I don't think I have that much charisma, self-knowledge is important, and I've never been the focus of a place when I traveled by myself."

Chapter 1155

Hearing this, Gao Xiang said with a smile: "Yinuo is a little understated when he says this. To be honest, you really don't have the feeling that you are particularly experienced at first glance, but if you look at it for a long time, the more you look, the more beautiful you will become, and you will find your beauty. needs time."

Du Yinuo blushed when he heard the words, and said a little shyly: "I look in the mirror every day, and I haven't found my own beauty."

As we talked about the kung fu, everyone moved a lot of distance along the mountain road. As everyone climbed higher, the empty hands in the sky became colder. During the comparative exercise, everyone could not feel the cold at all, and there were even faint traces of sweating.

However, the ears are not resistant to freezing, so several girls put on the hats behind their clothes and wrapped them tightly under Gao Xiang's urging.

The crowd continued to move forward, and saw that there was a cave on the mountain beside the mountain road not far ahead. There was no one around the cave, only the words "Magic Sound Labyrinth" were carved on the stone at the top of the mountain.

Seeing this, Du Yinuo smiled and said: "Our footsteps are really not slow, we will get here very quickly, this is almost... half the height of this mountain, this is a pure natural cave, inside There are many stalactites and many sparkling stones, which should have been deliberately arranged by someone, but although this is a cave, it is fundamentally different from other caves."

"Just like its name, there are many horror factors in it, but it is fundamentally different from the haunted house. There are no horror dolls in it, it is... a cave like a labyrinth, the main horror The factor lies in the magic sound, the whole cave is covered with stereo speakers, and the speakers have been playing frightening sounds."

Lu Wanxi heard the words and came over with a smile: "It's similar to the magic listening in the playground."

Du Yinuo nodded and affirmed: "Yes, almost, but I feel it is many times more terrifying, because the atmosphere inside the cave is more gloomy."

Jiang Yuxue said the more the better for such a project, "Sounds fun, let's go, let's go and have a look."

There is no one guarding this cave called the Magic Sound Cave, and it's good to go in and experience it directly.

Lu Wanxi looked at Du Yi worriedly, "You said it's similar to a maze, and the corridors are intricate. What if we can't get out?"

Du Yinuo smiled and said: "Don't worry, the dark part of the cave is all electronic surveillance, I'm afraid that someone will have an accident inside, let's go, let's take you to experience the experience, by the way, there is one more thing I need to remind you, here In addition to... the magic sound is terrible, there are other people inside also need to be careful, the space of the magic sound labyrinth allows him to come, and if he suddenly encounters other tourists, he will definitely be startled Yes, I can tell you in advance."

Jiang Yuxue waved his small fist and said, "It doesn't matter, because we have Gao Xiang, whoever dares to scare us, let Gao Xiang scare us back, just hanging upside down on the top of the mountain with Gao Xiang's ability to scare people is just a piece of cake. "

Gao Xiang rolled his eyes and said, "Am I a bat? I'm still hanging upside down on the top of the mountain, and there's nothing on the top of the mountain. How can I stay strong?"

Now that they decided to go, the five of them stopped chattering, looked at each other, and slowly walked into this dark cave. The cave was empty, and even the echo of footsteps could be heard. The 5 girls walked hand in hand, closely following behind Gao Xiang who was leading the way.

In the first paragraph, there was no magic sound that Du Yinuo said, but no one asked, Du Yinuo didn't need to lie about this kind of thing.

The three of them walked quietly and slowly. They encountered a fork in the road before they took a few steps. They chose the one on the left, and they took a few steps before a fork in the road. This time it turned out to be three at a time, and everyone continued to choose. The one on the left, after a few steps, everyone came to a circular space. There was nothing in the space, but all the forks around the space were evenly distributed.

Lu Wanxi and Sister Jiang were immediately stunned. After turning around, they didn't know which channel they came in. The main reason is that the shape and size of these forks are exactly the same, and there is no such thing as way to identify the direction.

Seeing this, Du Yinuo said: "I got lost from here when I got lost, and I panicked immediately, because I came to play alone at that time, and I didn't go out for a long time, and finally I stood there to say hello. The staff, only left here under the guidance of the staff."

