The impact on people has been minimized.

Lu Wanxi heard Gao Xiang speak and replied, "What else can I do? Now we are lost. Seeing that you didn't speak much along the way, Yu Xue asked you a question."

At this time, Jiang Yuxue looked over again and gave Gao Xiang a blank look.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang scratched his head and said, "If you want to go out, I think I should be able to take you out. Are you leaving now?"

Jiang Yuxue was puzzled when she heard the words: "You remember the way"

At this time, Du Yinuo also looked over curiously. You must know that as long as you enter the depths of this magic sound labyrinth, there are very few people who can go out on their own. It can be said that there is almost no one, except for Gao Xiang. ...... It's not unusual for him to speak less unexpectedly, and he didn't remember anything along the way. How exactly did he plan to take everyone out.

Gao Xiang nodded and replied: "The reason why I didn't speak is mainly to memorize the route we have traveled, and to simulate a three-dimensional map in my mind, as long as people with strong sense of direction and three-dimensional sense should be able to approximate it. Draw such a map."

"From the time we entered until now, we have passed through thirty-five road intersections in total, including ten 10 corner intersections, ten 10 three-fork intersections, five 55 four-fork intersections, three 3 five-fork intersections and two A six-fork intersection."

"It's not that big by inference, it's just that we've been around: going around here, every fork here is the same, plus the messy sense of direction, people think it's big."

"The rough map is gone, but I'm not sure if it's right or not. I have to keep trying. In fact, it's like a puzzle. With step-by-step exploration, you can piece together a complete puzzle to get a whole map."

Listening to Gao Xiang's remarks, the four 44 girls fell into a sluggishness. Jiang Yuxue said in surprise: "Are you a devil? You can remember so many forks, just kidding."

The curvature of Gao Xiang's mouth curled up again, and he said, "I am the devil this time, but you said it yourself."

When Jiang Yuxue heard the words, she regained her true nature and gave Gao Xiang a blank look, "Get out of here."

Du Yinuo asked Lu Wanxi, "Is Gao Xiang's brain really that of a normal person? He has undergone some kind of mutation, right?"

Gao Xiang naturally heard Du Yinuo's words and said speechlessly: "You think this is a science fiction film."

Lu Wanxi just said, "I don't know, he didn't tell me that he still has this ability."

Gao Xiang spread his hands and said, "I have never encountered such a situation before."

Afterwards, Gao Xiang recalled the map he had mastered in his mind for a day, and compared to the places where everyone walked before, he felt that there was nothing missing before he said: "Let's go, let's go deeper, just follow me. , So far we are almost... turning around in place a few times, anyway... we are not in a hurry to go out, we are just walking inside."

The four of Lu Wanxi's 4 were unexpectedly inadvertent, with Gao Xiang taking the lead at this time, and everyone's search psychology became extremely strong.

Gao Xiang chose a direction that had not been recorded in his brain and began to lead Lu Wanxi and four people through the maze.

Gao Xiang's movements could not escape the employees with God's vision. At this time, the employees who were always paying attention to the unmonitored cave were also shocked when they heard Gao Xiang's analysis, and then shook his head and said to his companion: "Do you really think someone can do it? Are you there?"

The person replied: "There are many talented people, maybe someone can do it, but it should be only in a small area, you must know that this cave is criss-crossed, and it is divided into several layers. It took me more than three months of exploration to figure out what's inside, and to be able to draw a map of this place in just a few hours is just... a fool's dream."

"But I do.... I believe that he can come out, at least he can remember the places he walked, and the intersections he said... None of them are bad, as long as he doesn't show his strength when he reaches the limit, it will definitely be no problem to come out.

: Ask for a reward.

Chapter 1159

Gao Xiang took Lu Wanxi through the cave, and at first there was no pressure at all, and he didn't need to stop at all when passing the intersection.

However, as it went deeper, the slope in the cave began to appear, and the number of criss-crossing intersections began to gradually increase, and Gao Xiang's speed slowed down.

