Gao Xiang, who was lying on the sofa, fell asleep in a daze after a while, but Lu Wanxi and the three of them didn't fall asleep so fast, maybe because of the previous fright, the three girls kept the lights on and chatted all the time. At midnight, when the sleepiness gradually invaded all consciousness, he fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, Gao Xiang still got up from the bed early in the morning, took a simple shower, and wondered if the young man from yesterday had already left. Gao Xiang still planned to go down and take a look. Well, there are no shops in front of the village and no shops in the back, so we are sharing some food for them, and also let them fill their stomachs in the morning.

Gao Xiang walked slowly to the cockpit and opened the door.

Immediately, a cool air came in.

Gao Xiang greedily took a deep breath, feeling that his whole body suddenly relaxed a lot.

Jumped out of the car, the Humvee did not leave at this time, but the windows were all pulled with chains, and it was estimated that the people in the car were still resting.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang didn't rush forward, but looked in other directions. The crisp green color of the oasis in front of him always makes people feel at ease. The sparkling small lake is very clear, reflecting the scenery by the lake. Reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

In the center of the lake, there are many unknown little ones, swaying slightly against the breeze.

Gao Xiang looked at the surrounding scenery, and his mood was extraordinarily comfortable.

Just when Gao Xiang's eyes were caught by the surrounding scenery, there was a sudden movement in the Hummer, and then the driver's door slowly opened.

Hearing the voice, Gao Xiang looked curiously, the person sitting in the driver's seat was the young man who knocked on the door of Gao Xiang and others last night.

The young man got out of the car in a daze and naturally saw Gao Xiang who was standing not far away. He was stunned for a moment, and then said with some joy: "It's you, I didn't expect you to get up so early."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "You are not the same."

The young man slept all over his body and said, "I just woke up from exhaustion. When I saw your two RVs, and when I looked at our car, the gap is really big."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled and said, "That said, but thinking about it when you come out to play is against your original intention. You came out to relax."

Hearing this, the young man smiled and said, "That's right, by the way, the situation last night was indeed a bit abrupt. I'm here to apologize to you. My name is Zhang Hanwen, I'm from Kyoto, I don't know what your name is."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang introduced himself: "My name is Gao Xiang, and I am also from Kyoto."

Gao Xiang was just a simple self-introduction, but Zhang Hanwen was stunned when he heard Gao Xiang's words, and he couldn't believe it: "Your name is Gao Xiang... the one who made the leukemia pill... Gao Xiang."

Naturally, Gao Xiang could see that the identity of this young man named Zhang Hanwen was definitely not simple. From the most basic words and deeds, it could be seen that he was definitely the younger generation of the noble family. Logically speaking, even if he knew his own identity, It shouldn't behave like this.

Although Gao Xiang was a little puzzled, he still nodded and said, "Yes, it's really me."

Seeing that Gao Xiang confirmed his identity, Zhang Hanwen was obviously a little excited: "I thought I had time to come to the door in person to thank me, but I didn't expect to see you here."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang became even more puzzled. Just as he was about to speak, the door of the co-pilot on the Hummer was also slowly opened, and another dazed voice sounded... just woken up and said, "Brother, Who are you talking to, so excited, you woke me up when I was sleeping in the car."

Gao Xiang heard the words and looked towards the direction of the voice. A young man whose hair was pressed and deformed a little and looked a lot similar to Zhang Hanwen slowly walked out from the back of the car.

Seeing this, Zhang Hanwen waved at the young man excitedly and said, "Haowen, come here quickly, and I will introduce you to a person you absolutely dare not even think about."

The young man known as Haowen got out of the car and was sobered up by the cold wind outside the car. Hearing Zhang Hanwen's words, he looked at Gao Xiang with some doubts. Gao Xiang's eyes were flat and melodious. The man only looked at each other for a moment, then avoided Gao Xiang's eyes and said to Zhang Hanwen with some doubts: "I can't think of it, don't scare me, I'm not... scared."

