After Gao Xiang finished speaking, the 4 of 4 set their pace. Originally, the 4 of [-] was not too far from the parking lot. Before the lights over there approached, the [-] of [-] had already returned to the interior.

Once back in the car, Gao Xiang locked all the locks in the car, and turned off all the lights on the car, in fact, to give the other party a signal.

Gao Xiang can be sure that the other party must have seen the lights here, and he turned off the lights just to tell them that it's okay and don't disturb us. If the other party is really just passing by, he shouldn't be boring himself.

When the four of them sat down in the living room, Jiang Yuxue's rich imagination was on display, and he said, "Do you think it's because we got off the expressway and headed this way, sometimes, it happened to be seen by the local residents. Arrived, they happened to have a better understanding of the nearby terrain, knew that we might park here, and then came to trouble us."

The atmosphere in the car was immediately tense due to Jiang Yuxue's speculation, Gao Xiang comforted: "Aiya, the people in this world are not as sinister as you think."

Jiang Yuxue answered: "But it's so late, why don't they stop at the county seat or other places, and have to rush here in the dark."

Gao Xiang was also stopped by Jiang Yuxue's question. What Jiang Yuxue said was indeed true. According to the route of this car and the current time analysis, they must have passed through a lot of populated places before, and the sky must have been dark at that time. It's getting dark, but why don't you stop and keep moving forward in the dark?

Gao Xiang didn't think that the other party's purpose was the same as that of himself and others. After all, the sky was still bright when he and others walked this way.

Jiang Yuxue's two sentences made Gao Xiang, who was not nervous at all, lift his heart.

Gao Xiang is not worried about any accidents, he is confident to protect Lu Wanxi and others, but if the other party is really coming for him and others, then there will definitely be troubles.

Gao Xiang took a deep breath and said: "Okay, don't think about it, let's see the situation later, if there is no movement later, we will ignore it, if there is real movement later, there is me Here, they can't hurt you, and the safety of this RV is still very good, as long as the other party doesn't have armor-piercing bullets, they can't break our car."

This is indeed the case. When Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi choose a RV, the most important thing is the safety performance of the RV.

Chapter 1179

But the day didn't go as expected. Just when the four of them waited nervously for more than ten minutes, just as they were about to breathe a sigh of relief, there was a knock on the car door, and a faint voice could be heard, but Gao Xiang had already The sound insulation system was turned on, so everyone could not hear what the other party was saying.

Jiang Yuxue was frightened by the sudden knock on the door, and said nervously, "What should I do?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang looked at Lu Wanxi and said, "Why don't I go to the cockpit and take a look."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi shook her head and said, "It's better not to. We just ignore it. If they take...other drastic methods, we will call the police directly, which is safer."

Jiang Yuxue nodded frantically when she heard the words, in agreement.

After thinking about it, Gao Xiang decided to go and have a look, and then he said, "Actually, you don't have to worry, I'll take a look through the glass. If we are sure that the other party is not malicious, we don't need to be so worried, right? Even if the other party is malicious, there is a window. They can't hurt me, so we'll just call the police at that time."

Lu Wanxi finally nodded when she heard Gao Xiang's words, but at this time the sound of knocking on the door had not stopped.

Seeing Lu Wanxi's agreement, Gao Xiang stood up and walked slowly into the cockpit. He first opened the curtains, and then slowly dropped the pure steel shell outside the window, and the scene outside appeared in Gao Xiang in front of him.

At this time, there was a young man of the same age as Gao Xiang standing outside the car door. With a simple head, he seemed to be very energetic. There was also an off-road vehicle in the parking space next to him. It was a Hummer 3 high-end off-road vehicle. Gao Xiang's nervous heart was relieved a lot when he saw this car. Those who could drive this car would definitely not commit a robbery on the way.

Gao Xiang temporarily turned off the sound insulation system on the center console, and then said, "Hello, what's the matter?"

The young man's face was full of excitement at this time, and he quickly said: "Hello, I'm really sorry to disturb your rest, I am a tourist passing by here, I came here...I want to ask if you have any I don't have anything to eat, I want to buy some, my companions and I haven't eaten since the afternoon."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang wondered: "Eat"

The young man nodded and said, "Yes, eat, please."

Gao Xiang was cautious and asked, "You must have passed by some villages, didn't you go to the village?"

Hearing this, the young man showed an embarrassed look on his face, and said, "Actually, we originally planned to go, and we also planned to find a similar place to spend the night, but when we approached the village, when we saw the scene in the village, we were stunned. did not dare to go in,"

When Gao Xiang came, he was far away from the village, but Gao Xiang didn't know what was going on inside. He was a little curious when he heard the young man say this, and asked, "What's the situation?"

The young man explained: "As soon as we arrived at the entrance of the village, we met a group of villagers. Everyone in this group of villagers was holding tools such as shovels or hoes. Usually, we panicked at the time and drove away directly."

......Gao Xiang silently listened to the young man's narration. Although the glass was separated, the voice was still very clear. This is another function of this car. The voice call function inside and outside the car may be for this purpose. designed for this situation.

After listening to him, Gao Xiang carefully observed the young man's expression to make sure that he was not lying, and then he said, "Okay, just wait here for a while, I'll go get you something to eat, it's all snacks, You top it first."

The young man quickly thanked him when he heard the words: "Thank you, brother."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang waved his hand, turned off the call function, and returned to the living room where the three of Lu Wanxi were staying. The three of Lu Wanxi heard the conversation between Gao Xiang and the young man clearly. Doubtful: "Are you really going to give him food?"

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Well, I can see that he didn't lie. If we were in the same situation, we probably wouldn't dare to enter the village. If we can, we can help."

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Alright then."

Gao Xiang took some snacks and bread from the cabinet, and after thinking about it, he took a few bottles of water from the refrigerator, and said to Lu Wanxi and others, "Don't show your face, I'll come when I go."

Lu Wanxi nodded slowly when she heard the words.

Gao Xiang returned to the cockpit, opened the door this time, handed the thing to the young man, and said, "I don't have much money, so you don't have to give it to me, hurry up and rest after eating."

The young man was a little embarrassed to hear Gao Xiang's words: "How embarrassing is this?"

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "There's nothing to be ashamed of. We should help each other when we meet on the road. Besides, if you dare to knock on my car door, it can be regarded as a kind of trust in me."

The young man smiled and said: "Actually, I just happen to know this RV, this RV is my dream, I will definitely not worry that the owner of the car will be disadvantaged to me, because there is no such thing as a trip. Necessary... well."

Chapter 1180

Gao Xiang smiled slightly after listening to the young man's remarks: "It's naturally more comfortable to go out to play. Well, if there is nothing else, I'll go back to rest first."

The young man nodded and said: "Okay, then I won't disturb you, thank you for your help."

Gao Xiang nodded when he heard the words, and then got into the car.

The young man turned around and left.

When Gao Xiang came back, Lu Wanxi asked, "It's settled, there's nothing wrong with it."

Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled, "No problem, and their accents seem to be from the capital, but it's so late, I didn't ask."

Seeing that nothing happened, Jiang Yuxue was relieved. Afterwards, the four of them briefly chatted for a few more words, and they all went back to rest. After a day of tossing around, especially Gao Xiang, it was impossible to say that he was not tired.

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