Lu Wanxi was sitting on Gao Xiang's right hand. She heard Gao Xiang's conversation with Zhao Zihan. Seeing Gao Xiang hang up the phone, she smiled and said, "Just like Sister Zhao, who has sharpened her temperament for so long, her face I can't hold back my joy at such a great success."

Gao Xiang said with a smile: "This is a very normal thing."

Jiang Yuxue said: "Indeed, but the boss behind this company is you, but I don't see any joy on your face, so it can be inferred that you are not a normal person."

Chapter 1166

Hearing this, Gao Xiang said unwillingly to suffer any loss: "A logical ability like yours is not something a normal person should have."

...... Just when everyone was chatting, Du Yinuo's mobile phone also remembered, Du Yinuo took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a call from an unfamiliar number and said: "It is estimated that our dinner is here, I Go out and see."

Gao Xiang looked at Du Yinuo, who was wearing pure cotton pajamas, like a girl next door and said, "I'd better go, it's not convenient for you to go out in this way."

Du Yinuo blushed when he heard the words and nodded and said, "Okay then."

Lu Wanxi pulled Du Yinuo to sit down again, and Gao Xiang also stood up and wanted to go outside. Du Yinuo had already paid for it online, but Gao Xiang did not need to pay separately.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the four 44-year-old girls could clearly see Gao Xiang talking to the people outside the courtyard gate, and then took two huge bags, which looked quite heavy.

Afterwards, Gao Xiang locked the door again, then walked in with his things, and said, "Yinuo, you ordered enough."

Du Yinuo heard the words and replied: "I don't have it, there are eight dishes, 6 servings of staple food for [-] people, and some fruits, and the others are gone."

As for why there are 6 servings for [-] people, it is mainly the habit of Gao Xiang and others. In order to avoid the situation that the staple food is not enough, no matter...

When a few people are dining, they will order more of the main food.

After everyone ate dinner, they didn't go out to clean up the lunch boxes. The five of them sat in the living room chatting, watching TV, and eating fruit. I didn't think so... too boring.

When it was nearly ten o'clock in the evening, everyone went back to their respective rooms to rest. Gao Xiang came to the bedroom next to the living room alone, lay in bed bored and brushed his mobile phone for a while before falling asleep.

I didn't rest much this afternoon, and a few people were indeed quite tired.

Just after everyone fell asleep, the originally star-filled night sky was slowly obscured by a layer of dark clouds, and this area originally shrouded in moonlight gradually became: you can't see your fingers.

The impermanence of the weather is like this, it will never change because of someone or something.

...... Silent all night, the next morning, when he got up from the bed again, the room was dim and dark, Gao Xiang murmured with some doubts: "No way, get up!"

Then he fumbled to pick up the mobile phone on the side table and glanced at the time. It was almost seven o'clock in the morning. Gao Xiang said speechlessly: "The curtains here have good shading effect."

With the help of the light of the mobile phone, Gao Xiang put on his slippers and walked slowly to the window, slowly pulling the curtains open. Gao Xiang also closed his eyes subconsciously, but the sunny morning he imagined did not appear, and appeared in front of Gao Xiang's eyes. It was indeed overcast, and the goose feather snow in the air was still there: it continued to fall, and the snow on the ground had deepened by four or five centimeters.

Gao Xiang looked at the sky and said speechlessly: "The heaven is not beautiful, it seems that today's trip is a waste, but it is not bad to enjoy such a heavy snow at this time."

Gao Xiang didn't bother Lu Wanxi and the others, but sat on the carpet behind the window, took a video and sent it to Han Muling and Liu Shunhua respectively, accompanied by the same sentence "Are you awake? It's snowing here. Is it sunny over there?"

Han Muling may not have woken up at this time, but Liu Shunhua, as a company employee, is accompanied by a little loli like Tiantian. If she wants to get lazy, she will probably have to wait until the weekend.

Liu Shunhua's news quickly came back and said: "It's so beautiful, but looking at the sky, the snow is probably enough to stop today. It is estimated that your travel plans for today are out of play."

Gao Xiang replied: "It's not important, it's not bad to enjoy the snow scene, I go out to travel to see the scenery."

Liu Shunhua replied, "You are.... open-minded."

The two chatted for a while, because Liu Shunhua still had some things at hand, so he had to say to Gao Xiang, "I'm going to make breakfast, and I'll take Tiantian to school later, so I won't talk to you."

Gao Xiang replied: "Go, go, remember to miss me."

Liu Shunhua replied with a blushing expression, "Hmph, who wants you."

After closing the chat window, Gao Xiang stretched and leaned against the side of the bed.

Just looking at the scenery outside quietly like this, but I don't know where my thoughts are drifting.

Finally, under Gao Xiang's gaze, the curtain of Lu Wanxi's room was finally slowly pulled open, and Lu Wanxi's figure also appeared in Gao Xiang's field of vision.

Lu Wanxi looked at the sky outside, there was no loss in her eyes, on the contrary, there was a lot of excitement in her expression, and after walking around, she saw Gao Xiang who was looking at her, sitting lazily on the carpet in her room.

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi waved her hand, and then she creptly closed the curtain again.

Just when Gao Xiang was puzzled, the door of Lu Wanxi's room was suddenly opened, and Lu Wanxi casually put on a coat and ran towards Gao Xiang.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang shook his head helplessly, and quickly opened the door, just as the door opened, a cold wind entered the room, causing Gao Xiang to shudder.

Chapter 1167

Lu Wanxi squeezed in through the crack of the door like a fish, threw herself into Gao Xiang's arms and said with a smile, "Did you miss me?"

Seeing this, Gao Xiang freed up a hand to close the door, knocked off the snowflakes from Lu Wanxi's hair and complained, "I want to think about it, but you can't put on your clothes when you come out, it's so cold outside, you catch a cold. what to do"

Lu Wanxi laughed and said, "I'm catching a cold and you still take care of me."

Gao Xiang asked Lu Wanxi to sit beside the bed and said, "Wait for me for a while... I'll go get the towel."

He took out a dry towel from the sanitary napkin, and Gao Xiang helped Lu Wanxi to wipe off the water stains from the snowflakes on his head and body before he said, "I take care of you, I will take care of you, but you don't feel uncomfortable when you are sick. "

Lu Wanxi just giggled.

After cleaning up the water stains on Lu Wanxi's body, the two sat on the carpet together, with Gao Xiang leaning against the bed and Lu Wanxi leaning on Gao Xiang's shoulder.

Gao Xiang hugged Lu Wanxi and asked, "Where is Yinuo, haven't you woken up yet?"

Lu Wanxi nodded and replied, "Well, I haven't woken up yet, otherwise I would be able to run over, how embarrassed."

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "It will be the same for them to see later."

Lu Wanxi shook her head and said, "It's different. I'll just say you asked me to come here. Anyway...they don't know."

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