Then he entered the destination of the trip on the mobile phone navigation, and Gao Xiang started to approach the sandy tourist area along the route of the navigation.

The car drove slowly. At first, the outer ring road of Wulan County was relatively wide. After leaving the county seat, the road became narrower and narrower, and the surrounding greenery began to slowly disappear, replaced by yellow fine sand. .

It is definitely not possible to stay overnight here, everyone continued to move forward, and at the end there was no road, and it was a road that traveled on the sand. Fortunately, the pressure was relatively solid, and the car would not sink under the road.

Chapter 1177

Gao Xiang looked at the yellow sand on both sides of the car and said, "We've already entered the area of ​​the sand. It's too dangerous to drive at night. If you don't pay attention, the wheels may sink. It's better to find a place to park as soon as possible."

Lu Wanxi looked at the unique satellite on the phone, and said with the image positioning: "There should be an oasis not far ahead, there just happens to be a lake and vegetation there, we can go there for the night, and it's safer. ."

Gao Xiang nodded and replied, "Okay, as long as there is a parking spot, otherwise we'll have to turn around and go back."

According to the location displayed on Lu Wanxi's mobile phone, the oasis in front was only a ten-minute drive away from everyone's location. However, Gao Xiang kept slowing down and tried his best to follow the ruts that were clearly visible on the road. Moving forward, it took half an hour for everyone to see the oasis under the illumination of the headlights.

Gao Xiang drove his car slowly towards the oasis over there, his eyes scanning the places where he could park. Although the emergency parking lot is not big, at least the ground is of concrete structure, which makes people feel a lot more reassuring.

Gao Xiang slowly brought his car to this parking lot, and he was relieved slowly. At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and if he couldn't find a safe parking spot, he probably had to nod his head and go back.

After parking the car, Gao Xiang turned off the front lights of the car, and turned on the special lighting devices around the car. Immediately, the landscape around the parking lot caught everyone's attention, and he could even see the reflection in the lake not far away. .

Jiang Yuxue looked at the scenery outside and said, "I always feel a little scared. There is no place in front of the village and no store in the back, and there is no popularity at all."

Jiang Yuqing smiled slightly and said, "It's so good to be quiet."

Lu Wanxi touched her stomach and looked at Gao Xiang pitifully: "Gao Xiang, are you... very tired?"

Gao Xiang knew what Lu Wanxi was thinking when he saw Lu Wanxi's actions, smiled and said, "It's alright, you can hold on for a while... I'm going to prepare the food now, you can go and take a few photos below, But don't go out of the parking lot, there may be some poisonous insects in the sand, try to be careful."

Lu Wanxi nodded and smiled, "I know"

When Gao Xiang went to work in the kitchen, Lu Wanxi said to Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue, "Let's go, let's go down and have a look."

Then the three girls put on their coats and opened the door of the cockpit. At this time, the temperature of the car was not too low, and it was not as exaggerated as Linhai City.

Under the light of the RV, Zhou Jing was unobstructed, and the stars in the sky were shining, which coincided with the full moon.

Outside the oasis is all sandy land. At this time, the oasis is like a small boat in the ocean of Wangyang, which gives people an unparalleled sense of security.

The three girls looked at the surrounding scenery. Lu Wanxi took the camera and took pictures of the surrounding scenery. Naturally, such a unique scenery should be taken as a souvenir.

After Gao Xiang came to the kitchen, he began to struggle about what to eat at night. Now it was getting late, he could only get some simple food.

Fortunately, Lu Wanxi bought some ready-made noodle cakes at the supermarket, fried the noodle cakes, Gao Xiang fryed four more side dishes, boiled a pot of porridge, and dinner was done.

Gao Xiang placed the food on the coffee table in the living room, and seeing that the three girls hadn't come back, he got out of the car and greeted everyone.

At this time, Lu Wanxi and the three of them were looking up at the starry sky and saying something on the edge of the parking lot.

Gao Xiang greeted: "Wanxi, what are you three doing? Dinner is ready. Let's eat."

Lu Wanxi and the three of them turned their heads when they heard Gao Xiang's words. Lu Wanxi pointed to the horizon and said, "We just saw a meteor over there, but unfortunately we didn't take any pictures. We are discussing the matter of making a wish."

Gao Xiang smiled slightly: "Then I wish you all three wishes come true, let's go, let's go to eat first, after dinner I will accompany you to stroll around the neighborhood."

Jiang Yuxue said happily: "Okay, okay, we just wanted to go outside and have a look, but we were a little scared. You don't have to worry about going with us later."

The desert in the night sky always has a little sense of mystery, and it is no wonder that the three girls are curious.

The four of them returned to the car, and the three girls were immediately attracted by the aroma of the food. From noon until now, several of them had not eaten any food, and their chests and backs were already hungry.

Although there are snacks, the three girls didn't eat them on the road. They usually eat less snacks, and since they are in the car, they really have no desire to eat.

Chapter 1178

Although the dinner was simple, it was better than the atmosphere. One person ate something and then used porridge to make a cushion. The long-lost feeling of fullness finally returned to everyone.

After eating, Gao Xiang was ordered to rest by the three girls, and the three of them contracted the work of cleaning the dishes.

After tidying up things, opening the overall external circulation in the car to ventilate the upper air, a group of four got out of the car together.

The breeze is breezy, although it is a little cool, but it feels very comfortable, except for the parking lot... One road is surrounded by vegetation, and the four of us walked along this road to the outside.

Lu Wanxi gently carried Gao Xiang's arm, Jiang Yuxue carried Jiang Yuqing's arm not to be outdone, the four of them walked slowly, Jiang Yuqing looked at the yellow sand in the distance and said: " Do you think a big bug will come straight out of the ground later?"

Jiang Yuqing rolled her eyes at Jiang Yuxue and said, "Can't you be quiet for a while...? You have ruined the good atmosphere."

Gao Xiang touched the dagger at his waist and smiled, "Even if there are really bugs, don't be afraid, I'm carrying a murder weapon."

Lu Wanxi pinched Gao Xiang's arm and said, "You're poor just after talking about Yuxue. Wouldn't it be good to take a good walk?"

The four people and 4 people naturally won't go too far for a walk, so they turned around along the road nearby, and then the four people and 4 walked back.

Gao Xiang kept his head down and looked at the road, in case he tripped over a pothole, Jiang Yuqing and Lu Wanxi were always chatting.

Jiang Yuxue's little head kept looking around.

As the crowd walked, Jiang Yuxue suddenly spoke up and said, "Hey, look at the lights over there."

Jiang Yuqing thought it was Jiang Yuxue's prank, she raised her head and was about to speak, but she also saw the two flickering lights in the distance, and it seemed that they were getting closer and closer, and they were approaching the place where the four of them were. direction to come.

Naturally, Lu Wanxi saw it, and she was a little worried: "It's so late, who would suddenly appear here?"

Hearing the words, Gao Xiang said, "Maybe it's a passerby from a driving tour with me, it'll be alright, let's go.

Let's go back first."

Although Gao Xiang said so, but the safety factor of not going to the store after the village is too low, it is safer to let the three girls go back to the car first.

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