The people who were immersed in the story seemed to have forgotten the fatigue of climbing the mountain, so they climbed to the top of the mountain step by step.

After the story was told, Gao Xiang sighed and said: "Such an old man, who gave his most precious things, the things he pursued in his life, stings his son like this, and gave the phoenix kite to the destined person, It seems that the old man wants this kite, which has condensed his life, to soar in the sky."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "It seems that this boss is... the son of that year, that's right."

Jiang Yuxue also sighed: "I don't know what happened to that old master."

Jiang Yuqing also asked Gao Xiang, "What are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang said: "This boss said so, naturally the kite is definitely ours, and such things and things still need at least a sense of awe, we will go directly to the top of the mountain, and find one from the top of the mountain. tree.

And then bring the branches back, that's the only way I can show respect."

While talking, the few people slowly headed towards the top of the mountain. The surrounding scenery, except for the stone steps under the feet of the few people, was covered with white snow. The mountain road began to become steeper and steeper, the steps became narrower and narrower, and there were handrails on both sides of the steps.

Then the mountain road became steeper and steeper, and the physical strength of everyone increased exponentially. After walking a certain distance in one breath, a few people would stop and rest for a while, just walking and stopping. After half an hour , The crowd finally arrived at a broad platform halfway up the mountain.

Du Yinuo introduced: "It's here, the front is... the place where the ice sculptures are located, everyone, get ready for your exclamations and shouts."

Jiang Yuxue said with a smile: "You talk like this, and I suddenly have a sense of sight that I'm participating in a concert."

Standing on the mountain road outside the platform, a few people can roughly see that there seem to be a lot of people gathered on the platform.

On the platform, the eyes of several people looked around, and they were immediately attracted by the surrounding scenery.

I saw that this is a fairly huge square. The place in front of it opposite the direction where everyone came up is still a small road winding up. The two sides of the square are not mountains, but are even lower than the square under the feet of everyone. some tourist areas.

These two areas are naturally the ice sculpture exhibition areas that Du Yinuo said.

There was even a small waterfall on one side, but due to the weather, it was frozen completely. A huge icicle formed.

Quite beautiful.

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Chapter 1154

In addition, the existence of ice sculptures has also opened everyone's eyes. There are all kinds of animal ice sculptures, many ice sculptures, and even small grass ice sculptures. The exhibition areas on both sides are directly covered by these... ....covered by ice sculptures, from a distance, there is a simulated nature composed of ice.

All the ice sculptures are carved to life, which is quite spectacular.

Especially and plants, under the reflection of the sun, are really like living things, seeming to be swaying in the wind.

Lu Wanxi asked for a camera directly from Gao Xiang's hand, and the girls started pointing and looking for angles to take pictures.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang quietly followed behind the girls.

Just when Gao Xiang and others were attracted by the scenery here, most of the people in this square were attracted by the beauty of Lu Wanxi and others.

The clothes of Lu Wanxi and Sister Jiang were bought together in Kyoto, and the three of them did not choose carefully, but only took three identical pure white down jackets.

Lu Wanxi was also wearing tight jeans, although she was thickly dressed, her perfect figure could still be seen at a glance.

Sister Jiang is also a pair of jeans, but the styles are different. They are the kind that are looser, but they do not affect the charm of the two at all.

Although Du Yinuo doesn't have as much experience as Lu Wanxi's trio of 3, she feels like a big sister next door, with an extremely cute smile on her face, she belongs to that kind of... The first time I saw it, it was okay, but the more I saw it, the more cute I became. , the more I look at it, the more I like it...

The four 44 girls form a very special landscape here. The stars are staring at the snow scene on the mountains behind them. The four of them are like elves in the snow.

Many people simply gave up shooting the scenery and moved closer to Lu Wanxi's 4 people, intentionally or unintentionally, wanting to save the 4 people [-] in their photos.

If people are proud of what they say, and they just take pictures, Gao Xiang will not stop them.

A beautiful girl is inherently a kind of capital, as long as it is not too much, it seems to stand by and ignore it, but if someone really has other thoughts, Gao Xiang will never forgive him easily.

Several people stayed in this square for a long time, took countless photos, and then stopped taking pictures with a sigh.

Lu Wanxi flipped through the photos in the camera and said, "It's really beautiful, any photo you take out can be used as your phone wallpaper."

Jiang Yuqing replied: "Yes, the ice sculptor here is definitely a master. To carve these animals to life, he has to let people be impressed by his carving skills."

Du Yinuo introduced: "Listen to my father, this master sculptor was born in stone carving, and his first-hand carving skills have reached the level of perfection. Most of the carvings here are completed by him alone, and other things that are not too complicated, All were carved by his apprentices."

"And I remember that my father seemed to have said that this master sculptor happened to be good friends with Zhang Qilong, and the home of this master sculptor was not far from here. At that time, when looking at the stalls in Zhang Qilong Scenic Area, this master sculptor often came to chat with him. , Both of them are real masters of art, or both are craftsmen, and they are both top-notch existences in their respective industries."

Du Yinuo smiled and said: "They are all craftsmen. Although their crafts are different, there must be many similarities among them. It's not too lonely to have such a friend to accompany you.... "

Everyone rested for a while in this square outside... I don't know how many people's photos appeared on the mobile phones of the four 44 girls.

Jiang Yuxue pouted and said, "It doesn't feel good to be photographed secretly."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled slightly and said, "There's no way, who made you all so beautiful, how many people envy me along the way, I guess some people are fantasizing about deleting me and replacing me by themselves. s position."

Jiang Yuxue smiled and said, "Hey, I like to hear this sentence, you can be regarded as saying something that makes me feel good."

Gao Xiang was helpless.

The people around have never dispersed, and Gao Xiang and the others really didn't want to stay any longer, so they simply left this place and headed for the next destination.

Until Gao Xiang and the others left, the remaining passers-by in the square were still whispering, watching the direction where everyone was leaving.

Continuing to climb up and walking on the mountain road, Jiang Yuxue stroked her hair here and said, "The world can be considered quiet, just seeing those people walking around is so annoying."

Du Yinuo said with a smile: "It's a strange thing that the three of you don't become the focus."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "What are the three of us? You have been on camera a lot."

Du Yinuo covered his mouth when he heard the words and said, "I'm just... borrowing your light to get in there.

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