After dinner, a group of people sat in the living room chatting, it was still early and they were not in a hurry to rest.

It was at this time that Gao Xiang received a message from Zhao Zihan: "Boss Gao, agents in most foreign countries have been confirmed, but some countries have had some accidents due to special circumstances."

Gao Xiang said his apologies and walked directly outside the living room. After all, it was really impolite to keep fiddling with the phone in front of the owner.

Gao Xiang put on his coat and walked outside and directly dialed Zhao Zihan's phone. Once the call was connected, Gao Xiang asked directly, "What's the situation?"

Zhao Zihan explained: "There are some countries that are at war now, and the agents have no choice at all, and once there is a competition for time for medicines, it is more prone to problems."

After listening to Zhao Zihan's explanation, Gao Xiang understood, and pondered: "It's really difficult to do this, so let's see if you can get in touch and see if there are local Chinese medicine institutions in the area, and try to control the medicines in the local area. In our own hands, I think they are mad, and they should not be too arrogant to go directly to the pharmacy of the Huaxia people to snatch things, and they beat them, we do our business, and try not to let the drugs have accidents."

Zhao Zihan opened the mouth when he heard Gao Xiang's words.

I'll start making arrangements as soon as possible."

Gao Xiang asked casually, "How is the other situation now?"

Zhao Zihan replied: "It has already started, and it is currently in the experimental stage. It will only take ten days at most. The press conference of the new product should be able to be held."

Gao Xiang thought for a while and said, "It's not good if the rhythm is too fast. In this way, the production should not be interrupted. After enough funds are returned, the expansion will be started. Don't worry about the new product launch. If it is too high-profile, it is not a good thing.

Try to hold it down to [-] days, during this time you are looking to see if you can expand into other industries and try to stabilize the name of Ruixiang Group as much as possible."

Zhao Zihan smiled and said, "Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible."

After thinking about it, Gao Xiang really didn't have anything else to explain, so he said, "But don't be too busy, just rest when you need to rest. It doesn't matter if the development is slower, and try to lay the foundation as much as possible."

The two chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

Gao Xiang thought about it for a while now, and Gao Xiang called Wang Keming, the current executive director of the Godson Group.

Wang Keming was also a little surprised when he received Gao Xiang's call, and said, "Gao Dong, why did you call so late?"

Gao Xiang heard the words and joked: "Why is it disturbing your nightlife?"

Wang Keming replied, "Don't entertain me. I work two shifts at the company and at home every day. What kind of nightlife is there?"

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Actually, I'm fine with the phone call...I want to know about the current production of No. [-] chip."

Wang Keming was speechless when he heard the words: "To be honest, I now doubt whether someone has tipped you off. Originally, I planned to give you a surprise."

Gao Xiang was stunned when he heard the words, and said, "Oh, what a surprise, let's hear it."

Wang Keming explained: "Now there has been a major breakthrough in the research on the production of the No. [-] chip, and now the equipment is being updated. It is estimated that the No. [-] chip will be mass-produced in a few days. At that time, the Loongson Group will be the leader. Take the lead in entering a new situation of changing the dynasty."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang also showed a smile and said, "That's good. When the mass production of the No. [-] chip is completely resolved, call me, and I'll give you the specific development goals and directions."

Wang Keming replied: "Understood, I will inform you as soon as possible."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Xiang looked up at the stars in the sky with a smile on the corner of his mouth and muttered, "Come on, my friends."

Chapter 1176

In the early morning of the next day, under the watch of Du Yinuo's family, Gao Xiang and his party left at noon. Before leaving, they brought the clothes that were put here for the nanny to help clean and some special products specially prepared by Li Suyan for the four of them.

Today's weather is very good, the sun is shining, the breeze is not dry, it is really suitable for traveling. According to the information given on the Internet, the snow on the major highways has been cleared, and immediately Gao Xiang and others plan to go directly from the highway to Mongolia The district and the province set off, and the expectation of seeing cattle and sheep in the wind-blown grassland made Gao Xiang's four people a little impatient.

On the highway, a huge RV like a steel behemoth was driving at high speed. The driver of the RV was naturally Gao Xiang... the driving skill in the team.

There was soft music playing in the cockpit, the sisters Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue were chatting, and Lu Wanxi was also fiddling with her mobile phone and said helplessly: "Linhai City is a thousand miles away from our destination, Hulunbeier City. Two hundred and fifty-five, kilometers, it will take 14 hours to arrive fast, plus the time we pay attention to and sleep at noon, it is estimated that we will spend two days on the highway or in the service area. "

Jiang Yuqing heard the words and said, "Actually it doesn't matter. When Gao Xiang is tired, we will go to the service area to rest, and sleep in the service area at night. When is the time, anyway... we are not in a hurry."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Gao Xiang opened his mouth and said, "What do you want me to say, when we reach the territory of the Mongolian District, we will drive off the expressway and change to the lower lane. When I get tired, you can also take the shift, just drive slowly. Now, just in time to see the scenery, don't worry about the time issue."

Lu Wanxi's eyes lit up when she heard Gao Xiang's proposal: "This proposal is not bad, anyway... We are also just looking at the scenery, the supplies are just enough, and we can walk a little more freely."

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue also agreed, and immediately the four of them tentatively scheduled their next itinerary.

The car went all the way west, and when I was tired, I paid attention to the service area for a while, and spent the rest of the time on the road.

The climate has also changed gradually, and the temperature has gradually risen.

Until late at night, according to a meter installed in the car, the temperature outside the car had risen to eight degrees Celsius, and the plants on both sides of the road were full of vitality.

Everyone's sight range has changed from the mountains to the green full of vitality, which makes the four people 4 have a rather wonderful feeling in their hearts.

Jiang Yuxue was overjoyed to hear the words and said, "It's almost time to reach the grassland."

Looking at the map, Lu Wanxi shook her head and said, "It's still a long way off. Going a little further is the Hundake Sandy Land, which is about half the distance from Hulunbeier City."

Then Lu Wanxi looked at the introduction on the phone and said, "Gao Xiang, let's get off the expressway directly in front, and then drive towards the Hundake Sandy Land. The Hundake Sandy Land is also a relatively famous scenic spot. Dake Sandy Land is a famous water desert in China. It is not the same as the desert we imagined. There are many small lakes, blisters and sand springs in the sandy land.

Let's try not to get close to the real desert area, but it seems to be good to see the scenery in the sand."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang replied: "Don't mention the expressway exit in front: I'm going to go down too, it's still a long way from the next service area, and it's getting late, it seems that we're going to spend the night in the car tonight. already."

Jiang Yuxue smiled and said, "That's pretty good too. When you look at the blue sky and white clouds outside, you know that the air here must be very good, and you can still stroll around there."

Soon Gao Xiang and others saw the sign of the high-speed exit, and the distance to the exit of Wulan County: 2.

Gao Xiang kept driving at the original speed, and after a short time, he entered the ramp and headed for the exit: the toll booth.

There are more than [-] soft sister coins in total for high-speed fees, but it is not too much.

After getting off the expressway, Gao Xiang said to Lu Wanxi, "Wanxi, you first locate the location of the Hundake Sandy Land Tourist Area, let's go there first and find a suitable parking place on the road, tonight we will Come to sleep on the street, the goal in the county is too big, and there is no feeling."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Okay."

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