"Amazing, this is the root cause, I dare to bet that the price of a pack of spicy sticks will not exceed [-] at this auction!"

"I'm going to give it a go, to actually play a heavy bet like Latiao, then I can only play with two tea eggs. Will this auction be a genre, but the price will definitely not be higher than 5!"

"The two upstairs are playing such a big gambling book. I won't follow. Anyway... I'm not optimistic about Gao Xiang's charity lunch this time!"

............: First update, I beg for automatic subscription and monthly pass, flowers, evaluation ticket, all support, thank you.

Chapter 752

In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter


:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter 752

The most on the Internet are... keyboard warriors and trolls, they can spray anything, no matter how well they do, they can find a reason to spray, it is simply... better than jet fighters! For example, Gao Xiang wants The auction of the charity lunch was originally a good thing, but the trolls on the Internet are still able to find reasons to troll.

Very powerful.

After all, keyboard warrior sprayers don't need any reason.

However, it is naturally impossible for Gao Xiang's supporters to let these Internet trolls rant indiscriminately.

So netizens and these Internet trolls and keyboard warriors started to fight each other again.

"What do you know our Gao Xiang is called low-key, who can be on the cover of Forbes at such a young age, you can spray it, really speechless!"

"The trolls are really trolls, besides... typing on the keyboard, what else would Gao Xiang auction charity lunch do? This can all be ridiculed and troll. Are your brains shit?"

"Gao Xiang, don't pay attention to these rumors, they are mostly jealous of your excellence, you can become: very powerful, Buffett can, you can too, although our money participates in the auction, but we support you Gao Xiang in spirit."

"You really are very professional keyboard warriors. From your troll words, I can see the disgust, you are too foreigners and foreigners, it's okay, we I can't do it myself, it's really disgusting."

"Gao Xiang, don't pay attention to these.... The ridicule of keyboard warriors and trolls, I think you are very good, and you will definitely not pass the film. I support you!"

............The two sides had a very fierce scolding battle on the Internet.

On the one hand are netizens who support Gao Xiang. They feel that Gao Xiang has the ability and ability to conduct the charity lunch auction, because Gao Xiang is good enough and can learn a lot.

On the other hand, he felt that Gao Xiang's charity luncheon was completely unqualified, full of ridicule and disdain, and he could not see the good character of others.

The constant debaters on both sides made the topic of Gao Xiang's charity lunch auction even more popular and received widespread attention.

Sifang Investment Company, Office.

Dudududu! There's a knock on the office door.

"Come in!"

Liu Shunhua's voice rang out.

The office door was pushed open, Gu Xiaoman walked into the office, saw Liu Hua working at the desk, he coughed twice, and came to Liu Shunhua's desk.

Liu Shunhua looked up and saw Gu Xiaoman walking in, and asked, "Xiaoman, what's the matter?"

Gu Xiaoman said: "Mr. Liu, this is what happened. Regarding the auction of Mr. Gao's charity luncheon, after our announcement was issued, it immediately aroused the attention and heated discussion of the majority of netizens. Now the topic of Gao Xiang's charity luncheon auction. It even became a hot search on Weibo, and the number of people participating in the discussion and browsing is very large."

"So judging from the current spontaneous discussions, I don't think there is any need to continue publicity and do related pre-advertising work, Mr. Liu, do you still need to continue?"

Gu Xiaoman is in charge of the auction of Gao Xiang's charity luncheon.

Although Gu Xiaoman is a college student who has just graduated, his ability and literacy have been appreciated by Gao Xiang and Liu Shunhua, so he will be responsible for many projects.

This time, the auction of Gao Xiang's charity luncheon is a very important matter. Gu Xiaoman will be responsible for such matters. Gu Xiaoman will naturally do his best to do it well.

Liu Shunhua put down the work at hand, thought for a moment, and said, "Xiaoman, please follow up on the auction of Mr. Gao's charity luncheon."

"Since this matter has been on the hot search, it can play a certain role in marketing, promotion and publicity, but there are still nearly 10 days before the official auction time, so we must maintain this publicity and marketing. We will try our best to let interested people know that there is such an auction."

To do a good job in Gao Xiang's charity lunch auction, a lot of preliminary work needs to be prepared, such as publicity and marketing, and this matter must be spread to the greatest extent possible.


Gu Xiaoman nodded and said, "I know how to make money well, then Mr. Liu, I'm busy now."

Having said that, Gu Xiaoman retreated.

Liu Shunhua lowered his head again to deal with the Pechoin-related matters.

Tomorrow, the sample of the beauty secret recipe provided by Gao Xiang will come out, so the next step is to test the effect of the sample, and then continue to negotiate with Pechoin.

Many things are waiting for Liu Shunhua to deal with it.

Hangcheng University, female dormitory.

At this time, one person also paid attention to the auction of Gao Xiang's charity lunch, and this person was... Jiang Yuqing.

: The second update, I beg for automatic subscription and monthly pass, flowers, evaluation tickets, all support, thank you.

Chapter 753

The topic of Gao Xiang's charity luncheon auction is very popular on Weibo, so many people naturally pay attention to this topic.

Hangcheng University, in the female dormitory.

Jiang Yuqing took a nap in the afternoon, then lay on the bed and brushed her mobile phone to look at some of the latest jewelry information.

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