Jiang Yuxue was stunned when she heard Gao Xiang's words, and suddenly became nervous. She grabbed Jiang Yuqing's arm tightly, and said in a trembling voice, "Gao Xiang, don't make fun of me, now is not the time to be... joking."

There was a dangerous arc on Gao Xiang's face, he slowly approached Jiang Yuxue, and sneered: "Just kidding, I don't have the heart to joke with you, I finally found a decent body, you first I'll deal with you when I get used to it."

At this time, Gao Xiang's walking was not smooth, as if he was very unfamiliar with walking, and his voice became a little sharp.

Chapter 1157

Seeing this, Jiang Yuxue almost sat on the ground without her buttocks, and the expression on her face was terrified. Although Du Yinuo was an atheist, she was still nervous in such an environment, her hands clenched tightly into fists.

Lu Wanxi finally said: "Okay Gao Xiang, don't make trouble, if you really frighten Yu Xue, I see what you will do"

Jiang Yuxue was about to cry at this moment, her eyes were flushed with red, tears were swirling in her eyes, her whole body was on alert, and it seemed that she could make a counterattack at any time.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang finally couldn't bear to continue to scare her, and after talking, he returned to his original tone: "Okay, okay, don't make trouble with you, I..."

Who knew that before Gao Xiang finished speaking, Jiang Yuxue rushed out like a cheetah, grabbed Gao Xiang's arm, and bit on Gao Xiang's exposed wrist.

The speed was so fast that even Gao Xiang couldn't react, and Gao Xiang's spirit was still there: in communicating with everyone, unfortunately, he fell into the tiger's mouth.

The sudden pain from his wrist made Gao Xiang's whole body jolted, and the other body hurriedly pressed against Jiang Yuxue's forehead and exclaimed, "Oh, it hurts, you are really willing to use force, the flesh will be bitten off."

Lu Wanxi's three girls didn't even react. Hearing Gao Xiang's cry of pain, Du Yinuo directly covered his mouth and looked shocked.

Lu Wanxi was quite helpless, she rolled her eyes to look at Gao Xiang, and seemed to say, "It's alright now, take care of yourself."

Jiang Yuqing stepped forward quickly, grabbed Jiang Yuxue's arm and said speechlessly: "Yuxue, stop making trouble, what kind of girl do you look like."

Jiang Yuxue turned a deaf ear and stared at Gao Xiang with a firm expression that would not let go.

Gao Xiang begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I was wrong, can't you? I'm sorry..., I apologize to you, I'll treat you to something delicious, please let go first, let's talk about it if we have something to say."

Speaking of which, Jiang Yuxue used real strength this time, and Gao Xiang's performance just now scared her a lot.

Hearing Gao Xiang's begging for mercy, Jiang Yuxue also let out the bad breath in her heart, and finally slowly let go of her high teeth.

As soon as Jiang Yuxue let go, Gao Xiang quickly broke free from Yuxue's hands, looked at the deep teeth marks on his wrists and said speechlessly, "Are you a dog, really willing to work hard?"

Jiang Yuxue snorted: "Who are you to scare me with nothing?

Gao Xiang rubbed his wrist and replied, "I don't think I'm being bullied, but you are...like the person being bullied."

When Jiang Yuxue heard this, she showed her good teeth and said viciously, "You still said it."

Gao Xiang suddenly shut up.

Gao Xiang didn't want to endure the pain just now.

Lu Wanxi stepped forward. Although she was distressed, it was true that Gao Xiang did something wrong. If it wasn't for Gao Xiang's actions that only two people knew about him, he would have been frightened.

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang's painful expression and said, "Who told you to be okay, you are just doing it yourself, it's okay now."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang looked at the teeth marks on his arm and said, "Let's not say anything else, I just feel that now I may need a rabies vaccine."

Jiang Yuxue immediately quit when she heard Gao Xiang's words to amuse herself, and wanted to step forward again, but was stopped by Jiang Yuqing, and comforted: "Okay, Gao Xiang is not joking with you, you are using such a big deal. Strength, I feel like I'm about to bite and bleed."

Then he looked at Gao Xiang and said: "And you, let's say a few words less, I have found out, your family will definitely fight when they meet, I seriously doubt whether your family has revenge in a previous life, and revenge will come in this life. of."

After such a farce, everyone's nervous hearts suddenly vanished.

Sitting on the stone at the corner to rest for a while... Lu Wanxi sat next to Gao Xiang and touched Gao Xiang's arm, then nodded to indicate the direction of Jiang Yuxue, Gao Xiang signaled, still looking with a face An angry Jiang Yuxue smiled and said, "Yuxue, are you still angry?"

Jiang Yuxue did not move and ignored Gao Xiang.

Gao Xiang continued: "I was just... thinking about it, I wanted to make a joke, so don't be angry."

Jiang Yuxue still didn't move. At this time, Jiang Yuqing, who was sitting beside Jiang Yuxue, pulled Jiang Yuxue's arm and said, "Okay Yuxue, but Gao Xiang has apologized to you, so don't act here, I just But I saw you smiling."

Jiang Yuxue denied: "How can I have."

Then he glanced at Gao Xiang and snorted again.

Gao Xiang probed over and stared at Jiang Yuxue's face in doubt, "Did you really laugh just now?"

There was a rather confused expression on his face.

Jiang Yuxue finally couldn't hold back the expression on Gao Xiang's face, although the circles around her eyes were still red, she still showed a smile, and she couldn't take it back.

Later, he pushed Gao Xiang's shoulder and said, "What are you looking at? Hurry back and sit back. Don't look at it."

Gao Xiang's being pushed lightly by Jiang Yuxue was naturally fine, but he still deliberately fell off the stone and sat on the ground, again showing a painful expression: "Oh, it hurts, it seems that it is indeed easy to be beaten just by looking at beautiful women. ."

Jiang Yuxue couldn't take back the smile on the corner of her mouth when she heard Gao Xiang's words, so she covered her mouth and turned her head to the side.

: Ask for a reward.

Chapter 1158

Du Yinuo looked at the two of them from the side, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, which felt a little meaningful.

Jiang Yuqing seemed to be used to the two of them fighting like this, but shook her head helplessly.

Lu Wanxi covered her eyes and didn't look at Gao Xiang, also feeling helpless.

Seeing that Jiang Yuxue's mood had recovered, Gao Xiang asked, "Did you just call me for something?"

At this time, the "magic sound" played in the cave

It has never stopped, but everyone has become accustomed to this kind of startling and especially low voice, "Magic Sound"

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