Life Simulator: Start Rewards Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 129: Body Tempering Success, Immortality (For Subscription)

Zhou Chunyang saw that Chen Mo and Yu Mengzhu were ready.

waved down.

A beam of light fell on Chen Mo.

The other sprinkled on Yu Mengzhu's body.

Chen Mo instantly felt the power of bipolar mysterious light!

The superstar's energy poured into Chen Mo's body, quickly turning into streaks of shocking purple energy, fully enhancing his physical body!

Chen Mo was ecstatic in his heart.

The purity of this energy is much better than absorbing it by oneself on the battlefield of all races!

Different from ordinary people, Chen Mo's physical body is really too powerful.

After the ancient nine refinements, Chen Mo's physical body is like a big sponge, absorbing energy to the extreme.

It may take a few hours for ordinary people to refine and absorb a bipolar mysterious light, but when placed on Chen Mo's body, it can be refined in a few minutes!

Zhou Chunyang watched with horror.


How did such a precious bipolar profound light fall on this guy and disappear in such a short time?

Did he absorb it?

This speed is outrageous!

But seeing that Chen Mo's aura became stronger after absorbing the bipolar mysterious light, Zhou Chunyang knew that he had indeed absorbed it!


220 Suck as hard as you can!

Today daddy is generous!

Open to supply you!

While thinking about it, Zhou Chunyang gritted his teeth, and two bipolar mysterious lights shot down!

Almost a few minutes later, the bipolar mysterious light was refined again!

Zhou Chunyang was almost stunned!

Gold-swallowing beast, this is it!

Why is the refining speed getting faster and faster?

While thinking about it, Zhou Chunyang started to cast three bipolar mysterious lights again, this time, he persisted for a little longer... 1 minute!

Chen Mo is obsessed with Body Tempering, and doesn't know how exaggerated the speed of own Body Tempering is.

Zhou Chunyang was shocked to see it!

This is so fast, it won't be blown up, right?

As it turns out, use !

Zhou Chunyang now shoots more than 20 bipolar lights to Chen Mo Body Tempering almost every few minutes!

Now Chen Mo has fully adapted to this extremely pure and powerful energy infusion, and the progress of absorbing Body Tempering is getting faster and faster.


In just one hour, the progress of Chen Mo Body Tempering has reached 15%.

Zhou Chunyang looked completely stupid!

There is no such exaggeration in opening and hanging!

4% in one hour, wouldn't it be possible to break through to level 8 bulk in one day?

What the hell...

When did it become so easy to make a level 8 bulk?

Of course, Zhou Chunyang knew that this might have something to do with Chen Mo's physical body and the abnormally powerful Mental Energy.

Ordinary people can't copy it.

Among other things, just such a terrifying amount of energy injection, ordinary people can't bear it!

What's more, there is an upper limit for ordinary people to absorb and refine energy.

I reached this upper limit every day, and I couldn't stand it at all!

That's why there is a saying of combining work and rest.

However, this does not exist in Chen Mo!

This guy Chen Mo's demand for energy is like a bottomless pit!

As long as you dare to give, he dares to absorb!

The tempering of the physical body by Jinglan Ziqi is different from the body forging before becoming a Great Master.

This tempering is a process of upgrading and evolving towards a higher level of life.

Chen Mo's speed is completely beyond Zhou Chunyang's cognition!

Soon, the second hour is over.

Zhou Chunyang stopped the supply of Bipolar Mysterious Light!

Good guy!

Thousands of bipolar mysterious lights were fired.

Although compared to the hundreds of thousands of bipolar profound lights, this is nothing!

However, there are thousands of bipolar mysterious lights in this area, enough for those collectors to work on the edge of the battlefield of thousands of races for many years.

the other side.

The chubby Yu Mengzhu only absorbed 10 Taos!

Even so, its aura has reached a critical point.

That is (cebc) will break through the Grandmaster realm!

I don't know what the Great Master path of this panda looks like...

It doesn't feel very simple, otherwise, it wouldn't consume so many resources!

You know, for an ordinary Practitioner, eating a Moco fruit is enough to break through to the Grandmaster realm.

Yu Mengzhu can be regarded as a nobleman among the Iron Eaters, and he should have obtained a lot of resources!

But he hasn't broken through the Grandmaster realm for a long time, so it can be seen that his Great Master path should also be very powerful!

Without Zhou Chunyang's supply of bipolar profound light, Chen Mo was shocked, opened his eyes, looked at Zhou Chunyang, and asked, "Minister, why did you stop?"

Zhou Chunyang said unhappily: "Suck your Body Tempering progress again!"

Chen Mo felt the progress of the physical body, really!

Already reached 20%!

He sighed with regret.

Zhou Chunyang suddenly said: "Actually, there is no way to continue Body Tempering! However, this consumes a lot of resources! You will have to pay it back in the future!"

Chen Mo asked curiously: "What way?"

Zhou Chunyang took out a Cultivation Technique, and said indifferently: "This Cultivation Technique was also discovered in a secret realm, and it's called the Longevity Slashing Realm Method! According to the records, the Cultivation Technique came from a man with a cautious personality.

The Power! Longevity Slashing Realm method is named after him!

Now that your Body Tempering reaches 20%, you can use this Cultivation Technique to cut off the Body Tempering realm! Although you will lose the previous progress, it will make the previous Body Tempering realm more consolidated, which belongs to a method of enhancing the Body Tempering limit !

Of course, the consumption of resources will also increase exponentially! It is not easy for us Longguo to save this little wealth, so we gave it to you before, but this time if the resources you use are multiplied, you will have to pay it back!"

Chen Mo thought for a while, nodded and said, "Then use it!"

Anyway, I have already owed a whole body of debts, so it doesn't matter if I continue to owe debts!

He never doubted own's ability to repay the debt.

It's nothing more than killing people and seizing resources.

He, a super genius who can fight across ranks, is afraid that he won't be able to kill people or grab resources?

Zhou Chunyang smiled and said: "Okay! As long as you are confident that you can afford it, I will let you use it!"

Chen Mo nodded and said, "Well! You can go bankrupt if you can't afford it, right?"

Zhou Chunyang snorted: "If you can't afford it, I'll send you to the edge of the battlefield of all races to replenish Daddy with bipolar light!"

After speaking, Zhou Chunyang threw a box to Chen Mo.

Inside the box is the Longevity Slashing Realm Law!

Chen Mo looked at the material of the box and found it somewhat familiar.

Suddenly remembered, isn't this a box specially used to hold eternal skills that I came across in Tenglong Martial Academy!

Unexpectedly, the Cultivation Technique that cut down his Realm is actually an eternal technique!

Zhou Chunyang has long heard various legends about Chen Mo learning Cultivation Technique extremely quickly.

This time, he was also curious how long it would take for Chen Mo to learn the Eternal Technique. .

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