"And this requirement is..., the purchaser should see the meaning of this kite and understand the value of this kite. This is actually a kind of belief. If someone says this... The value of the kite cannot be measured by money. This sentence means that the belief that this person can really understand can be given directly to the other party, and it can be regarded as a gift to a confidant who has never met before."

Gao Xiang heard the words.... He was quite interested in the... father mentioned by the boss, and felt that this old father was definitely a person worthy of respect.

Seeing that Gao Xiang didn't speak, the boss walked slowly to the counter full of kites and carefully dropped the... golden and red phoenix kite, which was particularly eye-catching.

Walking up to Gao Xiang, he handed the kite to Gao Xiang and said, "I think you are the person who is destined to take it away. I can consider it to be a solution to my heart."

Gao Xiang did not expect the change to come so quickly.

Never sell when a gift is just a matter of a few words.

Gao Xiang shook his head and refused: "I'm naturally happy to give it to me for nothing, but I don't think I can accept him. I think the image of a person who is destined in your father's mouth is more than a little bit different. Isn't this too hasty."

Hearing this, the boss said with a smile: "Isn't it sloppy to look for a person with fate? Everyone needs to understand in detail before they can be called a person with fate. Maybe there is no such thing as a person with fate. It's just illusory. fate."

: Ask for a reward, ask for all support, thank you.

How many people are still reading this book, I have been: stick to it, I hope you will support it, give monthly passes and rewards.

Chapter 1152

The boss continued: "Take it, let me fulfill my father's wish, and I don't have to worry about it all the time."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang pondered: "Well, don't give it away, I'll just take the money."

Hearing Gao Xiang's words, the boss shook his head and said, "You also said that this thing cannot be measured by money at all. This is an insult and denial to my father's persistence throughout his life."

Gao Xiang couldn't understand the boss's stubbornness and perseverance, and said: "The so-called no merit and no reward, I take your things without any compensation, I will not feel at ease, understand?"

Seeing Gao Xiang say this, the boss was quite helpless, and finally rolled his eyes and smiled and said, "Then let's follow the plot in a martial arts novel, I think you should go to Xuexiang Shuangfeng to play, just in time for you to help me. Bring a random branch down from the mountain, and I will give you the kite, so that you have paid, and I can do what my father told me to do."

Gao Xiang nodded immediately after hearing the words, since everyone said so, Lu Wanxi happened to like this kite, so she agreed.

When Gao Xiang was talking with the boss, Lu Wanxi and his party were always there: looking around like this, Du Yinuo and the Jiang sisters listened to Lu Wanxi's words, and naturally noticed that... the kite, and was immediately struck by the kite's strangeness. attracted by the ordinary.

Exquisite color matching like a living creature, the golden tail feathers gently danced in the wind, and a phoenix that was about to fly was vividly displayed in front of everyone.

The liking of beautiful things can easily resonate with the female companions around you, and now it is... In this case, Du Yinuo and the three sisters of the Jiang family all sighed at the beauty of this kite.

But to everyone's disappointment, Gao Xiang negotiated with the boss for a long time, and finally returned empty-handed, with a look of helplessness on his face.

For such a situation, the four 44-year-old girls are somewhat confused.

Gao Xiang walked up to Lu Wanxi and the four of them, looking at the expressions of the four 4 girls with their desire to find out, and said, "Let's go, let's talk as we go."

The four 44 girls were even more curious when they heard that Gao Xiang had already walked to the ticket office of the scenic spot.

After buying the ticket and entering the scenic spot, everyone is in front of the stairs that stretch up. The steps are cleaned very cleanly, and there will be no accidents due to slippery roads.

It was only now that Gao Xiang slowly explained the conversation between the bosses just now bit by bit.

When Lu Wanxi and the four of them heard the words, Jiang Yuxue exclaimed, "Gao Xiang, you won't meet the legendary hermit master. When you bring a branch down from the mountain, it will be handed over to you. Invincible magic, help you to conquer the world."

Gao Xiang reluctantly looked at Jiang Yuxue, whose brain was wide open, and shook his head: "You really read a lot of martial arts novels, he just follows his father's beliefs, and I don't want to get this thing for nothing and feel uneasy, this boss will came up with this idea."

Du Yinuo said at this time: "If you say that, I have some impression of this man's father, because we were all born and raised in Linhai City. When my parents were young, they didn't have a little burden like me, so they often When I came here to play, I often heard them talk about the past when I was young."

"One of them is a story about a kite artist near Xuexiang Shuangfeng 2. If I guess correctly, the protagonist should be this person's father."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi was surprised and said, "I didn't expect this kite-pasting craftsman to be so famous. It seems that this craftsman does have something extraordinary."

Jiang Yuqing also asked: "What kind of story is it, I'm a little curious about it."

Du Yinuo smiled and said: "I can't remember the specifics, but it's probably... about the old man's persistent belief in sticking kites. At that time, when I was in the middle school entrance examination, it was very boring to study. My father told me about it. I came up with such a story to tell me, I think one thing is boring because my mind is too complicated, and I will not be bored when I calm down and do one thing for a lifetime.

With such a premise, I am more impressed with this story.”

As everyone moved forward, they listened to Du Yinuo describe the story word by word, depicting an old man with unshakable firm belief.

The old man's name is Zhang Qilong. He followed his master to learn how to make kites since he was a child. At that time, learning a craft was purely for the sake of eating.

In fact, the guy who paste kites can't make too much money, and kites are flying more when the winter starts to get warmer, and the wind in this season is more suitable for kite flying.

Zhang Qilong was regarded as a relatively gifted child at that time. After learning for a period of time, he did a good job. The simple kite is actually not too difficult. The rare thing is how to make kites win more people's like , Zhang Qilong's brain is good enough to think a lot of good ideas.

But there are too few customers who buy kites, so Zhang Qilong thought about making some more symbolic kites, or making them into better-looking works of art, which can diversify the functions of the kites.

: Ask for a reward.

Chapter 1153

Fortunately, he succeeded, and many young ladies from wealthy families, or rich young masters who behaved quite generously in order to impress their beloved women, began to ask Zhang Qilong to help customize kites.

Zhang Qilong's business has also been done well, and the family's conditions have become more and more prosperous. Until the development and progress of the society finally eliminated the paper kites, the market of paper kites began to gradually enter the absolute underestimation.

No matter how his son and wife persuaded him, Zhang Qilong, who had been stuck with kites all his life, was always reluctant to give up. Finally, after a friend's introduction, he entered the Xuexiang Forest Park Scenic Spot to buy kites as a souvenir of the scenic spot.

At that time, the Xuexiang Forest Park had not been fully developed, and only a small area was opened. Zhang Qilong set up a small booth in this area and continued to sell kites.

Such traditional handicrafts are easy to attract people's attention. Zhang Qilong's kite business is like a resurgence, and it is reborn again.

Since then, as long as the Xuexiang Forest Park is going out and opening, there will inevitably be an old man supporting a booth. There are all kinds of kites on the booth. The old man wears a reading glasses and sits behind the booth every day without interruption. of all kinds of kites.

The old man still held his half-pasted kite in his hand until the moment he fell ill. This old man's obsession with the craftsmanship of pasting kites had to be admired by the old man.

Some people say that the old man may have an obsessive pursuit of kites, and some people say that the old man has something hidden in his heart and uses a kite to susten all this.

Although the story is very bland, it tells about the persistence of the old man's life.

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