composed of many restaurants. By the time Gao Xiang and a few people arrived, there were already quite a lot of people here.

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