At this time, Lu Wanxi's four people were completely brainless, and they just followed Gao Xiang around, not knowing where they were.

More than half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, Gao Xiang's pressure gradually increased at this time, the memory limit and logical thinking limit of the brain made his thinking ability become: dull.

Going to another intersection, Gao Xiang stayed where he was and thought for a long time to sort out the route. At this moment, a long-lost voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host, for some reason activating the hidden attributes of the system - awakening the brain domain, the shorthand ability has been improved by [-]%, the logical thinking ability has been improved by [-]%, and the information integration ability has been improved by [-]%. [-]%%, judgment ability increased by [-]%%, reaction ability increased by [-]%%..."

"Hidden attributes need to be activated under specific conditions, which can improve the host's physical functions to a limited extent. As a god, it should be fully developed."

System prompt: As a god, your life is full of surprises, and at the same time you will get special rewards! Gao Xiang's route information, which was a little messy and unclear, suddenly became: extremely clear, and the entire brain's ability to operate has been comprehensively of improvement.

The information that had been unable to be cleared up suddenly became clear at this moment, and after making sense of it, Gao Xiang murmured: "So it is, it is so, why can't I figure out such a simple question just now."

Gao Xiang's whisper made the four 44 girls a little confused, and Lu Wanxi asked, "What did you just say?"

Gao Xiang said that sentence completely subconsciously, when he heard Lu Wanxi's question, he shook his head and replied, "It's nothing, I just figured out a problem."

Jiang Yuxue wondered, "What's the problem?"

Hearing the words, Gao Xiang waved to the four of them and said: Then he squatted on the top and picked up a small stone next to him and drew it on the hard ground. Although there were only very shallow traces, the flash of the mobile phone could roughly tell the difference. See clearly.

Lu Wanxi and the four of them gathered around one after another.

Gao Xiang said while drawing, "Looking here, I've been thinking about why there was a conflict in the route just now. I thought I was thinking in the wrong direction, but it wasn't."

"As we went deeper, the downward slope gradually began to appear in the cave, and we didn't notice it, and the conflict point appeared here. The conflict point I just thought of was divided into two layers, which means that I I thought that the two roads in this place should have a point of intersection, but when I got here, I found that there was no intersection, it turned out that the two roads diverged completely one above the other and divided into two layers."

"This also overturns my previous conclusion. In fact, the inside of this cave is much larger than we imagined, and there is more than one layer of structure, it may be two layers, it may be three or four layers, and we have just The place we have walked is only the first floor, and our current position happens to be the intersection of the first floor and the second floor."

After listening to Gao Xiang's systematic analysis and Gao Xiang's characterization on the floor, Lu Wanxi and the four of them all heard the same thing, and probably understood what Gao Xiang was trying to convey.

Du Yinuo wondered: "How can this place be so big, it shouldn't be logically speaking, you must know that many people have been here, but the comments are that the place is not big, that is... the road is more difficult to identify. kind of words."

Hearing that, Gao Xiang explained: "If you don't know the specific route, people's subconscious will make a judgment that no one can perceive, that is to move in a direction that they are familiar with. Some people are used to the left, others are used to the right, so There will be people who think they are always there: walking forward, but they are actually spinning in place, so there are absolutely very few people who can get here, or even no one."

"The human subconscious is a terrifying ability to control. It controls the entire body and judgment of the human before unconsciously, but the human itself is not aware of it at all. The role of the subconscious... The choice of direction is like an attribute that seeks good luck and avoids evil."

"Most people are like this, so once they get lost, if they don't break their subconscious, most people will spin around in place."

Chapter 1160

After Gao Xiang's systematic explanation for a while, the four 44 girls all nodded in understanding.

Just when Gao Xiang, Lu Wanxi and others were talking at this fork in the road, the two employees sitting in the electronic monitoring and control room of the Magic Sound Labyrinth were completely shocked.

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