Du Yinuo smiled and said: "The people who come to eat here are basically some foreigners. To be honest, it is really expensive here. Compared with other places, the price is about [-]% more expensive. Many locals come here. I bring some food to play here, and I leave during the day and night.”

Lu Wanxi nodded and replied, "Isn't that the situation in the scenic spots now?

For convenience, there is no other way, otherwise the delay on the road will be too long, and it will be inconvenient to always run back and forth."

Chapter 1149

In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter


:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter 1149

In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter


:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter 1149

Everyone walked into this area, and the streets were full of various snacks and restaurants of various styles.

Lu Wanxi looked at the shops on both sides of the street and said, "What would you like to eat?"

Gao Xiang pondered: "It's good to eat hot pot while watching the snow scene, but the snow scene in the snack street is completely destroyed,"

Du Yinuo smiled and said: "If you want to say that, I know a hot pot restaurant with a very prosperous business here. The windows on the second floor of their store are facing backwards, so you can just see the snow scene behind. My parents and the others came here together, that is... they ate there."

Gao Xiang heard the words and said: "Yes, then go to this place, eat some spicy hot pot and sweat, what do you think?"

Jiang Yuxue smiled and said, "Okay, then I will accept your opinion reluctantly."

Gao Xiang shrugged and said, "Actually, you can completely ignore my advice. Don't worry, I'll treat you to whatever you want, and I'll settle the bill for you and then go eat hot pot."

Jiang Yuxue gave Gao Xiang a blank look and said, "Get out of here."

Under the leadership of Du Yinuo, Gao Xiang's 4 went to the hot pot restaurant that Du Yinuo said.

This hot pot restaurant was built in a corner at the edge of this area. According to this location, it was exactly as Du Yinuo described, and the windows at the back could have a view of the snow scene here.

Gao Xiang's 4 people entered the hot pot restaurant under the leadership of Du Yinuo. The business in the hot pot restaurant is really good. It is not easy to see that the hall is almost full when there are so few tourists.

As soon as Gao Xiang and the others entered the hot pot restaurant, a waiter greeted them and asked respectfully, "Hello, do you need any help?"

Du Yinuo asked directly, "Are there any sightseeing private rooms in our store?"

The waiter smiled and said, "You came just right, and now there is no one in the last room. Are there only five of you?"

Du Yinuo nodded and said, "Yes, just me."

The waiter said, "Then come with me."

Then he turned around and led everyone to the second floor.

He bowed to the door of a private room with the door open and said, "Please come in, it's here."

Gao Xiang's five people walked slowly to the box when they saw it. The box was really well dressed. It could be seen that the boss here was very attentive. The room was not very spacious. There was only a table for everyone to eat and a wardrobe for hanging coats. The window is a whole floor-to-ceiling window. Looking around, you can see Gao Xiang covered with snow and a forest like a big tree covered with snow-white leaves.

I have to say that this kind of scenery is really attractive, and eating hot pot while enjoying the snow is a great enjoyment.

After Gao Xiang and others were seated, the waiter took out a menu from the drawer at the bottom of the wardrobe next to him, which was also checked.

Five people 5 discussed and ordered a lot of dishes, basically except...some dishes that a few people didn't like, others ordered a change.

The bottom of the pot is naturally spicy. This time, I didn't even have a clear soup pot. Jiang Yuqing, who seldom eats spicy food, smiled and said, "In such a cold weather, eat some spicy food to warm up your body and resist freezing in the afternoon."

After ordering the dishes and the waiter at the bottom of the pot left, Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "No wonder Du Yinuo recommended this place. The scenery here is really good, and it is indeed a big selling point."

Du Yinuo said with a smile: "This selling point is not cheap. When my parents and I came, we only knew when we were checking out. It was only 888 soft sister coins for the private room fee. When we first came, the waiter never knew how to Introduced, and most people don't ask, so there are many people from poor families who can't accept the bill after eating in the box."

Jiang Yuxue covered her mouth and smiled: "This is also a routine in other people's stores, otherwise it is estimated that the customer flow will be reduced by half."

A few people chatted while admiring the scenery outside the window, and soon the bottom of the pot came up, and at the same time there were several dishes that were easy to prepare.

Although Jiang Yuqing decided to eat spicy food, she couldn't accept it because it was too spicy, so she had to prepare a bowl of water, and rinse the food out of the pot in the water before it could enter her stomach.

Du Yinuo is an expert at eating spicy food. As soon as the spicy food in the pot is out of the pot, it dipped in the sauce and put it directly in his mouth. Gao Xiang and others are a bit spicy. Breathing, Du Yinuo refused the food with big mouthfuls as if nothing happened.

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Yinuo, can't you feel spicy?"

Du Yinuo swallowed the food in his mouth and smiled: "We have long winters here, and the temperature is relatively cold. I usually like to eat some spicy food, and I'm used to it."

:, ask for a reward.

ask for all support

Chapter 1150

The hot pot in the house was bubbling and steaming, but the ground outside the window was covered with snow.

This feeling really makes people quite comfortable.

Gradually everyone began to sweat on their foreheads, and when everyone finished eating, Lu Wanxi poured saliva into her mouth and said, "The spiciness of the bottom of this pot is indeed a bit high, I feel like my mouth is fast. lost consciousness."

The spiciness has reached a certain level, and even Du Yinuo, who is used to eating spicy food, can't stand it when he eats too much.

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