The snow was blowing, and the two people in the house were leaning against each other and admiring the snow. There was an indescribable warmth.

Although the world of two people is beautiful, there are still three light bulbs here, and these three light bulbs will not be turned off all the time.

However, perhaps because they were too tired yesterday, or because the sun was resting today, the other three got up late, and it was around eight o'clock::, the room where Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue were staying moved.

The curtains were opened again and again, Jiang Yuqing and Lu Wanxi behaved the same, but showed a look of joy, Jiang Yuxue was about to exaggerate, and she jumped up with excitement.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi leaned against Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue's Fang Rong, and when Jiang Yuqing looked over, Lu Wanxi waved her hand slowly.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuqing also waved her hand, Jiang Yuxue noticed Jiang Yuqing's movements and looked over, seeing Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi snuggling together, pointed at them, and then covered them with her hands. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi looked at each other and smiled.

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue did not disturb them too much, and stayed in their own rooms to enjoy the scenery outside.

It didn't take long, Du Yinuo also woke up, seeing Lu Wanxi was not there, no need to think to know that he was looking for Gao Xiang, opened the curtains and saw that the two of them were smiling together and nodded.

Seeing that everyone was awake, and feeling a little hungry, Gao Xiang signaled to everyone for a day, then pointed to the living room next to him, everyone understood, and then concentrated on the living room.

Du Yinuo came over last, entered the living room and complained, "With such a heavy snow, it seems that today's activities cannot go on."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi waved her hand and said, "It's okay, we came here to see the snow this time, this sudden heavy snow is just... it fell on our hearts, and it's too late for us to be happy. "

Jiang Yuqing added: "Yes, I feel very good just looking at the snow in the room, but it is rare to see such heavy snow in the capital, and even if there is, there is no such environment where we can calm down. Take a good look."

Du Yinuo could see that what the two of them said were sincere, and felt a lot more comfortable in his heart, and said: "If you say that, your luck is really good, this sudden heavy snow seems to be prepared for you. of."

While chatting, Du Yinuo ordered some breakfast by the way, although it was just simple soy milk fritters, but eating it in such an environment....

The food arrived quickly, and it was still hot, which made the five people quite satisfied.

After eating breakfast happily, and resting for a while... Lu Wanxi suddenly said, "I want to go out to play for a while, and I finally caught up with such a heavy snow, it would be a pity not to go crazy."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Why do you still want to play snowball fights?"

Jiang Yuxue stuck out her tongue and said, "You can try if you're not afraid of being besieged."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Forget about the snowball fight, but we can go make a snowman."

Then he looked at Du Yinuo and asked, "There shouldn't be a rule that snowmen are not allowed here."

Chapter 1168

When Du Yinuo heard Lu Wanxi's words, he shook his head and said, "No, you can do whatever you want. When we leave, they will have professional people to help them clean up. Many tourists here are leaving before leaving. When the time comes, there will always be a snowman left in the yard, after all, there are such good conditions now, it would be a pity not to toss it well."

Gao Xiang picked up the water cup on the coffee table and poured a sip of water into his mouth. He smiled and said, "It's okay to build a snowman, but we don't have tools."

Du Yinuo patted his chest and assured: "Leave it to me, it's all trivial."

Then he stood up and said to the crowd, "You guys rest for a while... I'll come when I go."

When he was about to leave, Gao Xiang also stood up and said, "I'll accompany you, you won't be able to bring anything back alone."

Du Yinuo thought about it and then agreed. If he wants to build a bigger snowman, the premise is that all the snow in the yard must be collected, which is definitely impossible without tools.

Lu Wanxi and others were in the living room, Gao Xiang and Du Yinuo went to the living room to change their clothes and left the courtyard together.

After leaving the courtyard, Gao Xiang asked Du Yinuo against the wind and snow, "Where are you going to find tools?"

Du Yinuo heard the words and pointed to a small independent house not far from the yard: "It's there. This is a small warehouse specially set up for the convenience of the hotel's cleaning staff. There are all kinds of tools in it."

Gao Xiang was stunned when he heard the words, and said, "You don't plan to take it directly from the inside."

Du Yinuo nodded with certainty and said: "Yes, otherwise, this small warehouse is not locked, and there are a lot of tools in it, so it will not delay the cleaning staff's work, we will put it back after we are finished. already."

Gao Xiang hesitated and said, "This is not very good."

Du Yinuo heard the words and explained: "Oh, it's alright, many people who live here have taken tools from it, and the people in the store know it and never pay attention to it. I might incorporate this into my own inn culture.”

Gao Xiang saw that Du Yinuo had said so, and Gao Xiang was not suitable for a fickle person, so he no longer hesitated, and came to the warehouse door with Du Yinuo.

The door of the warehouse is indeed not locked, but a bolt is used to fix the door to prevent it from being blown open by the wind.

Du Yinuo opened the door directly, and the internal scene appeared directly in people's sight.

The warehouse is very dark, and things are placed in a mess, including shovels, brooms, and dustpans.

The two went straight in, took a flat-headed shovel specially used for shoveling snow, and two brooms, all of which were new.

Du Yinuo glanced around in the warehouse and asked Gao Xiang, "We shouldn't need anything else."

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "I've never made a snowman before, so I don't know."

Du Yinuo thought for a while and said, "I don't need the rest, but... the snowman's nose and eyes are a bit tricky. We usually use carrots as our noses, but we don't have them now."

Hearing that, Gao Xiang also glanced at the warehouse and shook his head: "Forget it, let's go back first, and then we'll figure out a way."

Du Yinuo nodded when he heard Gao Xiang's words.

Afterwards, the two of them didn't run out of the warehouse with their tools in their hands. The two of them didn't forget to help them close the door, and then ran back to the yard in a hurry.

After all, the two of them are indeed a little guilty when they take other people's things casually.

When the two returned to the yard, they directly locked the courtyard door from the inside. Lu Wanxi and the three of them were a little puzzled when they saw the two came back so soon, and then Du Yinuo told a few people about the general situation. for a moment.

Lu Wanxi looked at the two shovels and the two brooms and said speechlessly: "To be honest, although there is nothing wrong, I do have a guilty conscience."

Du Yinuo heard the words and replied: "It's actually the first time for me to do this, and I thought it was nothing, but I got the things back, no matter how I see it, I don't feel at all relaxed, or let's call the inn. Just let me know, if you really can't, just spend money on them."

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