Meal: After enjoying the exquisite food, Gao Xiang looked at Lu Wanxi with a smile and said, "How about it, it tastes good."

"Well, not bad!"

Lu Wanxi nodded contentedly: "The taste of Jinsha Hall still maintains its usual style."

"Have you made up for it?"

Gao Xiang smiled and Lu Wanxi's face turned slightly red: "Make up... oops... Anyway, I've been tossing me today."

"Hahaha, no no ::!"

Gao Xiang even waved his hand and said, "I won't toss you again."

"That's what you said! Wanxi paused, and suddenly said, "If you have energy, you can go to toss with Mu Ling, she has energy."

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi chose the high-end luxury box, so it is very secret, and the content of the conversation will naturally be released... a lot.

If it was a public recruitment occasion, the two would definitely not be like this, nor would they call each other husband and wife, after all, the two are not engaged or married.

After eating, Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi left the Jinsha Hall.

The following morning, the announcements of the two attracted huge attention.

Nine in the morning.

The official account of Sifang Investment Company released an announcement: In order to create a communication platform for win-win cooperation, I also hope to communicate with more outstanding people, and even more to raise more funds to invest in the education industry, the founder of Sifang Investment Company Mr. Gao Xiang decided to rent out his three-hour lunch time on March 3st to enjoy time with excellent people.

This period will take the form of... auction. The highest bidder will be auctioned at Sotheby's on February 2th. If you are interested and have doubts, you can contact 27.

As soon as the announcement came out, it immediately aroused huge repercussions and attention.

: Fourth update:, I beg for automatic subscriptions and monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, all support, thank you.

Chapter 751

Gao Xiang is the founder of Sifang Investment Co., Ltd., and he is also a big boss. Therefore, if you want to auction a charity lunch, it is natural to make an announcement at the first time, which is reasonable.

The content of this announcement is... to inform Gao Xiang that he will be auctioning his meal: during lunch time, if you are interested, you can go to bid.

After the official account of Sifang Investment Company released the announcement, Feixiang Charity Fund also followed up with an announcement.


If you are interested, please contact 010.

The Feixiang Charity Fund is also a foundation founded by Gao Xiang. The main purpose is to invest in the education industry. Therefore, the funds required for this are also very large.

Now Gao Xiang auctions his lunch time in a way similar to Buffett's charity lunch, which is also a good channel to collect donations.

When Sifang Investment Co., Ltd. issued the announcement, it has already attracted widespread attention from netizens. Now the Feixiang Charity Foundation has issued another announcement, which not only proves the authenticity of this matter, but also shows that the charity auction of Gao Xiang Charity Luncheon The money is indeed used for the Flying Charity Fund.

As soon as the two announcements came out, they immediately aroused heated discussion and concern among netizens.

Because when Gao Xiang was on the cover of Forbes magazine, Sun Zhengyu of Yutong Investment Company said that he would spend [-] million to have a meal with Gao Xiang, and it became a hot search because of this matter.

Now that the government has released such an announcement again, it will naturally attract the attention and heated discussion of netizens. After all, they also want to know how high the auction price will be without anyone participating in the auction of Gao Xiang's charity luncheon.

There is a Buffett charity lunch abroad that has repeatedly hit new highs, but I don't know what price Gao Xiang's charity lunch in China can fetch.

Both announcements were made around [-]:[-] in the morning. With the attention of netizens, the topic of Gao Xiang's charity luncheon auction was quickly topped by netizens.

And after the announcement was issued, Sun Zhengyu of Yutong Investment Company also updated his Weibo immediately: "I will definitely participate in this auction, see you at Sotheby's!"

Since the whole network has publicly posted Weibo, it means that Sun Zhengyu will indeed participate in this auction.

With the fermentation of time, Weibo netizens have heatedly discussed it.

"Sure enough, it came. When Gao Xiang was on the top, there was a lot of demand for Gao Xiang to auction the charity lunch. Now it really came, but he didn't know that he could get a sample price!"

"Amazing, supportive, you're an idol!"

"It's so awesome. When I'm still worrying about three meals, people have already started auctioning lunches."

"If the auction of Gao Xiang's charity lunch really starts and the price is fetched, then it will be the first person in China to auction lunchtime. There has never been a big boss like this before!"

"Boss, this is a real boss."

"I am a fan of Gao Xiang, if I had money, I would also go to auction his lunch time, but unfortunately I have no money, ding ding dong, ding ding dong, ding ding dong, I have no money, I have no house... ."

"In any case, Gao Xiang is really a very good entrepreneur, very low-key and capable, and also keen on charity, much better than those upstarts."

......Most netizens are very concerned about and looking forward to this matter. They feel that Gao Xiang has the ability and ability to hold a charity lunch auction. After all, this is a free auction, not a Strong sell strong buy.

But the most important thing on the Internet is what keyboard warriors are! Many keyboard warriors are... they don't see others as good, they don't see others as good, and many of them have a foreign-loving atmosphere in their bones.

"I'm going, an [-]-year-old boy dares to auction his own lunch, who gave you the courage, Liang Jingru, you really don't know how high the sky is."

"That's it... don't provoke Buffett. Buffett has the strength to hold such an auction. You, an eighteen-year-old boy, follow others to do it, and you don't know how high your achievements are. It's really ignorant. It's a shame if no one bids!"

"Yeah, Gao Xiang, look at Daddy Ma, Daddy Wang and these people didn't auction off their lunches, but you, a newborn calf, do this. I'll be afraid of you being embarrassed then!"

"According to my more than ten years of experience with netizens, this is definitely a marketing and hype. In the end, it is very likely that such an auction will fail. In the end, the organizer estimates that they will find some reasons to fool the sugar plug. .0”

"Let me analyze why Buffett's charity lunch is so expensive. Once Buffett is older, such a charity lunch is one meal less, and the price is naturally higher. Both Buffett has decades of investment. Successful experience, the name of the stock god is not blown out, it is proved by one success story, Gao Xiang is very successful, but he has only entered the investment world for more than half a year, and he has wool investment experience. None, the last point, that is, most of the people who have lunch with Buffett have achieved success and a lot of achievements, it can be said that there are living examples to prove that eating with Buffett is indeed useful, but you Gao Xiang first At lunchtime like this auction, I don't think it's passed in is... max 2.

8 is successful, it is estimated that there will be an auction price of three to five thousand, what I think of is... these are, welcome to add..."

"Upstairs is an analyst. I agree with your opinion. It is very reasonable."

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