"It is worth mentioning that the staff here also can't remember the way, but another companion outside directed us to go out according to the monitoring and map."

: Ask for a reward.

Chapter 1156

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi looked at those around......the identical doorways and corridors and said speechlessly: "It is estimated that few people can go out in such an environment."

Jiang Yuqing nodded and said: "Sure, in such an environment, the sense of direction is completely a decoration, it has no effect at all, and you will faint when you wander around."

At this moment, the low voice also began to sound slowly, like a roaring ghost in the abyss, it suddenly sounded in the ears of everyone.

Not surprisingly, everyone except... Gao Xiang was taken aback, and even Du Yinuo, who came for the second time, screamed out of fright. Lu Wanxi directly subconsciously He hugged Gao Xiang next to him, his head digging into Gao Xiang's arms.

The sound is far and near, sometimes it rings in the ear, and sometimes it seems to be very far away. Coupled with the background music that makes people feel cold and whizzing, the timid people lose their thoughts directly.

"Welcome to the magic sound cave, a luxurious feast is about to be held, you came to this dark banquet hall as an invited member, what kind of food is waiting for you, and what kind of bright red will you experience? Is it really red wine in the glass? Is the grilled steak really beef? Enjoy this bloody banquet, my friend, tonight will be your most memorable night."

Du Yinuo held Jiang Yuxue's hand tightly and trembled: "No, it stands to reason that the voice didn't come so quickly, and what the hell is a bloody banquet?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang said helplessly: "If this kind of business has always been immutable, there will be no repeat customers. While you are on your way back now, remember, do you want to continue playing or turn around and go back."

Lu Wanxi gradually calmed down at this time, and when she heard Gao Xiang's words, she shook her head and said, "Why do you want to go back when you just came in, you must keep walking forward."

Du Yinuo and the Jiang family sisters also nodded their heads one after another, mainly because the voice just came too suddenly. At this time, they came back to their senses. Although the voice was still very gloomy, it made people feel a little depressed, but it was not enough to let these things go. The girl flinched.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang spread out his hands and said, "Then, if you choose to go that way, I'll just follow."

Hearing Gao Xiang's words, the girls discussed it and chose the one to follow... the door just opposite the door.

However, a few girls did not dare to enter, and Gao Xiang took the lead.

The corridor is very long and the lights are extremely dim. Several people are very close, and their bodies are almost touching each other, and only a faint shadow can be seen. The few people walked slowly like this, and the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the corridor. Unexplainably scary.

The four 44 girls kept saying this, hoping that they could relieve their fears through communication. This method was indeed effective, and the nervousness in the hearts of the four 44 girls gradually faded away.

The four 44 girls went around in such a maze-like cave, and finally lost themselves.

Losing the sense of direction, after getting lost, everyone will feel as if they have lost their sense of security and feel panic. Jiang Yuxue said to Du Yinuo: "I really admire your courage at that time, I really don't know how you dared to be here alone before. waiting inside."

Du Yinuo said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, I just wanted to try it at the time, it was just... curiosity was at work, when I came in, I remembered the road and kept going forward, and I probably encountered four or five, 45 sockets. , that kind of... terrifying voice suddenly appeared just like just now, and it also frightened me at the time, so I gave up my resistance and started calling for help.

Maybe the staff saw that I was terrified, so they turned off the sound, and then arranged for me to stay where I was. I was just close to the exit, and I was picked up soon."

Lu Wanxi's four people 4 had completely lost their way, and they were ramming around like a headless fly.

Since Gao Xiang entered here, he has been surprisingly quiet, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Does Lu Wanxi have to look at Gao Xiang? Seeing that Gao Xiang is still following everyone, he will relax a lot. It seems that with Gao Xiang around, Lu Wanxi feels full of security.

But a sense of security could not solve the current situation, and Lu Wanxi and the others finally gave up.

Jiang Yuxue looked at Gao Xiang curiously and asked, "Gao Xiang, why have you been silent?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang raised his head and asked in doubt: "Gao Xiang, who is Gao Xiang who is the master of this body?"

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