Chapter 1181

Zhang Hanwen said with a smile: "I still know very well whether it's scary or not. Let me introduce you solemnly. This... is... Gao Xiang, who made the leukemia pills, and is our cousin's savior."

Zhang Haowen was indeed stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Gao Xiang in disbelief and muttered: "No, it's such a coincidence"

Naturally, they wouldn't suspect that Gao Xiang was deceiving them. After all, someone who could run around in a RV wouldn't pretend to be someone else's identity.

When Gao Xiang heard Zhang Hanwen's words, he immediately understood the performance of the two. It seemed that the cousin Zhang Hanwen said should be a leukemia patient who was cured by Gao Xiang's medicine, so he was so excited when he heard Gao Xiang's name.

Zhang Hanwen said excitedly: "I can't believe it, but don't you think his age and appearance are similar to what his cousin described?"

Gao Xiang was stunned again when he heard this, and thought to himself: "Describe my age and appearance, the patient has seen me, and there seems to be only one leukemia patient who has seen me. It's not so coincidental."

Thinking of this, Gao Xiang suddenly looked at the backseat glass of the horse-drawn carriage, and suddenly saw the eyes that were exposed behind the curtains, and he had a law in his heart.

The eye quickly shrank back when he saw Gao Xiang looking over.

Zhang Haowen couldn't react a little when he heard the words, looked at Gao Xiang carefully, and then asked, "If you are Gao Xiang, then you should have heard the name Zhong Chuxi."

Gao Xiang heard the words secretly: "Sure enough."

A smile appeared on his face and said: "I know, my first patient, but it seems that this patient of mine is a little embarrassed and hides in the car and does not dare to come out."

When Gao Xiang said this, he deliberately raised his volume to ensure that the person who was looking at him in the car just now could hear it.

Zhang Hanwen and Zhang Haowen were stunned when they heard the words, and immediately turned to look at the back seat of the car.

The person hiding in the car knew that he couldn't hide, so he slowly opened the car door. First, a slender calf slowly slid out of the car door and landed on the ground, then another one, and then a blushing face. , A girl with her head bowed and a simple ponytail appeared in the crowd.

Seeing that the corner of Gao Xiang's mouth showed a slight hint of this girl, it was undoubtedly Zhong Chuxi, but now Zhong Chuxi's face was ruddy, beautiful and lovely, and she couldn't tell that this girl just passed through the gate of hell.

Gao Xiang also had a very amazing feeling when he saw this girl the next time. Seeing that she was a little shy and unable to let go, he joked: "What's wrong, I can't speak when I see the messenger sent by the gods, last time you It's not like that."

Zhong Chuxi heard Gao Xiang's jokes, her eyes dodged and said, "You said it, but you even admitted it yourself at the time. I really don't know how to be humble."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Actually, you are right. The doctor was originally sent by the gods to relieve the pain, so there is nothing you dare to admit."

The two brothers Zhang Hanwen and Zhang Haowen were confused when they heard their conversation, but they didn't know what the messenger sent by the gods meant.

Gao Xiang was under the consideration of the doctor and said with concern: "How is your body feeling recently? There is no other uncomfortable place."

Zhong Chuxi's face was still blushing, she nodded when she heard Gao Xiang's question, and said, "It's much better, this time I also felt too bored at home, so I went out with my aunt's two brothers to relax, how about you, it seems You are also traveling, are you just yourself?"

Gao Xiang shook his head and explained: "And my girlfriend is...the one you saw last time..., and two friends who came out together, they are probably about to wake up now, there are girls inside, really I'm really sorry for the inconvenience of inviting you all to come and sit down."

Zhang Hanwen and Zhang Haowen waved their hands quickly, Zhang Hanwen said, "It doesn't matter, the air outside is so good, it's good to see the scenery here."

Zhong Chuxi said two words to Gao Xiang at this time, I'm not so shy anymore, looking at Gao Xiang standing aside, he slowly approached Gao Xiang's direction two steps and said, "That... Doctor Gao, last time because of his physical condition I didn't express my gratitude to you properly. Originally, my grandfather wanted to take me to the door to thank you.

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