Jiang Yuqing agreed: "I agree."

Finally, Gao Xiang came forward and made a phone call to the inn to explain the situation. The front desk of the inn smiled and said, "It's okay, sir, you can use it. You can put it in your yard or put it back in the warehouse after use. ."

Gao Xiang breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, thank you."

Gao Xiang repeated the conversation between the two, and it was not until now that the nervousness in everyone's heart was gone.

A normal person will feel guilty for taking anything from others, even if it is borrowed, at least you have to ask the owner for instructions. This has nothing to do with the value of the thing, it is purely a feeling inside.

Chapter 1169

After solving the problem of the tools, the five of them "worked" in the yard directly under the heavy snow.

, First, the snow in the yard began to gather towards the center of the yard. This kind of work is naturally the main force.

Five people 5 were busy in the yard under the heavy snow, Gao Xiang looked at the four 44 girls... all the black hair was covered with snow, and said, "Wait for the snow to be smaller. Let's keep going, and if we continue like this, we'll probably catch a cold."

Lu Wanxi patted off the snowflakes on her shoulders, looking at the piles of snow that had already piled up, Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Well, let's rest for a while..., it's all piled up anyway. We'll be tinkering with it when the snow gets smaller."

The five people can be said to be very motivated. Although the clothes and hair are all covered with snowflakes, their bodies are steaming hot. Everyone went back to knock off the snow from their hair, and then quickly dried them with a hair dryer before returning to the living room again. .

At this time, the snow outside was getting heavier and heavier, and the ground that had been emptied by everyone was soon covered with snow again.

Gao Xiang said helplessly: "It's been a few months, and there is still such a big snow."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "There are all kinds of hailstorms in June, not to mention that it's snowing heavily now, maybe it's really just to welcome us."

In order to warm up his body, Gao Xiang also specially prepared some hot tea. The five people just drank the tea and admired the snow scene.

......In the afternoon, the heavy snow has not stopped, but compared with the morning, it has slowed down a lot. In desperation, the five people can only huddle in the room to rest.

Boredom, Jiang Yuxue remembered the scene of a few people playing poker before. Anyway... there was nothing else to do, so five people played poker.

There were exactly four people, Gao Xiang was in the spectator position, sitting next to Lu Wanxi to guide, which made Jiang Yuxue very dissatisfied.

Just when the four 44 girls were having fun.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, but it was not a phone call, but a message.

Gao Xiang opened it and found that it was written: "It's so beautiful, you can still catch the snow in this season, you really have no luck."

Gao Xiang showed a slight smile and placed the screen in front of Lu Wanxi. Lu Wanxi glanced at it and said, "You talk first, remember to say hello for me."

Seeing that Lu Wanxi was having fun, Gao Xiang didn't bother her, and replied Han Muling with a smile: "No way, we've always had good luck."

First, he sent this sentence, and then asked with concern: "Why are you only replying to the message now?"

Han Muling replied with a tired expression: "I can't help it, last night I was busy until the early morning because of the preparation for the game. I went back to the dormitory in a daze and slept until noon today, only to wake up and realize that I left my phone in the classroom. It's not that you just came back from lunch with your sister and picked up your phone."

Gao Xiang heard the words and said with concern: "Don't be too tired, just take a rest when it's time to rest. If you are so tired, it will also affect future games."

Han Muling made a dizzy expression and said: "There is no way, there are too many things, our teacher will organize a meeting later, I should deal with this competition first and have a good rest, then I will go to you directly. , remember to treat my tired soul well."

Seeing this, Gao Xiang replied with two smiling expressions: "Don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

The two chatted on the phone for a while... and Han Muling went to attend the meeting organized by their teacher.

There's no way the game is right in front of you.

Han Muling and Gao Yiyi, who are the main players in this competition, can't stop being busy now. Fortunately, Han Muling's topic has been decided, so there is no need to worry about the topic.

It was not until nearly [-] o'clock in the afternoon that the snow gradually decreased, and everyone had been preparing for the snowman for half the morning. They were looking for tools and freezing, and there was no reason to give up.

The five of them looked at each other and smiled, put on a set of thick clothes, and then melted into the world of ice and snow in the yard.

Lu Wanxi was in charge of the snowman's body, and the four of them slowly built a three-dimensional cylindrical shape together, while Gao Xiang was forced to be in charge of the snowman's head. In desperation, he had to make one. Snowballs that are not big or small come, push the snowballs in the yard where there is a lot of snow, and as they roll, the snowballs become bigger and bigger.

The five people fiddled around for more than half an hour, and a non-standard snowman finally took shape. With a far head and a pitted conical body, Du Yinuo said, "What about its nose and eyes?"

Chapter 1170

Gao Xiang shrugged and said, "I have a solution for the nose, just roll it up with paper, but the eyes..."

Lu Wanxi took over Gao Xiang's words and said directly: "The eyes are not simple, just buckle the two round holes, if it really doesn't work, just draw two eyes on paper and stick them on."

Jiang Yuqing smiled when she heard the words: "You're.......really casual enough."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "It's optional or not, just make it look better."

Gao Xiang joked: "I hope it can be as you said, don't wait for the night to scare us all."

Lu Wanxi snorted when she heard Gao Xiang's ridicule, "I want you to take care of it."

When Gao Xiang used the paper-rolled pointed nose and Lu Wanxi's big eyes to dress up the snowman, it would be a bit nondescript.

Jiang Yuxue covered her mouth with a smile and said, "The cooperation between the two of you is really seamless. You have created such a terrifying monster."

When Lu Wanxi heard the words, she quit at that time, and rushed forward to grab Jiang Yuxue's itch. Jiang Yuxue... didn't react and was grabbed by Lu Wanxi's arm, and the two got into trouble.

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Yuxue, it's fine if you say me, you won't eat any good fruit if you piss off Wanxi."

Jiang Yuxue was indeed not as strong as Wanxi, and she begged for mercy after a while: "Wanxi, Wanxi, I was wrong, I won't say it, okay?"

While talking, he laughed, obviously being scratched by Lu Wanxi.

Snowflakes were still fluttering softly, falling on everyone's bodies, far from being as big as in the morning. Five people were just chatting and laughing in the yard, and the four 44 girls would burst into laughter like silver bells.

As the sky gradually darkened, Snowflake seemed to have received some kind of stimulation, and became a little anxious.

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